Case Nos. | Applicant Name | Respondent Name | Remarks | Com177-2011 | | | Complaint is allowed and Opponen to furnish documents. |
Com132-2011 | Mr.Jacinto Sequeira,Tivim, bardez | PIO, Administrator of Communidade, North Zone, Mapusa. | No intervention of Commission since info. is furnished. Disposed off. |
Com94-2011 | Shri Edward F.Rodrigues, rep. by Attorney Mr.Leslie de Souza, Mapusa | Secretary, PIO, V.P. Calangute. | Allowed. Notice u/s. 20(1) of RTI Act, 2005 to Opponent. Complaint is disposed off. |
Comp.180/SIC/2011 | vinod Gaude, R/o.Bandora, Ponda | Director(Admn); SPIO, Dte. of Education, Porvorim, Goa | The complaint is allowed. The opponent is hereby directed to furnish the information sought by the complainant vide his application dated 5/9/2011. |
Comp.43/SCIC/2011 | vishwas Gopinath Naik,Xeldem, Quepem | Vithal K. S. Audienkar, Head Master, Smt Chandrabhaga Tukoba Naik High Sch | The complaint is partly allowed. The opponent is hereby directed to furnish the information to the Complainant in respect of point No.7 to 13 |
Comp.592/SIC/2010 | Ashok L. Dessai, Margao | PIO Chief Officer, Canacona Municipality at Chaudi, Canacona | The complaint is allowed. Issue notice U/s.20(1) of R.T.I. Act to the opponent /Public Information Officer |
Com363-2010 | Mr. Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exe. Engineer, WD XII, WRD,Gogol, Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. within 30 days and to give inspection of documents/files. |
Com364-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exe. Engineer WD XII, WRD, Gogol, Margao. | Allowed. Opponent o furnish available info. within 30 days from receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files. |
Com367-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exe. Engineer WD XII, WRD, Gogol, Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info.within 30 days from recpt. of order and to give inspection of documents/files. |
Com120-2011 | Mr.Mohan v.Korgaonkar,Bicholim | 1)Chief Registrar of Births & Deaths, PIO,Junta House, Panaji.2)Chief Offic | Director of Municipal Administration thro` himself or an officer duly appointed by him to conduct inq. reg. missing of file/document. |
Com368-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer, WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days and to provide inspection of documents/files to the Complainant. |
Com371-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exec. Engineer,WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. to the Complainant within 30 days and to give inspection of documents/files. |
Com373-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO,Exec.Engineer, WD.XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days from the receipt of the Order & to give inspection of documents/files to the Complainant. |
Com161-2011 | Shri C. Shivadasan Nair, Mormugao | 1)PIO,Health Officer,Urban Health Centre,Vasco.2)Secretary, Chicolna- | Complaint is allowed. Complainant to prove that info. furnished is false,incorrect, misleading, etc. |
Comp.56/SIC/2011 | Pascoal Agnelo Lacerda | 1.PIO Shri Allen De Sa, Supdt. of Police(South), Margao 2. P.I. Nelson Alb | The complaint is allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. Further inquiry posted on 21/02/2012 |
Com17-2011 | Shri R.S.Sawant, vasco-da-Gama | Ms.Venefreda Gracias Braganza, PIO,GCZMA,Saligao, Bardez. | Complainant to file Appeal before First Appellate Authority. Disposed off. |
Com366-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO,Exe. Engineer WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info.within 30 days from recpt of order and to give inspection of documents/files. |
Com369-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exec. Engineer WD XII,WRD, Gogol, Margao | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days from the receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files to the Complainant. |
Com374-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info.within 30days from receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files. |
Com375-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec.Engineer WDXII,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info.within 30days from receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files. |
