APPEALS - 2017
Case Nos. | Applicant Name | Respondent Name | Remarks |
Appeal No.103/SCIC/2015 | I. S. Raju, Acsona Benaulim, Salcete -Goa. | PIO, Dy. Director (HIB), DHS, Panaji . | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.44/SCIC/2016 | Shri Ulhas R. Mainikar, Police Qtrs, Alto Porvorim-Goa. | FAA,Director of Settlement & Land Records, Panaji. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.44/SCIC/2016 | Shri Ulhas R. Mainikar, Police Qtrs, Alto Porvorim-Goa. | FAA,Director of Settlement & Land Records, Panaji. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No. 10/2016 | Mrs. Savitri L. Candolkar, Vady Candolim, Bardez. | PIO, Mr. Madhu G. Narvekar, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. Penalty of Rs. 20000/- is imposed on PIO Shri Madhu Narverkar. |
Appeal No.46/SCIC/2010 | Savio J. M. Dias, Maddel Grande, Margao, Salcete-Goa. | PIO, The Member Secretary, SGPDA, Margao, Salcete. | Appeal stands dismissed. |
Appeal No.46/SCIC/2010 | Savio J. M. Dias, Maddel Grande, Margao, Salcete-Goa. | PIO, The Member Secretary, SGPDA, Margao, Salcete. | Appeal stands dismissed. |
Appeal No.272/SCIC/2016 | Mr. Arun R. Bhosle, Mahananandu Memorial High School, Asst. Teacher, Ponda. | Headmaster,PIO, Mahananandu HS, Bhoma, Ponda. | Appeal stands dismissed |
Appeal No.103/SCIC/2016 | Roopa Belurkar, Shankarwadi, Taleigao-Goa. | PIO, Parvatibai Chowgule College, P.O. Fatorda, Gogal Margao. | Appeal is partly allowed. Penalty proceeding initiated.Appeal disposed. |
Appeal No.102/SCIC/2016 | Manjita Porob, Sapana Harmony, Gogal, Margao. | PIO, Parvatibai Chowgule College, P.O. Fatorda, Gogal Margao. | Appeal is partly allowed. Penalty proceeding initiated.Appeal disposed off. |
Appeal No.12/SCIC/2016 | Shri R. Pinto, Chamundi Apartments,Martires Dias Road, Margao. | PIO, The Member Secretary, SGPDA, Margao, Salcete. | Appeal partly allowed. Appeal stands disposed. |
Appeal No.07/SCIC/2013 | Shri Ashok Desai, Damodar Phase-II, Nr. Police Station, Margao. | PIO, Shri Prashant P. Shirodkar, CMC, Canacona -Goa. | The appeal stands dismissed. |
Appeal No.58/SCIC/2016 | Mr. Sudesh P. Tivrekar,Kasarvaddo, Khorlim, Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa. | Appeal disposed. Penalty proceeding initiated. |
Appeal No.124/SCIC/2016 | Kashinath Shetye, Alto Fondvem, Ribandar, Tiswadi. | The SPIO, Goa State Pollution Control Board, Dempo Towers, Panaji. | Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.07/SCIC/2013 | Ashok Dessai, 309, 3rd flr., Damodar Phase-II, Margao-Goa. | PIO,Prashant P. Sirodkar, Canacona Municipal Council, Canacona. | Appeal Dismissed.Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.12/SCIC/2016 | Shri R. Pinto, Chamundi Apartments,Martires Dias Road, Margao. | PIO, The Member Secretary, SGPDA, Margao, Salcete. | Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed.Penalty proceeding initiated. |
Appeal No.07/SCIC/2016 | Rabindra A. L. Dias, Cujira, St. Curz | PIO,O/o Mamlatdar of Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao. | Appeal is allowed. Proceeding closed.Penalty proceeding initiated. |
Appeal No.214/SIC/2010 | Vincy Pereira, Damani Cuncolim, Cuncolim Salcete-Goa. | PIO, Dy Collector & SDO, Margao, Salcete-Goa. | Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.44/SCIC/2016 | Shri Ulhas R. Mainikar, Police Qtrs, Alto Porvorim-Goa. | FAA,Director of Settlement & Land Records, Panaji. | Appeal is dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.29/SCIC/2016 | Franky Monteiro, Devote, Loutolim Salcete, Margao-Goa. | PIO, The BDO II of Salcete, 2nd flr, Collector Bldg, Margao. | Appeal is partly allowed. Appeal disposed. Penalty proceeding initiated. |
Appeal No.260/SIC/2010 | Leandro Deniz, H. No.51,1st Ward, Colva, Salcete-Goa. | PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat Colva, Salcete-Goa. | Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.236/SIC/2010 | Leandro Deniz, H. No.51,1st Ward, Colva, Salcete-Goa. | PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat Colva, Salcete-Goa. | Appeal disposed off. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.492/SCIC/2016 | Smt. Urmila Ulhas Mainikar, Police Qtrs, Alto Porvorim. | FAA, Addl. Collector, North , Panaji. | Appeal disposed off. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.202/SIC/2010 | Shri Prakash K. Gawas, Opp. Architecture College, Panaji. | PIO, Sudt. of Polcie ,HQ, Panaji. | Appeal is dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.282/SCIC/2016 | Shri Ivan Francis Fernandes, Vaddem, Socorro, Bardez. | PIO, North Goa Planning &Dev. Authority, Mala, Panaji Goa. | Appeal stands disposed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.283/SCIC/2016 | Shri Ivan Francis Fernandes, Vaddem, Socorro, Bardez. | PIO, Administrator of Communidade of North Zone, Mapusa, Bardez. | Appeal disposed. Penalty proceeding initiated to the then PIO Clen Madeira u/s 20(1) and 20(2). |
