Case Nos.Applicant Name Respondent Name Remarks
Com177-2011 Complaint is allowed and Opponen to furnish documents.
Com132-2011Mr.Jacinto Sequeira,Tivim, bardez PIO, Administrator of Communidade, North Zone, Mapusa.No intervention of Commission since info. is furnished. Disposed off.
Com94-2011Shri Edward F.Rodrigues, rep. by Attorney Mr.Leslie de Souza, Mapusa Secretary, PIO, V.P. Calangute.Allowed. Notice u/s. 20(1) of RTI Act, 2005 to Opponent. Complaint is disposed off.
Comp.180/SIC/2011 vinod Gaude, R/o.Bandora, Ponda Director(Admn); SPIO, Dte. of Education, Porvorim, GoaThe complaint is allowed. The opponent is hereby directed to furnish the information sought by the complainant vide his application dated 5/9/2011.
Comp.43/SCIC/2011 vishwas Gopinath Naik,Xeldem, Quepem Vithal K. S. Audienkar, Head Master, Smt Chandrabhaga Tukoba Naik High SchThe complaint is partly allowed. The opponent is hereby directed to furnish the information to the Complainant in respect of point No.7 to 13
Comp.592/SIC/2010 Ashok L. Dessai, Margao PIO Chief Officer, Canacona Municipality at Chaudi, CanaconaThe complaint is allowed. Issue notice U/s.20(1) of R.T.I. Act to the opponent /Public Information Officer
Com363-2010Mr. Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exe. Engineer, WD XII, WRD,Gogol, Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. within 30 days and to give inspection of documents/files.
Com364-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exe. Engineer WD XII, WRD, Gogol, Margao.Allowed. Opponent o furnish available info. within 30 days from receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files.
Com367-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exe. Engineer WD XII, WRD, Gogol, Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info.within 30 days from recpt. of order and to give inspection of documents/files.
Com120-2011Mr.Mohan v.Korgaonkar,Bicholim 1)Chief Registrar of Births & Deaths, PIO,Junta House, Panaji.2)Chief OfficDirector of Municipal Administration thro` himself or an officer duly appointed by him to conduct inq. reg. missing of file/document.
Com368-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer, WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days and to provide inspection of documents/files to the Complainant.
Com371-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exec. Engineer,WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. to the Complainant within 30 days and to give inspection of documents/files.
Com373-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO,Exec.Engineer, WD.XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days from the receipt of the Order & to give inspection of documents/files to the Complainant.
Com161-2011Shri C. Shivadasan Nair, Mormugao 1)PIO,Health Officer,Urban Health Centre,Vasco.2)Secretary, Chicolna-Complaint is allowed. Complainant to prove that info. furnished is false,incorrect, misleading, etc.
Comp.56/SIC/2011 Pascoal Agnelo Lacerda 1.PIO Shri Allen De Sa, Supdt. of Police(South), Margao 2. P.I. Nelson AlbThe complaint is allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. Further inquiry posted on 21/02/2012
Com17-2011Shri R.S.Sawant, vasco-da-Gama Ms.Venefreda Gracias Braganza, PIO,GCZMA,Saligao, Bardez.Complainant to file Appeal before First Appellate Authority. Disposed off.
Com366-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO,Exe. Engineer WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info.within 30 days from recpt of order and to give inspection of documents/files.
Com369-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exec. Engineer WD XII,WRD, Gogol, MargaoAllowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days from the receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files to the Complainant.
Com374-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info.within 30days from receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files.
Com375-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec.Engineer WDXII,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info.within 30days from receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files.
Com376-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec.Engineer WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30days from receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files to the Complainant.
Com377-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec.Engineer WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to give available info.within 30days from receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files to the Complainant.
Com162-2011Mr.Chandreshwar B.Naik,Khorlim,Tiswadi Panchayat Secretary, V.P. Khorlim, Tiswadi.Allowed. Complainant to prove that info. furnished is incorrect, incomplete, etc.
Com114-2011Mr.Joseph Mascarenhas, Cuncolim PIO, Cuncolim Mun. Council, Cuncolim.Disposed off.