Com376-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec.Engineer WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30days from receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files to the Complainant. |
Com377-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec.Engineer WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to give available info.within 30days from receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files to the Complainant. |
Com162-2011 | Mr.Chandreshwar B.Naik,Khorlim,Tiswadi | Panchayat Secretary, V.P. Khorlim, Tiswadi. | Allowed. Complainant to prove that info. furnished is incorrect, incomplete, etc. |
Com114-2011 | Mr.Joseph Mascarenhas, Cuncolim | PIO, Cuncolim Mun. Council, Cuncolim. | Disposed off. |
Comp.178/SCIC/2011 | Manda D. | voikar V/s.1.PIO Medical Suptd., GMC Bambolim 2.FAA, O/o.Dean, GMC Bambolim | The complaint is allowed. The opponent No.1 is hereby directed to furnish the information, in proper form, to the complainant |
Comp.54/SCIC/2011 | Suvarn R. Bandekar | The Executive Engineer,P.I.O.,WD-IX(PHE), PWD,Fatorda, Margao; 2.Asst. Eng | The complainant is hereby directed to file the appeal before the First Appellate Authority. The complaint is accordingly disposed off. |
Comp.559/SIC/2010 | Ashok L. Dessai | 1.PIO, The Chief Officer, Canacona Municipality at Chaudi, Canacona, 2 Asst | The complaint is allowed. Issue notice U/s.20(1) of R.T.I. Act to the opponent No.1/Public Information Officer. Further inquiry posted |
Comp.106/SCIC/2011 | Judas J.F.X. Fernandes | PIO Kadamba Transport Corp. Ltd. Alto Porvorim, Bardez-Goa | No intervention of this Commission is required since information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off. |
Com365-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exe. Engineer WD XII, WRD, Gogol, Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days from recpt. of Order and to give inspection of documents/files. |
Com370-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exec. Engineer, WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days from the receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files to the Complainant. |
Comp.137/SCIC/2011 | C.S. Barreto | The Director of Transport, Dte. of Transport, Panaji | No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off. |
Comp.01/SCIC/2012 | Ashok L. Dessai | 1.PIO, The Chief Officer, Canacona Municipality at Chaudi, Canacona, 2 Asst | The opponent is hereby directed to send and/or transfer the said application of the complainant dated 5/10/2011 to the concerned P.I.O. |
Com03-2012 | Mr.Dileep P.Kamat,Cuncolim | Chief Officer, Cuncolim Municipality, Cuncolim, Salcete. | Disposed off |
Comp.173/SCIC/2011 | Ronaldo Dourado | .V. P. Secretary/PIO, V.P. Cortalim, Quelossim, Cortalim | No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off. |
Comp.124/SIC/2010 | Smt.Sanyogita Shetye through her P/A.Shri Kashinath Shetye | .PIO Executive Engineer, W.Div.VIII, P.W.D. Fatorda, Margao, Goa | The complaint is partly allowed. The opponent/P.I.O. is directed to furnish the available information. The opponent to give the inspection of docume |
Com04-2012 | Mr.Nagesh T. Phadte,Tiswadi | PIO, Directorate of Education, Porvorim. | Complaint is transferred to FAA, i.e. Director of Education. FAA to treate the saem as Appeal and dispose in accordance with law. |
Com169-2011 | Mrs. Maria P.Fdes e Rodrigues, Benaulim | PIO, Secretary, V.P. Cana Benaulim, Salcete-Goa. | Disposed off as withdrawn. |
Comp-282/SIC/2010 | Kashinath Shetye, R/o.Ribandar | . PIO District and Session Court, South Goa, Margao-Goa | The complaint is partly allowed. The complaint is accordingly disposed off. |
Comp-614/SIC/2010 | 1 Hanumant Salgaonkar, 2 Mrs.Hiranya H. Salgaonkar, Siolim | PIO Secretary of Oxel village Panchayat, Oxel, Siolim | The complaint is allowed. The complaint is accordingly disposed off. |
Comp.140/SIC/2011 | Francisco A. Soares, R/o.Santa Cruz | . PIO, Superintendent of Surves & Land Records, DSLR(Record Sec-I), Panaji | No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off as withdrawn. |
Comp.98/SIC/2011 | John Baptist Sequeira, R/o.Candolim, Bardez | . PIO Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa-Goa | Complaint is allowed. The complainant to prove that information furnished is false, incorrect, misleading etc. |