Appeal No.256/SIC/2010 | Ajay E. Vellingiri, Bh. Old MPT Hospital, Vasco-da-Gama. | PIO, Mormugao Municipal Council, Vasco da Gama. | Appeal is allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.32/2016 | Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.32/2016 | Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.10/SCIC/2016 | Rabindra A. L. Dias, Cujira, St. Curz | PIO,O/o Mamlatdar of Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao. | The Appeal is Allowed.Proceedings closed. |
Appeal No.221/SCIC/2010 | Shri Budhaji D. Bhagat,Torsem, Naikwada, Pernem -Goa. | PIO, Village Panchayat Torsem, Pernem-Goa. | Appeal disposed. |
Appeal No.281/SCIC/2016 | Menino Santana Fernandes, Nessai, Sao Jose de Areal, Salcete-Goa. | PIO, Dy. Supdt. of Police, (S), Margao. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.217/SCIC/2010 | Nishant G. Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandora, Ponda-Goa. | SPIO, Executive Engineer, WD XXVI(BC) PWD, Ponda. | Appeal dismissed. |
Appeal No.218/SIC/2010 | Nishant G. Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandora, Ponda-Goa. | SPIO, Executive Engineer, WD XVI(BC) PWD, Ponda. | Appeal dismissed. |
Appeal No.38/SCIC/2016 | Shri Kalidas Vaigankar, Rua De Maria, Sancoale, Cortalim. | PIO, Ast. Director of Education (Acad), Dte. of Education, Porvorim. | Appeal stands disposed. |
Appeal No.83/SCIC/2016 | Shri Hussansab Chapparband, Indira Nagar, Chimbel, Tiswadi-Goa. | PIO, Secretary, V.P. Chimbel, Tiswadi-Goa. | Appeal is dismissed. |
Appeal No.95/SCIC/2016 | Shri Umesh Gauns Kurtikar, Axossim, Neura, Tiswadi Goa. | PIO, Jesus & Marry Sarvajanik High School, Carambolim-Goa. | Appeal stands dismissed as withdrawn. |
Appeal NO.212/SIC/2010 | Savio J. F. Correia, Mangor Hill, Vasco da Gama. | PiO/Under Secretary (Home-II) Home Depart. Secretariat, Porvorim. | Appeal is dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.215/SIC/2010 | Nishant Gurudas Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandora, Ponda. | SPIO, Exe. Engnr., SPIO, WD.XVI (BC)PWD, Ponda. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.205/SIC/2010 | Rabindra A. L. Dias, Cujira, St. Curz | PIO/Suptd. O/o GMC, Bambolim. | Appeal dismissed.Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.23/SCIC/2016 | Kunda Kerkar, Asst. Goa Legislative Assembly, Porvorim. | PIO, Smt. Ligia Godinho, Under Secretary Goa Legislative Assembly, Porvorim | Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.99/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, Under Secretary Personnel-I, Personnel Dept. Porvorim. | Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.120/2016 | Shri Pravas R. Naik, Kamansai, Xeldem, Quepem-Goa. | PIO, Asst. Director of Education Dept. Sanguem & Dharbandora, Sanguem. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.130/SCIC/2014 | Nishant G. Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandora, Ponda-Goa. | PIO, Executive Engineer, O/O The Exe. Eng. , Div XVIII, PWD, Ponda. | Appeal is partly allowed. |
Appeal No.63/SCIC/2016 | Caetano DCosta, H.No.41, Rassaim, Shirabhat, Salcete Goa | BDO, Mathany Saldana Complex, Margao. | Appeal is allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.280/SIC/2010 | Shri Suhas D. Naik, Dy. Range Foreset Officer,S,Quepem. | PIO,O/o Principal Chief Conservator of Forest,GMS, Panaji | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.284/SIC/2010 | Prakash Sardessai, Sardessai Engg. works, cortalim, Goa. | VIincent Fernandes,Exe. Eng.Trg Spio, Vidyut Bhavan, Panaji, Goa. | Proceeding Closed. |
Appeal No. 16/SCIC/2015 | Shri Ulhas Bhaje, Co. Laxmi Niwas, H.No.285, behind kamat plaza, St.Inez, | The First Appellate Authority, For P.W.D. At Altinho, Superintending Survey | Appeal dismissed |
Appeal No. 115/SIC/2015 | Shri Pedrito Misquitta alias. John Peter Misquitta, House No. 234-BSouza | PIO Assistant PIO, Office of the Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority, | penalty proceedings initiate |
Appeal No. 108/2016 | Shri Bruno John De Sousa, 437,Marra Pilerne, Bardez Goa. | 1. Public Information Officer PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Marra | Appeal Disposed |
Appeal No.178/SCIC/2016 | Shri Antonio Coelho, Raia Damon Dumpa- Moli, W, Raia Salcette. | PIO cum Panchayat Secretary, V.P. Raia, Salcette. | Proceeding dropped. |
Appeal No.281/SIC/2010 | Shri Suhas D. Naik, Dy. Range Foreset Officer,S,Quepem. | PIO, Addl Chief Conservator Forests, Gomantak Marath samaj Buldg., Panaji. | Appeal dismissed. |