Comp.178/SCIC/2011 Manda D. voikar V/s.1.PIO Medical Suptd., GMC Bambolim 2.FAA, O/o.Dean, GMC BambolimThe complaint is allowed. The opponent No.1 is hereby directed to furnish the information, in proper form, to the complainant
Comp.54/SCIC/2011 Suvarn R. Bandekar The Executive Engineer,P.I.O.,WD-IX(PHE), PWD,Fatorda, Margao; 2.Asst. EngThe complainant is hereby directed to file the appeal before the First Appellate Authority. The complaint is accordingly disposed off.
Comp.559/SIC/2010 Ashok L. Dessai 1.PIO, The Chief Officer, Canacona Municipality at Chaudi, Canacona, 2 AsstThe complaint is allowed. Issue notice U/s.20(1) of R.T.I. Act to the opponent No.1/Public Information Officer. Further inquiry posted
Comp.106/SCIC/2011 Judas J.F.X. Fernandes PIO Kadamba Transport Corp. Ltd. Alto Porvorim, Bardez-GoaNo intervention of this Commission is required since information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off.
Com365-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exe. Engineer WD XII, WRD, Gogol, Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days from recpt. of Order and to give inspection of documents/files.
Com370-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exec. Engineer, WD XII,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days from the receipt of Order and to give inspection of documents/files to the Complainant.
Comp.137/SCIC/2011 C.S. Barreto The Director of Transport, Dte. of Transport, PanajiNo intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off.
Comp.01/SCIC/2012 Ashok L. Dessai 1.PIO, The Chief Officer, Canacona Municipality at Chaudi, Canacona, 2 AsstThe opponent is hereby directed to send and/or transfer the said application of the complainant dated 5/10/2011 to the concerned P.I.O.
Com03-2012Mr.Dileep P.Kamat,Cuncolim Chief Officer, Cuncolim Municipality, Cuncolim, Salcete.Disposed off
Comp.173/SCIC/2011 Ronaldo Dourado .V. P. Secretary/PIO, V.P. Cortalim, Quelossim, CortalimNo intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off.
Comp.124/SIC/2010 Smt.Sanyogita Shetye through her P/A.Shri Kashinath Shetye .PIO Executive Engineer, W.Div.VIII, P.W.D. Fatorda, Margao, GoaThe complaint is partly allowed. The opponent/P.I.O. is directed to furnish the available information. The opponent to give the inspection of docume
Com04-2012Mr.Nagesh T. Phadte,Tiswadi PIO, Directorate of Education, Porvorim.Complaint is transferred to FAA, i.e. Director of Education. FAA to treate the saem as Appeal and dispose in accordance with law.
Com169-2011Mrs. Maria P.Fdes e Rodrigues, Benaulim PIO, Secretary, V.P. Cana Benaulim, Salcete-Goa.Disposed off as withdrawn.
Comp-282/SIC/2010 Kashinath Shetye, R/o.Ribandar . PIO District and Session Court, South Goa, Margao-GoaThe complaint is partly allowed. The complaint is accordingly disposed off.
Comp-614/SIC/2010 1 Hanumant Salgaonkar, 2 Mrs.Hiranya H. Salgaonkar, Siolim PIO Secretary of Oxel village Panchayat, Oxel, SiolimThe complaint is allowed. The complaint is accordingly disposed off.
Comp.140/SIC/2011 Francisco A. Soares, R/o.Santa Cruz . PIO, Superintendent of Surves & Land Records, DSLR(Record Sec-I), PanajiNo intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off as withdrawn.
Comp.98/SIC/2011 John Baptist Sequeira, R/o.Candolim, Bardez . PIO Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa-GoaComplaint is allowed. The complainant to prove that information furnished is false, incorrect, misleading etc.
Comp.70/SIC/2011 Joao C. Pereira . 1.State PIO Exe. Engineer(Training & PGO) Chief Electrical Eng. Office 2.The complaint is allowed.The opponent are directed to furnish the information sought by the complainant
Com176-2011Adv.B.S. Gaunker,Panaji 1)PIO,Goa University, Taleigao.2)APIO,Asst. Registrar-I, Goa University, TaDisposed off
Com202-2010Mr. Rudresh S. Naik, Panaji PIO, Hydrographic Surveyor, Captain of Ports, Panaji.Disposed off.
Com325-2010Mr. Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exe. Engineer, WD IX, WRD, Gogol, Margao.Complaint is allowed. Opponent to furnish info and to give inspection to the Complainant.