Comp.70/SIC/2011 | Joao C. Pereira | . 1.State PIO Exe. Engineer(Training & PGO) Chief Electrical Eng. Office 2. | The complaint is allowed.The opponent are directed to furnish the information sought by the complainant |
Com176-2011 | Adv.B.S. Gaunker,Panaji | 1)PIO,Goa University, Taleigao.2)APIO,Asst. Registrar-I, Goa University, Ta | Disposed off |
Com202-2010 | Mr. Rudresh S. Naik, Panaji | PIO, Hydrographic Surveyor, Captain of Ports, Panaji. | Disposed off. |
Com325-2010 | Mr. Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exe. Engineer, WD IX, WRD, Gogol, Margao. | Complaint is allowed. Opponent to furnish info and to give inspection to the Complainant. |
Com326-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exec. Engineer, W.D. IX,WRD,Gogol, Margao. | Complaint is allowed. Opponent to furnish info. and to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com327-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exec. Engineer, WD IX, WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents. |
Com81-2011 | Mr. Mario v. D`Mello, Nachinola, Bardez | PIO, Secretary, V.P. Nachinola, Bardez. | Disposed off. |
Com30-2011 | Mr.Menino Cardozo,vasco-da-Gama | 1)PIO,Member Secretary,Mormugao PDA, Vasco.2)Chairperson,MPDA,Vasco-da-Gama | Partly allowed. SCN issued u/s. 20(1) of RTI Act. to the Opponent. |
Com69-2012 | Dr.(Mrs)Kalpana v.Kamat,vasco | 1)PIO, Goa Public Service Commission, Panaji. | Complainant to file Appeal before FAA,i.e.Secretary,GPSC within 10 days from receipt of Order & FAA to hear & dispose the same in accordance with law. |
Comp.11/SIC/2012 | Rudresh S. Naik | .PIO O/o.Dy.Collector & S.D.O., Ponda Sub Division, Ponda, Goa | No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off. |
Comp.145/SCIC/2011 | vincent Dias | .1.FAA/SGPDA, 4th fl. D Wing, Osia Commercial Arcade, Market 2.PIO, SGPDA, | Complaint is allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required Information is furnished. Issue notice under section 20(1) of the R.T.I. |
Comp.68/SCIC/2012 | Sadashiv Naik Gaonkar | . PIO Executive Engineer, WD XXV(Roads) P.W.D. Fatorda, Margao | Complaint is allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required since information is furnished. Issue notice under sec.20(1) of the R.T.I |
cOMP.144/SCIC/2011 | C.S.Barreto | . PIO Dy. Director of Panchayat, North, Junta Building, 3rd Fl. 3rd lift, P | No intervention of this Commission is required since information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off. |
Comp.146/SIC/2011 | C.S.Barreto | . The Additional Collector, P.I.O. O/o.the Collector, North, Vigilance Bran | No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off. |
Com139-2011 | Mr.Rudresh Naik,Panaji. | PIO,Town & Country Planning Dept., Ponda | Partly allowed. Opponent to give inspection of file/document to Complainant. |
Comp.95/SCIC/2011 | C. S. Barreto, R/o.Assagao | .PIO, Goa Tourism Development Corporation Ltd, Panaji | No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off. |
Com372-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer,WDXII,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days from receipt of the Order and to give inspection of documents/files. |
Com128-2011 | Shri Cedric Lobo, Panaji | Mr.Subodh Prabhu, PIO,Secretary,V.P. Calangute, Calangute. | No intervention of Commission required. Disposed off. |
Comp.547/SCIC/2010 | Jowett D`Souza | .1PIOUnder Sec.(EST), 2.PIO Under Sec.(Home); 3.PIO Director of Prosecution | Disposed off |
Com153-2011 | Dr.G.C.Pradhan,Bambolim Complex,Goa. | PIO, Nirmala Institute of Education, Altinho,Panaji. | Allowed. Complainant to prove that information furnished is false, contradictory, misleading,etc. |
Comp.80/SIC/2011 | Uday A. C. Priolkar | .S.P.I.O. Director of Mines, Vidhyut Bhavan, Panaji | Complaint is allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. Issue notice U/s.20(1) of Right to Information Act |
Comp134-2011 | Mrs.Hyacinth Barreto e Soares, St. Cruz, Tiswadi | PIO, Supdt. of Police (N),O/o. SP, Porvorim,Bardez. | Partly allowed. Opponent/PIO to direct concerned PI to search & trace the concerned docu & if not traceable to conduct inquiry. |
Com164-2011 | Mrs. Maria P. Fdes e Rodrigues, Benaulim | PIO, Secretary of V.P. Cana Benaulim. | Disposed off as withdrawn. |