Appeal No. 07/SCIC/2015 | Shri Nishant Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandora, H.No 1188, Ponda Goa. | The Public Information Officer, The executive Engineer, Works Div.XVII | Appeal disposed |
Appeal No.18/SIC/2016 | Suryakant B. Naik, Cuchelim, Mapusa, Bardez. | PIO, GHRC, 1st floor, Old Education Dept. Bldg., Panaji. | Appeal is allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Complaint No.03/SCIC/2017 | Anthony Da Piedade Fernandes, Bestora, Bardez. | PIO, Don Bosco College, Panaji-Goa. | Complaint stands dismissed as not maintainable. |
Appeal No.57/SCIC/2014 | Mr. Deepak Sahasrabudhey, Gondhali Galli Belgaum | PIO, Mamalatdar, O/o Mmalatdar Bicholim Goa. | Appeal case disposed and stands closed |
Appeal No.217/SIC/2010 | Nishant G. Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandora, Ponda-Goa. | SPIO, Executive Engineer, WD XVI, BC, PWD, Ponda. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.90/SCIC/2016 | Dr. Ms. Kalpana V. Kamat,Caldeira Arcade,1stflr, Bhute Bhat, Vasco da Gama. | PIO, Asst. Eng, V.J Bhede, PWD Water Dept., Vaso da Gama | Appeal dismissed. |
Appeal No.77/SCIC/2016 | Dr. Ms. Kalpana V. Kamat,Caldeira Arcade,1stflr, Bhute Bhat, Vasco da Gama. | PIO, Shri Mohan Naik, Vasco Police Station, Vasco-da-Gama. | Appeal is dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.53/SCIC/2016 | Joao C. Pereira, Acsona, Utorda, Majorda, Salcete-Goa. | PIO/SDPO, Margao. | Appeal stands disposed. |
Appeal No.64/SCIC/2016 | Joao C. Pereira, Acsona, Utorda, Majorda, Salcete-Goa. | PIO, BDO, Mormugao Block, Vasco da Gama. | Appeal is allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.98/SCIC/2016 | Shri Amol S. Sawant, Walkeshwar Wada, Betim, Bardez. | PIO, Dy. Collector & SDO, Collectorate Office, Mapusa. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.37/SCIC/2017 | SPIO,Executive Eng. Work Div XXIV PHC, PWD, Bicholim | ASPIO, Asst. Eng. Sub Div II, W. DIV. XXIV PWD, Bicholim | Appeal dismissed. |
Appeal No.62/SCIC/2016 | Sushant P. Nagvenkar, Fondvem, Ribandar. | Shri Durgesh Excise Inspector & PIO, Panaji. | Appeal stands dismissed. |
Appeal No.62/SCIC/2016 | Sushant P. Nagvenkar, Fondvem, Ribandar. | Shri Durgesh Excise Inspector & PIO, Panaji. | Appeal stands dismissed. |
Appeal No.173/SCIC/2016 | Mr. Jesus Victoria, Khairkatem, Sanguem-Goa.. | SPIO/Asst.PIO, Exe. Eng., work Div XVIII Roads , Ponda. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.96/SCIC/2016 | Madonna Almeida, Bagdem, Colva Salcete-Goa. | PIO,SGPDA, Osia Complex Arcade, Margao. | Appeal disposed. Penalty proceeding initiated. |
Appeal No.208/SIC/2010 | Nishant G. Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandora, Ponda-Goa. | PIO, Executive Engineer, WD XVI(BC) PWD, Ponda. | Appeal stands disposed. |
Appeal No.950/SCIC/2016 | Umesh Gauns Kurtikar, Azossim, Neura, Tiswadi. | PIO, Jesus and Mary Sarvajanik High School, Carambolim. | Appeal stands dismissed as withdrawn. |
Appeal No.35/SCIC/2016 | Niranjan D. Sawant, Tonca, St. Estevam. | PIO, Village Panchayat St. Estevam -Goa. | Appeal stand disposed as withdrawn. |
Appeal No.26/SCIC/2016 | Bandhagit Nadaf, Paes Avenue Bldg., F.L.Gomes Road, Vasco. | SPIO,Mr. Sharada Naik Headmistress,SPIO, O/o Municipal High School, Vasco. | Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.117/SCIC/2016 | Bharat L. Kandolkar, Vaddy Candolim Bardez Goa. | PIO, Madhu Narvekar, Mamalatdar of Bardez, Mapusa Bardez Goa. | Proceeding stands disposed |
Appeal 167/2017 | Bharat L. Kandolkar, Vaddy Candolim Bardez Goa. | PIO, Sub Divisional Police Officer, Porvorim Goa. | Proceeding stands closed |
Appeal No.97/SCIC/2016 | Madonna Almeida, Bagdem, Colva Salcete-Goa. | PIO, SGPDA, Osia Complex Arcade, Margao. | Appeal is allowed. |
Appeal No.188/2016 | Ms. Lida Joao, Bainfall Assolna, Salcet Goa. | PIO, Shri Kamaxidevi Homeopathic college, Shiroda Goa | proceeding stands closed |
Appeal No.8/SCIC/2014 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa Goa. | FAA, Directorate of Settlement and Land Records, Panaji Goa. | Appeal disposed accordingly and proceeding stands closed |
Appeal No.80/SIC/2016 | Mrs. Veena Kakodkar, Kakoda, Curchorem Goa. | PIO, Directorate of Education, Porvorim Goa. | Appeal disposed accordingly and proceeding stands closed |
Appeal No.114/2016 | Mr.Victor Gomes, Rajvihar Phase-II, Aquem-Alto, Margao Goa. | PIO, Dy. Collector & SDO, South Zone, Margao Goa | Appeal disposed and accordingly proceeding stands closed |
Appeal No.114/2016 | Mr.Victor Gomes, Rajvihar Phase-II, Aquem-Alto, Margao Goa. | PIO, Dy. Collector & SDO, South Zone, Margao Goa | Appeal disposed and accordingly proceeding stands closed |
Appeal No.140/2016 | Mr. Domnic Noronha, Dandvado Sirlim, Salcete Goa. | PIO, Ex. Enggr. , Division VI(R/S)PWD, Fatorda Goa | Appeal stands disposed |