Com326-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exec. Engineer, W.D. IX,WRD,Gogol, Margao.Complaint is allowed. Opponent to furnish info. and to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com327-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exec. Engineer, WD IX, WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents.
Com81-2011Mr. Mario v. D`Mello, Nachinola, Bardez PIO, Secretary, V.P. Nachinola, Bardez.Disposed off.
Com30-2011Mr.Menino Cardozo,vasco-da-Gama 1)PIO,Member Secretary,Mormugao PDA, Vasco.2)Chairperson,MPDA,Vasco-da-GamaPartly allowed. SCN issued u/s. 20(1) of RTI Act. to the Opponent.
Com69-2012Dr.(Mrs)Kalpana v.Kamat,vasco 1)PIO, Goa Public Service Commission, Panaji.Complainant to file Appeal before FAA,i.e.Secretary,GPSC within 10 days from receipt of Order & FAA to hear & dispose the same in accordance with law.
Comp.11/SIC/2012 Rudresh S. Naik .PIO O/o.Dy.Collector & S.D.O., Ponda Sub Division, Ponda, GoaNo intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off.
Comp.145/SCIC/2011 vincent Dias .1.FAA/SGPDA, 4th fl. D Wing, Osia Commercial Arcade, Market 2.PIO, SGPDA, Complaint is allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required Information is furnished. Issue notice under section 20(1) of the R.T.I.
Comp.68/SCIC/2012 Sadashiv Naik Gaonkar . PIO Executive Engineer, WD XXV(Roads) P.W.D. Fatorda, MargaoComplaint is allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required since information is furnished. Issue notice under sec.20(1) of the R.T.I
cOMP.144/SCIC/2011 C.S.Barreto . PIO Dy. Director of Panchayat, North, Junta Building, 3rd Fl. 3rd lift, PNo intervention of this Commission is required since information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off.
Comp.146/SIC/2011 C.S.Barreto . The Additional Collector, P.I.O. O/o.the Collector, North, Vigilance BranNo intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off.
Com139-2011Mr.Rudresh Naik,Panaji. PIO,Town & Country Planning Dept., PondaPartly allowed. Opponent to give inspection of file/document to Complainant.
Comp.95/SCIC/2011 C. S. Barreto, R/o.Assagao .PIO, Goa Tourism Development Corporation Ltd, PanajiNo intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off.
Com372-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer,WDXII,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish available info. within 30 days from receipt of the Order and to give inspection of documents/files.
Com128-2011Shri Cedric Lobo, Panaji Mr.Subodh Prabhu, PIO,Secretary,V.P. Calangute, Calangute.No intervention of Commission required. Disposed off.
Comp.547/SCIC/2010 Jowett D`Souza .1PIOUnder Sec.(EST), 2.PIO Under Sec.(Home); 3.PIO Director of ProsecutionDisposed off
Com153-2011Dr.G.C.Pradhan,Bambolim Complex,Goa. PIO, Nirmala Institute of Education, Altinho,Panaji.Allowed. Complainant to prove that information furnished is false, contradictory, misleading,etc.
Comp.80/SIC/2011 Uday A. C. Priolkar .S.P.I.O. Director of Mines, Vidhyut Bhavan, PanajiComplaint is allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. Issue notice U/s.20(1) of Right to Information Act
Comp134-2011Mrs.Hyacinth Barreto e Soares, St. Cruz, Tiswadi PIO, Supdt. of Police (N),O/o. SP, Porvorim,Bardez.Partly allowed. Opponent/PIO to direct concerned PI to search & trace the concerned docu & if not traceable to conduct inquiry.
Com164-2011Mrs. Maria P. Fdes e Rodrigues, Benaulim PIO, Secretary of V.P. Cana Benaulim.Disposed off as withdrawn.
Com328-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIo,Exec. Engineer,WD IX,WRD,Gogol,MargaoAllowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com337-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com338-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Comp.135/SIC/2011 Budhaji Dattaram Bhagat PIO, Dept. of Mines, Udyog Bhavan, Nr. Police Headquarters, Panaji-GoaComplaint is partly allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required since information is furnished. Issue notice under sec.20(1) of the R.T.I
Comp.63/SIC/2012 Francisco A. Soares . Dy. Director of Fisheries & PIO, Directorate of Fisheries, PanajiNo intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off.