Com328-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIo,Exec. Engineer,WD IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com337-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com338-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Comp.135/SIC/2011 | Budhaji Dattaram Bhagat | PIO, Dept. of Mines, Udyog Bhavan, Nr. Police Headquarters, Panaji-Goa | Complaint is partly allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required since information is furnished. Issue notice under sec.20(1) of the R.T.I |
Comp.63/SIC/2012 | Francisco A. Soares | . Dy. Director of Fisheries & PIO, Directorate of Fisheries, Panaji | No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off. |
Com02-2012 | Mr. Claude Alvares, Mapusa | P.I.O., Dept. of Science, Technology & Environment, Saligao. | No intervention of Commission is required as info. is furnished. Disposed off. |
Com152-2010 | Adv A. Mandrekar | 1)PIO,Dy.Registrar,Coop. Societies2)FAA,Registrar,Coop.Soc.,Panaji.3)Chairm | Partly allowed. Opponent No.3 to furnish info. within 15 days from receipt of Order. |
Comp.183/SCIC/2011 | Pamita Azavedo | PIO Exe. Engineer & SPIO, O/o.Exe.Engineer, 3rd Fl., Div.VI, Ansabhat, Map | No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off as withdrawn. |
Com128-2011 | Shri Cedric Lobo, Panaji | Mr. Subodh Prabhu, PIO, Secretary, V.P. Calangute, Calangute. | No intervention of Commission is required. Disposed off. |
Comp.55/SCIC/2011 | Nelito Fortes Gomes | Dr.(Mrs.)Pratima Thali, State Tuberculosis Officer (STO-Goa) & PIO, Revise | The complaint is allowed. The complainant to prove that information furnished is false, incorrect, incomplete etc. Further inquiry posted on 28/03/12 |
Comp.619/SCIC/2010 | Neelesh D. Patekar | . PIO Secretary, V.P. Dhargal, Pernem-Goa | The complaint is allowed. The opponent is hereby directed to furnish the information to the complainant |
Com136-2011 | Shri vincent Dias, Murida, Fatorda | PIO, Margao Municipal Council, Margao. | Partly allowed. Opponent to furnish info. in respect of point (b) of Complainant`s application. Notice u/s.20(1) of RTI Act to Opponent. |
Com329-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer, W.D.IX, WRD, Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Opponent. |
Com330-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents. |
Com331-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com334-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD, Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com335-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com336-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Comp.184/SCIC/2011 | C. S. Barreto | PIO, Registrar, Administrative Tribunal, 3rd Fl. Vaidya Hospital Bldg., Ne | No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off. |
Comp.160/SCIC/2011 | Rudresh S. Naik | P.I.O. Chief Town Planner, Town and Country Planning Dept., Patto Plaza, P | No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off. |
Comp.1/SCIC/2012 | Premanand Kadam | . PIO, Office of Asst. Engineer, PWD Section, Pedne WD XIII(R), Pedne | The opponent is hereby directed to send and/or transfer the said application of the complainant dated 5/10/2011 to the concerned P.I.O. within 5 days |
Comp.143/SCIC/2011 | Kalpana v. Kamat | . State Public Information Officer, Assistant Executive Engineer, O/o.Execu | No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off. |
Comp.565/SCIC/2010 | Sadanand D. vaingankar | .1.State Public Information Officer, O/o.Head Master Harmal Panchakroshi Hi | The complaint is dismissed. The complaint is accordingly disposed off. |
Com131-2011 | Mr.C.S.Baretto, Bardez | PIO,Town & Country Planning Dept.,(H.Q.).,Dempo Tower,Panaji. | Complaint transferred to FAA, i.e.Sr. Town Planner(II2),TCP.,Dempo Towers,Panaji to treat the same as Appeal & dispose the same in accordance with law |
Comp.49/SIC/2012 | Rudresh Naik | .PIO, O/o. Registrar of Co-op. Societies, Panaji-Goa | No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off as withdrawn. |
Com341-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com342-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com471-2010 | Mr.Uday A.Chari, Panaji | 1)PIO, V.M. Salgaonkar College of Law,Miramar.2)Shri C. Radhakrishnan, A.E. | Complaint referred/remanded to FAA i.e. Principal,V.M.Salgaonkar College of Law,Miramar; FAA to dispose the same as Appeal in accordance with law. |
Comp.187/SCIC/2010 | Domnic D`Souza | . P.I.O./Secretary. V.P. Sodiem, Siolim-Goa | The matter be referred back to the Dy. Director of Panchayats, North Goa to consider the aspects as mentioned in the order dated 17/12/2010 |