Appeal No.147/2016 | Shri Pedrito Misquitta,Souza Vaddo, Candolim, Bardez, Goa. | SPIO, Office of the Village Panchayat Candolim Bardez Goa. | Appeal stands disposed and proceeding stands closed |
Appeal No.16/SCI/2017 | Adv. Atish P. Mandrekar, Above Fair Deal Agency, Panaji -Goa. | PIO, Dr. Shipa Waikar, Medical Superintendent IPHB, Bambolim-Goa. | Appeal is dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.181/2016 | Mr. Laxman P. Pagi, Sakhwamol, Xelim-Loliem, Canacona,Goa | PIO, Administrator of Communidade, South Zone, Margao Goa | Proceeding stands closed as prayer for penalty & compensation not granted |
Appeal No.171/2016 | Mr. Ramnath N. Prabhu Desai, Kevona- Rivona, Quepem Goa | PIO, Asst. Director of Civil Supplies, Panaji Goa. | Proceeding stands closed, appeal disposed accordingly. |
Appeal No.58/SIC/2015 | Shri Sushant Ray, Shop-I, Raza Enclave, Sirvodem, Margao Goal | Police Inspector/APIO, Margao Town Police Station, Margao, Goa. | Appeal stands disposed accordingly |
Appeal No.66/SIC/2015 | Shri Satish V. Gawas and Shri Sandip Naik, Sanquelim Goa. | PIO/ Chief Offficer, Sanquelim Municipal Council. Sanquelim Goa. | In appeal No.66/SIC/2015, two appellants namely Shri Satish Gawas,Vasant Nagar, Sanquelim and Shri Sandip Naik, Gauthan Sankhali Goa |
Appeal No.66/SIC/2015 | Shri Satish V. Gawas and Shri Sandip Naik, Sanquelim Goa. | PIO/ Chief Offficer, Sanquelim Municipal Council. Sanquelim Goa. | In appeal No.66/SIC/2015, two appellants namely Shri Satish Gawas,Vasant Nagar, Sanquelim and Shri Sandip Naik, Gauthan Sankhali Goa |
Appeal No.75/SCIC/2016 | Shri Lindo J. Furtado, Copelwado, Sernabatim, Salcete. | PIO, Dy. Collector & SDO, Salcete. | Appeal disposed off. Penalty proceeding initiated on the PIO. |
Appeal No.96/SCIC/2016 | Madonna Almeida, Bagdem, Colva Salcete-Goa. | PIO, SGPDA, Osia Complex Arcade, Margao. | Appeal disposed. Penalty proceeding initiated. |
Appeal No.173/SCIC/2016 | Mr. Jesus Victoria, Khairkatem, Sanguem-Goa.. | SPIO/Asst.PIO, Exe. Eng., work Div XVIII Roads , Ponda. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.110/SCIC/2015 | Sanjay C. Malik, 3rd flr, Cosmos Centre, Morod, Mapusa. | PIO, Administrator of Communidade , Near Court Mapusa, Bardez. | Appeal dismissed proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.26/SCIC/2016 | Bandhagit Nadaf, Paes Avenue Bldg., F.L.Gomes Road, Vasco. | SPIO,Mr. Sharada Naik Headmistress,SPIO, O/o Municipal High School, Vasco. | Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.280/SIC/2010 | Nishant G. Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandora, Ponda-Goa. | SPIO, Executive Engineer, WD XVI, BC, PWD, Ponda. | Appeal stands disposed. |
Appeal No.270/SIC/2011 | The Cumunidade of Mapusa, Attorney A. B. Braganca of Mapusa, Bardez. | PIO, Off. of Administrator of Comunidades (N) Zone, Court Junction, | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.96/SIC/2014 | Mrs. Marilyn Afonso, Block C , Cedmar Apartments, Panaji-Goa | The Public Information Officer, O/o. P.C.C.F., Department of Forests, Panaj | Appeal disposed accordingly |
Appeal No.101/2016 | Dr. Damodar T. Gaonker,Kranti Nagar, Penha -De-France,Porvorim Goaori | Director of Mines & Geology, Institute of Menezes Braganza, Panaji Goa | Appeal disposed accordingly proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No.118/SCIC/2016 | Bharat L. Kandolkar, Vady, Candolim, Bardez Goa. | PIO, Dy. Conservator of Forests, North Goa Division, Ponda Goaa | appeal is disposed, proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No.121/SCIC/2014 | Dr. Ms. Kalpana V. Kamat, Caldeira Arcade , 1st floor, Bhutebhat Vasco Goa | OSD/PIO, Goa Coastal Zone Mngt.Authority, Dempo Tower, Patto Panaji | Proceeding stands closed |
Appeal No.127/2016 | Antonio Bernardo Cost, H.No. 511, Bollepand Fatordda , Margao, Salcete Goa. | PIO, Secretary, V.P. Cavelossim, Salcett Goa | Proceeding stands closed |
Appeal No.128/2016 | Antonio Alvares, 303-3 Sinquetim, Navelim Salcete Goa. | PIO, Directorate of Education, Porvorvorim Goa. | Appeal stands disposed accordingly |
Appeal 148/2016 | Shri Pedrito Misquitta, H.No. 234-B, Souza Vaddo, Candolim, Bardez, Goa. | SPIO, Office of the Village Panchayat Candolim Bardez Goa. | Appeal disposed accordingly, proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No.163/SIC/2012 | Dr. Ms. Kalpana V. Kamat, Caldeira Arcade , 1st floor, Bhutebhat Vasco Goa | Public Information Officer, Marmugao Muncipal Council, Vasco-Goa | Appeal disposed accordingly, proceeding stands closed |
Appeal No.176/2016 | Smt. Shamala S.Kadam,alias Rashmi More,Post Dhamani , Ratnagiri Maharashtra | PIO, Civil Registrar Cum Sub Registrar, Salcete Taluka, Margao Goa | Appeal disposed accordingly, proceeding stands closed |