Com02-2012Mr. Claude Alvares, Mapusa P.I.O., Dept. of Science, Technology & Environment, Saligao.No intervention of Commission is required as info. is furnished. Disposed off.
Com152-2010Adv A. Mandrekar 1)PIO,Dy.Registrar,Coop. Societies2)FAA,Registrar,Coop.Soc.,Panaji.3)ChairmPartly allowed. Opponent No.3 to furnish info. within 15 days from receipt of Order.
Comp.183/SCIC/2011 Pamita Azavedo PIO Exe. Engineer & SPIO, O/o.Exe.Engineer, 3rd Fl., Div.VI, Ansabhat, MapNo intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off as withdrawn.
Com128-2011 Shri Cedric Lobo, Panaji Mr. Subodh Prabhu, PIO, Secretary, V.P. Calangute, Calangute.No intervention of Commission is required. Disposed off.
Comp.55/SCIC/2011 Nelito Fortes Gomes Dr.(Mrs.)Pratima Thali, State Tuberculosis Officer (STO-Goa) & PIO, ReviseThe complaint is allowed. The complainant to prove that information furnished is false, incorrect, incomplete etc. Further inquiry posted on 28/03/12
Comp.619/SCIC/2010 Neelesh D. Patekar . PIO Secretary, V.P. Dhargal, Pernem-GoaThe complaint is allowed. The opponent is hereby directed to furnish the information to the complainant
Com136-2011Shri vincent Dias, Murida, Fatorda PIO, Margao Municipal Council, Margao.Partly allowed. Opponent to furnish info. in respect of point (b) of Complainant`s application. Notice u/s.20(1) of RTI Act to Opponent.
Com329-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer, W.D.IX, WRD, Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Opponent.
Com330-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents.
Com331-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com334-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD, Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com335-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com336-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Comp.184/SCIC/2011 C. S. Barreto PIO, Registrar, Administrative Tribunal, 3rd Fl. Vaidya Hospital Bldg., NeNo intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off.
Comp.160/SCIC/2011 Rudresh S. Naik P.I.O. Chief Town Planner, Town and Country Planning Dept., Patto Plaza, PNo intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off.
Comp.1/SCIC/2012 Premanand Kadam . PIO, Office of Asst. Engineer, PWD Section, Pedne WD XIII(R), PedneThe opponent is hereby directed to send and/or transfer the said application of the complainant dated 5/10/2011 to the concerned P.I.O. within 5 days
Comp.143/SCIC/2011 Kalpana v. Kamat . State Public Information Officer, Assistant Executive Engineer, O/o.ExecuNo intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off.
Comp.565/SCIC/2010 Sadanand D. vaingankar .1.State Public Information Officer, O/o.Head Master Harmal Panchakroshi HiThe complaint is dismissed. The complaint is accordingly disposed off.
Com131-2011Mr.C.S.Baretto, Bardez PIO,Town & Country Planning Dept.,(H.Q.).,Dempo Tower,Panaji.Complaint transferred to FAA, i.e.Sr. Town Planner(II2),TCP.,Dempo Towers,Panaji to treat the same as Appeal & dispose the same in accordance with law
Comp.49/SIC/2012 Rudresh Naik .PIO, O/o. Registrar of Co-op. Societies, Panaji-GoaNo intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off as withdrawn.
Com341-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com342-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com471-2010Mr.Uday A.Chari, Panaji 1)PIO, V.M. Salgaonkar College of Law,Miramar.2)Shri C. Radhakrishnan, A.E.Complaint referred/remanded to FAA i.e. Principal,V.M.Salgaonkar College of Law,Miramar; FAA to dispose the same as Appeal in accordance with law.
Comp.187/SCIC/2010 Domnic D`Souza . P.I.O./Secretary. V.P. Sodiem, Siolim-GoaThe matter be referred back to the Dy. Director of Panchayats, North Goa to consider the aspects as mentioned in the order dated 17/12/2010
Com332-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com333-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec. Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com339-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com340-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com343-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exec.Engineer,W.D.IX,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Allowed. Opponent to furnish info. & to give inspection of documents to the Complainant.
Com74-2012Mr. Dinar L. Barros, Betalbatim, Salcete PIO, V.P. Betalbatim, Salcete.Allowed. SCN u/s. 20(1) of RTI Act issued to Opponent.