Com332-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com333-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com339-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com340-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com343-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant. |
Com74-2012 | Mr. Dinar L. Barros, Betalbatim, Salcete | PIO, V.P. Betalbatim, Salcete. | Allowed. SCN u/s. 20(1) of RTI Act issued to Opponent. |
Com125-2011 | Mr.Geetesh R.Shetye,Morlem,Sattari | Secretary,V.P.Morlem, Sattari. | Allowed. Further inquiry on 04.08.2012 |
Com157-2011 | Mr.Rudresh S. Naik, Panaji. | FAA, Sr. Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Dempo Tower, Panaji. | Disposed off. |
Comp.190/SCIC/2010 | Kashinath Sheye | . The P.I.O. Chief Officer, Quepem Municipal Council, Quepem-Goa | Complaint is partly allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. |
Comp.420/SIC/2010 | Uday A. C. Priolkar | . The Public Information Officer, Additional Collector-I, Collectorate Bldg | Complaint is partly allowed and the inquiry is ordered to be conducted to trace the said application dated 24/3/2010 |
Comp.179/SCIC/2011 | Prashant Mahadev vast | . 1.Dy. Collector, Shri Levison Martins, Mormugao Taluka, Vasco-da-gama 2.F | The complaint is allowed. The opponent/P.I.O. is directed to provide to the complainant the information sought by him vide his appl. dt. 14/9/2009 |
Comp.119/SIC/2011 | Leslie Dias | .P.I.O. Office of Mamlatdar,Mapusa, Bardez, Goa | No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off as withdrawn. |
Comp.182/SIC/2011 | Subhash B. S. Jetha | .The P.I.O. Administrator of Communidade, North Zone, Mapusa-Goa | The complaint is allowed. The opponent is directed to comply the order of First Appellate Authority dated 3/10/2011, |
Comp.172/SCIC/2011 | Kum.Dr.Kalpana v. Kamat | PIO Town & Country Planning Dept., Mormugao, Vasco | No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off. |
Comp.107/SCIC/2011 | Judas J.F.X. Fernandes | PIO Kadamba Transport Corp. Ltd., Alto Porvorim | No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off. |
Com72-2012 | Dr.(Ms.)Kalpana v. Kamat, vasco | PIO, Directorate of Education, Porvorim. | Complainant to file Appeal before FAA, i.e. Director of Education, Porvorim. |
Com63-2012 | Mr.Eurico Mascarenhas, Alto de Porvorim,Bardes. | PIO, Administrator of Communidade, North Zone, Mapusa-Goa. | Allowed. Opponent to furnishi info to Complainant within 30 days. SCN u/s. 20(1) of RTI issued to Opponent/PIO. |
Comp.03/SIC/2011 | Gerald D`Souza | . The P.I.O./The Administrator of Communidade, North Zone, Mapusa | The Complaint is allowed. The opponent is hereby directed to furnish the information as sought by the Complainant vide his application dt. 29/11/2010 |
Comp.142/SCIC/2011 | Premnath Mahadev Gurav | . 1. PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa-Goa; 2.. The F. A. A., Dy. Collector | The complaint is allowed. The opponent No.1 is directed to comply the order of First Appellate Authority |
Comp.15/SCIC/2011 | Ravi Uttam Desai | . The Inspector of Survey And Land Record, South Goa Fatorda, Salcete | In view of observations in para 6 and 7 hereinabove, no intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off. |
Com28-2011 | Ms.Joan Mascarenhas,v.P.Sodiem-Siolim. | PIO,Supdt. of Police (North),Porvorim. | Partly allowed. Posted for further inquiry on 27.08.12. |
Com100-2011 | Mr.Normal Albuquerque,Bardez. | 1)Mamlatdar of Bardez,PIO,Mapusa.2)Dy.Collector,SDO,Mapusa SD,AA.,Mapusa. | Information is not available. Disposed off. |
Com360-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com361-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com05-2010 | Mahesh Kamat,Margao. | Legal Assistant,Deemed PIO,KTC,Alto Porvorim. | Partly allowed. Posted for further inquiry on 06.09.2012 |
Com81-2012 | Mr.Ashish Nagvenkar,Mapusa. | PIO,Dept. of Women & Child Dev., St. Inez,Panaji. | Complainant to file Appeal before FAA within 10 days from receipt of Order & FAA to dispose the same in accordance with law. |
Com82-2012 | Ms.Sushma Pawar,CRG,Mapusa,Bardez | PIO.Dept. of Women & Child Dev. St. Inez, Panaji. | Partly allowed. SCN u/s.20(1) of RTI Act issued to PIO. |