Appeal 196 / 2016 | Gopal N. Das, Plot.No. 101 P.D.A. Colony, Porvorim Goa | PIO, North Goa Planning and Development Authority, Panaji Goa. | Appeal stands disposed, proceedings closed |
Appeal No. 60 (A) /SIC/2014 | Dr. Ms. Kalpana V. Kamat, Caldeira Arcade , 1st floor, Bhutebhat Vasco Goa | PIO, Marmugao Muncipal Council, Vasco-Goa | Proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No.100/SCIC/2016 | Shri Remy L. R. Qurdros, Velim, Salcete -Goa. | PIO, Dy. Director of Panchayat, Junta House, Panaji-Goa. | Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.281/SCIC/2016 | Menino Santana Fernandes, Nessai, Sao Jose de Areal, Salcete-Goa. | PIO,Dy.Supdt. of Police, South , Margao-Goa. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.83/SCIC/2016 | Kashinath P. Tari, Ramntha Apatment. Shankarwadi, Taleigao. | PIO, T&CPD, Patto, Panaji -Goa. | Proceeding disposed. |
Appeal No. 133/SIC/2014 | Shri Sandeep H. Konadkar,Oshelbagh Dhargal Nr. Rashtroli Mandir, Pernem Goa | PIO/Dy. Collector/SDO, Pernem Sub Division, Pernem- Goa. | Appeal is allowed |
Appeal 109/2015 | Diana Tavares Block C-2 Leandra Haritage Opp. KTC Bus stand Madel, Margao | PIO, Town & Country Planning Department, Panaji Goa. | Order passed |
Appeal No. 153/2016 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Near Sateri Temple, Khorlim Mapusa Goa | FAA, Dy. Collector SDO –Bardez, Mapusa Goa . | Penalty proceeding started |
Appeal No. 154/2016 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Near Sateri Temple, Khorlim Mapusa Goa | FAA, Dy. Collector SDO –Bardez, Mapusa Goa . | Penalty proceeding started |
Appeal No.116/2016 | Bharat L. Kandolkar, Vady, Candolim, Bardez Goa. | PIO, North Goa Planning and Development Authority, Mala, Panaji Goa | Proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No. 200/2016 | Bharat L. Kandolkar, Vady, Candolim, Bardez Goa. | PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa Bardez Goa. | Compensation pay to the Appellant Rs.2000/- |
Appeal No.25/SCIC/2014 | Mr.Vithal Veluskar, Ekta Nagar, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa. | PIO, Neetal P. Amonkar, U. S. (Home), Secretariat, Porvorim. | Proceeding stands closed. |
Appeal No.21/SCIC/2015 | Cliford Pinto, Olaulim Pomburpa, Post Carona, Bardez. | PIO, Administrative cum Accounts Officer, RND, Betim, Bardez. | Proceeding stands closed. |
Appeal No.13/SCIC/2014 | Ulhasrao Naik Desaai, Campal Colony, Miramar, Panaji. | M. R. K. Prasad, PIO, V.M. Salgaonkar College, Miramar, Panaji. | Appeal is dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.111/SCIC/2015 | Nalini Y. Parab Vanita Parab, Madhlawada, Chopdem, Pernem. | PIO, the Mamlatdar of Pernem, Pernem-Goa. | Proceeding stands closed. |
Appeal No.139/2016 | Siddhesh Subhash Naik, Nr. Sanzgiri Farm, Curchorem-Goa. | PIO, The Sports Authority of Goa, Myles High Corporate Hub, patto,Panaji. | Proceeding stands closed. |
Appeal No.23/SCIC/2015 | Mr. Nilesh G. Naik, Pattelem, Rivona, Sanguem. | PIO, Utkarsh High School, Rivona -Goa. | Appeal stands dismissed. |
Appeal No. 134/2016 | Uday A. Chari Priolkar, H.No. C-5-55, Mala Panaji Goa. | PIO,Executive Engineer, Div. III(PHE), Santa Inez, Panaji Goa. | Appeal stands disposed accordingly |
Appeal No. 134/2016 | Uday A. Chari Priolkar, H.No. C-5-55, Mala Panaji Goa. | PIO,Executive Engineer, Div. III(PHE), Santa Inez, Panaji Goa. | Appeal stands disposed accordingly |
Appeal No.34/SIC/2014 | Shri Bruno Joan DeSouza PIO, Bastora V.P. Bardez -Goa. | FAA, BDO II, Mapusa North, Bardez. | Appeal dismissed. |
Appeal No.34/SIC/2014 | Shri Bruno Joan DeSouza PIO, Bastora V.P. Bardez -Goa. | PIO, Bastora Village Panchayat, Bardes Goa. | Appeal dismissed. |
Appeal No.05/SCIC/2014 | Menino Santana Fernandes, Sonum Township, Nessai, Salcete. | SPIO, PIO, Shri Shekhar Prabhudesai, Supdt of Police, South Goa Margao. | Appeal stands dismissed. |
Appeal No.54/SCIC/2015 | PIO, The Asst. Director of Education Academic, Director of Education,Porvo | FAA, Dy. Director of Education, Dte. of Education Porvorim. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.105/2016 | Miss Elvina Barreto, Colsor, Galgibaga, Canacona-Goa. | Shri Sushant Lolienkar, The Secretary Cum PIO, V. P. Poinguinim, Canacona. | Appeal disposed. |
Appeal No.13/SCIC/2015 | Nishant G. Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandora, Ponda-Goa. | PIO, Executive Engineer, W.D.XVIII Road, PWD, Ponda. | Appeal disposed. Proceeding stand closed. |
Appeal 186/2016 | J. T. Shetye | Public information Officer, The Head clerk (Uday Salkar) Mapusa Municipal C | proceeding closed |
Appeal 113/2015 | Elvina Barreto | NIL | APPEAL DISPOSED |
Appeal 149/2016 | J T SHETYE | Public information Officer, The Head clerk (Uday Salkar) Mapusa Municipal C | PROCEEDING CLOSED |