Com125-2011Mr.Geetesh R.Shetye,Morlem,Sattari Secretary,V.P.Morlem, Sattari.Allowed. Further inquiry on 04.08.2012
Com157-2011Mr.Rudresh S. Naik, Panaji. FAA, Sr. Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Dempo Tower, Panaji.Disposed off.
Comp.190/SCIC/2010 Kashinath Sheye . The P.I.O. Chief Officer, Quepem Municipal Council, Quepem-GoaComplaint is partly allowed. No intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished.
Comp.420/SIC/2010 Uday A. C. Priolkar . The Public Information Officer, Additional Collector-I, Collectorate BldgComplaint is partly allowed and the inquiry is ordered to be conducted to trace the said application dated 24/3/2010
Comp.179/SCIC/2011 Prashant Mahadev vast . 1.Dy. Collector, Shri Levison Martins, Mormugao Taluka, Vasco-da-gama 2.FThe complaint is allowed. The opponent/P.I.O. is directed to provide to the complainant the information sought by him vide his appl. dt. 14/9/2009
Comp.119/SIC/2011 Leslie Dias .P.I.O. Office of Mamlatdar,Mapusa, Bardez, Goa No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off as withdrawn.
Comp.182/SIC/2011 Subhash B. S. Jetha .The P.I.O. Administrator of Communidade, North Zone, Mapusa-Goa The complaint is allowed. The opponent is directed to comply the order of First Appellate Authority dated 3/10/2011,
Comp.172/SCIC/2011 Kum.Dr.Kalpana v. Kamat PIO Town & Country Planning Dept., Mormugao, VascoNo intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off.
Comp.107/SCIC/2011 Judas J.F.X. Fernandes PIO Kadamba Transport Corp. Ltd., Alto PorvorimNo intervention of this Commission is required as information is furnished. The complaint is disposed off.
Com72-2012Dr.(Ms.)Kalpana v. Kamat, vasco PIO, Directorate of Education, Porvorim.Complainant to file Appeal before FAA, i.e. Director of Education, Porvorim.
Com63-2012Mr.Eurico Mascarenhas, Alto de Porvorim,Bardes. PIO, Administrator of Communidade, North Zone, Mapusa-Goa.Allowed. Opponent to furnishi info to Complainant within 30 days. SCN u/s. 20(1) of RTI issued to Opponent/PIO.
Comp.03/SIC/2011 Gerald D`Souza . The P.I.O./The Administrator of Communidade, North Zone, MapusaThe Complaint is allowed. The opponent is hereby directed to furnish the information as sought by the Complainant vide his application dt. 29/11/2010
Comp.142/SCIC/2011 Premnath Mahadev Gurav . 1. PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa-Goa; 2.. The F. A. A., Dy. CollectorThe complaint is allowed. The opponent No.1 is directed to comply the order of First Appellate Authority
Comp.15/SCIC/2011 Ravi Uttam Desai . The Inspector of Survey And Land Record, South Goa Fatorda, SalceteIn view of observations in para 6 and 7 hereinabove, no intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off.
Com28-2011Ms.Joan Mascarenhas,v.P.Sodiem-Siolim. PIO,Supdt. of Police (North),Porvorim.Partly allowed. Posted for further inquiry on 27.08.12.
Com100-2011Mr.Normal Albuquerque,Bardez.1)Mamlatdar of Bardez,PIO,Mapusa.2)Dy.Collector,SDO,Mapusa SD,AA.,Mapusa.Information is not available. Disposed off.
Com360-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com361-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com05-2010Mahesh Kamat,Margao.Legal Assistant,Deemed PIO,KTC,Alto Porvorim.Partly allowed. Posted for further inquiry on 06.09.2012
Com81-2012Mr.Ashish Nagvenkar,Mapusa.PIO,Dept. of Women & Child Dev., St. Inez,Panaji.Complainant to file Appeal before FAA within 10 days from receipt of Order & FAA to dispose the same in accordance with law.
Com82-2012Ms.Sushma Pawar,CRG,Mapusa,Bardez PIO.Dept. of Women & Child Dev. St. Inez, Panaji.Partly allowed. SCN u/s.20(1) of RTI Act issued to PIO.