Com88-2012 | Mrs.Joanita @Severina Fernandes, Margao | PIO, Dy. Collector & SDO Salcete, Margao. | Complaint is disposed off. |
Com92-2012 | Ganesh G. Chodankar,Sta.Cruz, Goa. | PIO,Office of Labour Commissioner, Govt. of Goa,Panaji. | Disposed off. |
Com107-2012 | J.T.Shetye,Mapusa | .Mr.Damodar Morajkar,PIO,U.Secretary,Inds.&Lab.,Secretariat.2)PIO,Mr.Hanuma | Allowed. Opponent-1/PIO to comply order of FAA & furnish info. free of cost within 20 days from receipt of Order. |
Com58-2012 | Mrs.Maria P.Fdes, Benaulim. | 1)Mr.P.M.Naik,PIO,Asst.Reg. of Coop Soc.,South Zone,Margao.2) O.S.of O/o.As | No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off as withdrawn. |
Com24-2012 | Mr.Uday A.C.Priolkar,Altinho,Panaji | PIO, O/o. Commercial Taxes, Old HIgh Court Bldg., Panaji. | Allowed. SCN u/s. 20(1) of RTI Act, 2005 issued to Opponent/PIO. |
Comp.103/SIC/2012 | venicia Cardoso | . PIO Department of Women & Child Dev. 1st Fl. Shanta Building, St. Inez, P | The issue is amicably settled. No further intervention from State Information Commission. The complaint is accordingly disposed off. |
Com04-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Dy. dir. of Admin, PWD, Altinho, Panaji. | Partly allowed. Opponent to furnish within 30 days & provide inspection within 8 days from receipt of order. d, inquiry to be conducted. |
Comp.87/SIC/2012 | Smt.Joan Monteiro | .1.FAA Shri S.S.Naik, BDO Bardez 2. PIO Shri Subodh V. Prabhu, V.P. Secreta | The complaint is allowed. The opponent No.2/P.I.O. is directed to furnish the information sought by the complainant vide application dated 2/1/2012 |
Comp.8/SCIC/2012 | Premanand Kadam | . The Public Information Officer, Mamlatdar of Pernem, Pernem - Goa | No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off. |
Com344-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com345-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com346-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com347-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com348-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com349-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com350-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com351-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com352-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com353-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com106-2012 | Mr.J.T.Shetye,Mapusa | 1.Mr.Damodar Morajkar,PIO,U/S.Inds. & Labour,Secretariat.2)PIO,Mr.Hanumant | Allowed. Opponent-1/PIO to comply order of FAA & furnish info. free of cost within 20 days from receipt of Order. |
Com607-2010 | Mr.Domnic D`Souza,Sodiem-Siolim | 1)SPIO,EE, Elect. Dept.,Mapusa.2)ASPIO,Elect.SDI(U),O&M,Mapusa,3)ASPIO,AE,S | Complaint to file Appeal before FAA i.e. CEE, Electricity Department, within 10 days from the receipt of the Order. |
Comp.179/SCIC/2011 | Prashant Mahadev vast | . 1.Dy. Collector, Levison Martins, Mormugao Taluka, Vasco-Da-Gama 2.F.A.A. | The complaint is allowed. The opponent/P.I.O. is directed to provide to the complainant the information sought by him vide his appl. dt. 14/9/2009 |
Comp.102/SIC/2012 | Sushma Pawar | . PIO Department of Women & Child Dev. 1st Fl. Shanta Building, St. Inez, P | The issue is amicably settled. No further intervention from State Information Commission. The complaint is accordingly disposed off. |
Comp.71/SCIC/2012 in comp.21/SCIC/2011 | Joan Mascarenhas E. D`Souza | . The PIO/Headmaster, sacred Heart Primary school, Anjuna, Bardez-Goa | With the observation above, the complaint is disposed off. |
Comp.92/SCIC/2009 | Mahesh Kamat | . The Chairman & Board of Directors, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Pa | No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off. |
Com354-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com355-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com356-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com357-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com358-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com359-2010 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar | PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao. | Complaint is allowed. |
Com108-2012 | J.T.Shetye,Mapusa | .Mr.Damodar Morajkar,PIO,U.Secretary,Inds.&Lab.,Secretariat.2)PIO,Mr.Hanuma | Allowed. Opponent-1/PIO to comply order of FAA & furnish info. free of cost within 20 days from receipt of Order. |