APPEAL 187/2016 | LIDA JOAO | Public information Officer, Assistant Registrar (Academic Colleges) Goa Uni | PROCEEDING CLOSED |
aPPEAL 36/sciC/2015 | NITIN PATEKAR | 1. Public Information Officer, Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Mapusa-Goa | APPEAL DISMISSED |
Appeal No. 39/SIC/2015 | Ramakant Parulekar | PIO, Under Secretary (GA-I), Secretariat, Porvorim | PROCEEDING CLOSED |
aPPPEAL 132/2016 | ALEX FERNANDES | Deputy Director of Panchayats, FAA | APPEAL DISPOSED |
156/2016 | Vikas Kumar | Dy. Resident Commissioner, New Delhi | PIO DIRECTED TO GIVE INFORMATION |
157/2016 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, | The Head Clerk (Uday Salkar), MAPUSA MUNCIPAL COUNCIL, PIO | PROCEEDING CLOSED |
Appeal No.87/SCIC/2014 | Deepak Vaigankar, PIO, BDO, Bardez, Mapusa-Goa. | FAA, Dy. Director of Panchayat, North Tiswadi, Panaji-Goa. | Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
159/2016 | Jawaharlal T Shetye | The Head Clerk (Uday Salkar, mapusa Muncipal Council | PROCEEDING CLOSED |
Appeal No.17/SCIC/2015 | Betty C. Alvares, Ribandar Retreat, Tiswadi-Goa. | Mr. P. A. Parab, PIO, Asst. Registrar of Coop. Societies, Central Zone, Pan | Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed. |
158/2016 | Jawaharlal T Shetye | The Head Clerk (Uday Salkar), MAPUSA MUNCIPAL COUNCIL | PROCEEDING CLOSED |
184/2016 | Jawaharlal T Shetye | The Head Clerk (Uday Salkar), MAPUSA MUNCIPAL COUNCIL | PROCEEDING CLOSED |
aPPEAL 185/2016 | Jawaharlal T Shetye | The Head Clerk (Uday Salkar), MAPUSA MUNCIPAL COUNCIL | PROCEEDING CLOSED |
Appeal No.170/2016 | Nonato Araujo, Near Canara Bank, Fatorda, Margao-Goa. | PIO, V. P. Secretary, Loutolim Village Panchayat, Loutolim. | Proceeding dismissed. Proceedings closed. |
16/SCIC/2015 | Elvina Barretto | PIO I in the court of Deputy Collector and sub div. officer, quepem | PENALTY IMPOSED |
Appeal No.193/2016 | Minguel Fernandes, Vassvaddo, Benaulim-Goa. | Sammy Tavares, PIO, Dy. Suptd. of Police HQ, Margao. | Appeal disposed as withdrawn. |
Appeal No.194/2016 | Minguel Fernandes, Vassvaddo, Benaulim-Goa. | Sammy Tavares, PIO, Dy. Suptd. of Police HQ, Margao. | Appeal disposed as withdrawn. |
Appeal No.194/2016 | Minguel Fernandes, Vassvaddo, Benaulim-Goa. | Sammy Tavares, PIO, Dy. Suptd. of Police HQ, Margao. | Appeal disposed as withdrawn. |
Appeal No.169/2016 | Nonato Araujo, Near Canara Bank, Fatorda, Margao-Goa. | PIO, V.P. Secretary, Loutolim V. P. , Loutolim-Goa. | Proceeding stands closed. |
Appeal No.195/2016 | Bhagawan Acherekar, Maimolem, Udaywadi, Vasco-Goa. | Dasharath Gawas, Mamlatdar fo Sattari Taluka, Valpoi-Goa. | Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.195/2016 | Bhagawan Acherekar, Maimolem, Udaywadi, Vasco-Goa. | Dasharath Gawas, Mamlatdar fo Sattari Taluka, Valpoi-Goa. | Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal NO.107/2016 | Bruno John DeSouza, Marra Pilerne, Bardez-Goa. | PIO, V.P. of Marra, Pilerne, Bardez. | Proceeding closed. Showcause issued to the then PIO Shri Khushali Haldankar. |
125/2016 | Damodar Gaonkar | Director of Mines and Geology, Panaji | APPEAL IS DISPOSED |
92/2015 | Elvina Barreto, | Deputy Collector and Sub Division Officer, CANCONA | APPEAL DISPOSED |
38/2014 | Comunidade of Serula Through its Attorney, | Trajano D Mello | APPEAL DISPOSED |
04/SIC/2015 | Sairaj Bhaje | First Appellate Authority,(SSW), For PWD , PANAJI | Public Information Officer,
Monitoring Officer,
Appeal No. 126/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, Asst. Director of Social Welfare, panaji. | Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.136/2016 | Rajesh Verlekar, Barros Wado, Sangolda, Bardez-Goa. | PIO, The Administrator Communidade, N, Bardez Mapusa-Goa. | Appeal disposed as withdrawn. |
Appeal No.44/SCIC/2015 | Mr. Xavier Dias, Orel, Assolna Salcete-Goa. | Mamlatdar of Salcete, PIO, Mathany Saldhana Complex, Margao. | Appeal disposed. Proceeding Closed. |
Complaint No.27/2015 | Advocate Ashok Desai, Damodar Phase II, Near Police Station, Margao. | PIO, Office of Governor of Goa, Raj Bhawan, Dona Paula. | Proceeding stands closed. |
Appeal No.55/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.28/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | | Proceeding closed. Application of the Appellant. |