Com88-2012Mrs.Joanita @Severina Fernandes, Margao PIO, Dy. Collector & SDO Salcete, Margao.Complaint is disposed off.
Com92-2012Ganesh G. Chodankar,Sta.Cruz, Goa. PIO,Office of Labour Commissioner, Govt. of Goa,Panaji.Disposed off.
Com107-2012J.T.Shetye,Mapusa .Mr.Damodar Morajkar,PIO,U.Secretary,Inds.&Lab.,Secretariat.2)PIO,Mr.HanumaAllowed. Opponent-1/PIO to comply order of FAA & furnish info. free of cost within 20 days from receipt of Order.
Com58-2012Mrs.Maria P.Fdes, Benaulim. 1)Mr.P.M.Naik,PIO,Asst.Reg. of Coop Soc.,South Zone,Margao.2) O.S.of O/o.AsNo intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off as withdrawn.
Com24-2012Mr.Uday A.C.Priolkar,Altinho,Panaji PIO, O/o. Commercial Taxes, Old HIgh Court Bldg., Panaji.Allowed. SCN u/s. 20(1) of RTI Act, 2005 issued to Opponent/PIO.
Comp.103/SIC/2012 venicia Cardoso . PIO Department of Women & Child Dev. 1st Fl. Shanta Building, St. Inez, PThe issue is amicably settled. No further intervention from State Information Commission. The complaint is accordingly disposed off.
Com04-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Dy. dir. of Admin, PWD, Altinho, Panaji.Partly allowed. Opponent to furnish within 30 days & provide inspection within 8 days from receipt of order. d, inquiry to be conducted.
Comp.87/SIC/2012 Smt.Joan Monteiro .1.FAA Shri S.S.Naik, BDO Bardez 2. PIO Shri Subodh V. Prabhu, V.P. SecretaThe complaint is allowed. The opponent No.2/P.I.O. is directed to furnish the information sought by the complainant vide application dated 2/1/2012
Comp.8/SCIC/2012 Premanand Kadam . The Public Information Officer, Mamlatdar of Pernem, Pernem - Goa No intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off.
Com344-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com345-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com346-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com347-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com348-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com349-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com350-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com351-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com352-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com353-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com106-2012Mr.J.T.Shetye,Mapusa 1.Mr.Damodar Morajkar,PIO,U/S.Inds. & Labour,Secretariat.2)PIO,Mr.Hanumant Allowed. Opponent-1/PIO to comply order of FAA & furnish info. free of cost within 20 days from receipt of Order.
Com607-2010Mr.Domnic D`Souza,Sodiem-Siolim 1)SPIO,EE, Elect. Dept.,Mapusa.2)ASPIO,Elect.SDI(U),O&M,Mapusa,3)ASPIO,AE,SComplaint to file Appeal before FAA i.e. CEE, Electricity Department, within 10 days from the receipt of the Order.
Comp.179/SCIC/2011 Prashant Mahadev vast . 1.Dy. Collector, Levison Martins, Mormugao Taluka, Vasco-Da-Gama 2.F.A.A.The complaint is allowed. The opponent/P.I.O. is directed to provide to the complainant the information sought by him vide his appl. dt. 14/9/2009
Comp.102/SIC/2012 Sushma Pawar . PIO Department of Women & Child Dev. 1st Fl. Shanta Building, St. Inez, PThe issue is amicably settled. No further intervention from State Information Commission. The complaint is accordingly disposed off.
Comp.71/SCIC/2012 in comp.21/SCIC/2011 Joan Mascarenhas E. D`Souza . The PIO/Headmaster, sacred Heart Primary school, Anjuna, Bardez-GoaWith the observation above, the complaint is disposed off.
Comp.92/SCIC/2009 Mahesh Kamat . The Chairman & Board of Directors, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., PaNo intervention of this Commission is required. The complaint is disposed off.
Com354-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com355-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com356-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com357-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com358-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com359-2010Mr.Kashinath Shetye,Ribandar PIO,Exe.Engineer,WDXI,WRD,Gogol,Margao.Complaint is allowed.
Com108-2012J.T.Shetye,Mapusa .Mr.Damodar Morajkar,PIO,U.Secretary,Inds.&Lab.,Secretariat.2)PIO,Mr.HanumaAllowed. Opponent-1/PIO to comply order of FAA & furnish info. free of cost within 20 days from receipt of Order.