Appeal No.40/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I Hussain S. Muzawar,MMC, Mapusa. | Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.50/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I Hussain S. Muzawar,MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.51/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I Hussain S. Muzawar,MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.56/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I Hussain S. Muzawar,MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.57/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I Hussain S. Muzawar,MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.65/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.66/SCIC/2016 | PIO, Main Eng. Gr I, Hussein Muzawar, MMC, Mapusa. | PIO, Chief Officer, MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.67/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.68/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I ,MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.71/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.72/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO,MMC, Mapusa-Goa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.73/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I Hussain S. Muzawar,MMC, Mapusa. | Appeal partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.84/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO,MMC, Mapusa-Goa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.85/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO,MMC, Mapusa-Goa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.86/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO,MMC, Mapusa-Goa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.287SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO,MMC, Mapusa-Goa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.88/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO,MMC, Mapusa-Goa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.89/SCIC/2016 | J. T. Shetye, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO,MMC, Mapusa-Goa. | Proceeding dropped. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.94/SCIC/2016 | Vinod V. Kundaiker, Behind Hema Apartment, Margao, Borda Goa. | SPIO, Member secretar4y, SGPDA, 4th floor, Margao. | Appeal Is partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.93/SCIC/2016 | Vinod V. Kundaiker, Behind Hema Apartment, Margao, Borda Goa. | SPIO, Member secretary, SGPDA, 4th floor, Margao. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.92/SCIC/2016 | Vinod V. Kundaiker, Behind Hema Apartment, Margao, Borda Goa. | SPIO, Member secretar4y, SGPDA, 4th floor, Margao. | Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.91/SCIC/2016 | Vinod V. Kundaiker, Behind Hema Apartment, Margao, Borda Goa. | SPIO, Member secretary, SGPDA, 4th floor, Margao. | Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.302/SCIC/2016 | Vaikunth V. Parab Gaonkar, Gaonkarwada, Bicholim goa. | PIO, Bicholim Municipal Council, Bicholim Goa. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.135/SCIC/2016 | Subhash G Narvekar, Residence of Ganesh , Alto Dhuler, Mapusa Goa. | Shree Dev Bodgeshwar Saunsthan, Mr Naresh Tivrekar, Mapusa Goa. | Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.142/SCIC/2016 | Joao C. Pereira, Ascona-Utorda, Majorda Salcete-Goa. | PIO, Chief Administrative Officer, District & Session Court, Margao. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
appeal 119/2016 | Bharat Kandolkar | 1. Public Information Officer, The Directorate of Panchayat | |
appeal 123/sic/2014 | Shri Nishant Gurudas Sawant | 1. Public Information Officer(PIO), Executive Engineer PWD, Div XVIII Pond | |
appeal 8/SIC/2015 | Shri Nishant Gurudas Sawant | The Public Information Officer Executive Engineer, W.D.XVIII (R), PWD | |
Appeal 27/SIC/2017 | Bharat Candolkar | 1. Public Information Officer Mr. Sanjeev Joglekar, GCZMA, Porvorim Goa | |
Appeal 10/2017 | Bavikara Abdulla Mohammad | 1. Public Information Officer The executive Engineer , Works Divisiob XIII( | |
Appeal 66/2017 | Bharat Candolkar | 1. Public Information Officer Mr. SanjeevJoglekar, GCZMA, Porvorim Goa | |
Appeal 100/SCIC/2015 | Jerry Braganza | The Public Information Officer (PIO), Administrator Communidade North Zone | |
Appeal 141/2016 | Domnic Noronha | The Public Information Officer (PIO), Secretary V.P. Dramapur Sirlim, P.O. | |
Appeal 36/SIC/2014 | Pramod Singbal | 1. Public Information Officer, O/o of the Joint Director of Accounts, Direc | |
Appeal 93/SCIC/2015 | ANTONIO JOSE DE SOUZA | Public Information Officer (PIO), Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa Bardez | |
Appeal 94/SIC/2015 | Amol Sawant | 1. First Appellate Authority, Director of Panchayats, C/o Directorate of pa | |
Appeal 98/2015 | Kalpana Kamat | 1. Public Information Officer, Vasco Police Station, Vasco Da Gama Vasco | |
Appeal 122/2016 | Suresh Sawant | 1. Public Information Officer, Asst. Director of Education, Directorate of | |
Appeal 123/2016 | Pradeep Mokhardekar | 1. Public Information Officer(PIO), Executive Engineer PWD, Div XVIII Pond | |
Appeal 134/2016 | Uday Chari | 1. The Public Information Officer The Executive Engineer, Div. III(PHE), | |
Appeal 14/2017 | Pradeep Mokhardekar | 1. First Appellate Authority Additional Collector-I South Goa | |
Appeal 144/2016 | Nilesh Dabholkar | 1. The Public Information Officer, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Administrator of | |
Appeal 145/2016 | Menino Santana Fernandes | 1. Public Information Officer Shri Dinraj R. Govekar, Dy. Superintendent o | |
Appeal 162/2016 | Trajano D Mello, | 1. Public Information Officer, O/o Commissioner of Commercial taxes, Vikrik | directed to furnish information |
Appeal 60/SIc/2015 | Sadanand Paul | 1. Public Information Officer Head department of mathematics, Goa Universit | |
Appeal 129/2016 | Vishwanath Solienkar | Public Information Officer (PIO), Office of the Chief Town Planner, Town an | |
appeal 23/SIC/2017 | Sanjeev Veling | 1. Public Information Officer Mamlatdar of Ponda Taluka, Ponda Goa. | |
Appeal 29/2017 | Mahesh M. Kerkar | 1. First Appellate Authority, Dy. Director of Transport(North), | |
Appeal 37/SIC/2015 | Rosario Fernandes | 1. Public Information Officer Village Panchayat Santa Cruz | |
Appeal 66/SCIC/2014 | Devidas Bhandankar | Public Information Officer (PIO), Dinraj R. Govekar, Sub-Division Police Of | |
Appeal 107/SCIC/2015 | Rohan Shirodkar | The Sub-Division Police Office, Public Information Officer, Goa Coastal Zo | |
Appeal 111/2016 | Jacinta H Sousa Mergulhao | 1. ShriRemediousFernandes, APIO, Asst. Executive Engineer, Div. VIII(MRT) V | |
Appeal 126/SIC/2014 | Ravindra Velip | 1. First Appellate Authority , Additional Collector-I, South Goa District | |
Appeal 133/2016 | Sattarkhan Babakhan | 1. First Appellate Authority, The Superintending Engineer, Electricity Depa | |
Appeal 190/2016 | Umakant Falgune Tari | Shri P.B. Kankonkar, Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat St. Est | |
Appeal 189/2016 | Umakant Falgune Tari | P.B. Kankonkar, Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat St. Estevam | penalty not imposed |
Appeal 127/2016 | Antonio Bernardo Cost | The Public Information Officer, Secretary, V.P. Cavelossim, Office of | |
appeal 28/2017 | Mahesh kerkar | 1. First Appellate Authority, Director of Transport(North), 1st floor, | |
Appeal 97/2015 | Dr K K Nadkarni | 1. Public Information Officer Office of Directorate of Accounts | |
Appeal 109/2016 | Bharat Tukaram Hoble | 1. The First Appellate Authority, The Director, Directorate of Settlement & | |
Appeal 112/2016 | Joaquim A. fernandes | 1. Public Information Officer Member Secretary, South Goa Planning and De | |
appeal 113/2016 | Joaquim A. fernandes | 1. Public Information Officer, Member Secretary, South Goa Planning and Dev | |
Appeal 127/2016 | Antonio Bernardo Cost | The Public Information Officer, Secretary, V.P. Cavelossim, Office of | |
Appeal 216/SCIc/2011 | Kalpana Kamat | The Public Information Officer,(PIO) Superintendent of Police, South | |
Appeal 65/SIC/2015 | Joao Rosario F. R. Pereira | 1. Public Information Officer, Mr. Rohidas A. Pereira, The Secretary | |
appeal 101/SCIC/2015 | Antonia Michell Abel | 1. Public Information Officer Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Altin | |
Appeal 20/SCIC/2014 | Nevil Furtado | 1. Public Information Officer O/o the State Registrar-Cum-Head of Notary Se | |
Appeal 179/2016 | Laxman Putu Pagi | Public Information Officer, Addl. Collector-I, South Goa District, Co | |
Appeal No.92/SCIC/2017 | Francisco Branganza, H.No.215, Primary School, Cansaulim, Velsao Goa. | PIO, Secretary of Village Panchayat, V P Sancoale, Sancoale Goa. | Appeal disposed off. |
Appeal 82/SIC/2015 | Advocate Deepali Gauns | First Appellate Authority, Director of Mines & Geology, Government of Goa I | proceeding closed |
Appeal 109/2015 | Diana Tavares | PIO, Town and Country Planning Department, Panaji | fixed for compliance report |
Appeal 109/2015 | Diana Tavares | PIO, Town and Country Planning Department, Panaji | fixed for compliance report |
Appeal 109/2015 | Diana Tavares | PIO, Town and Country Planning Department, Panaji | fixed for compliance report |
Appeal 126/SCIC/2015 | Peter Lobo | Sarpanch of Village Panchayat Parra, Bardez | penalty, disciplinary proceeding and compensation is not warrented |
Appeal 82/SIC/2015 | Advocate Deepali Gaauns | FAA, director of Mines and Geology, Panaji | proceeding closed |
Appeal No. 130/2016 | Sushant Ray | 1. Public Information Officer Department of law & Judiciary, Law Establishm | proceeding closed |
Appeal No. 130/2016 | Sushant Ray | 1. Public Information Officer Department of law & Judiciary, Law Establishm | proceeding closed |
Appeal No. 166/2016 | Anjali Ashok Redkar | 1. The State Public Information Officer, O/o the Institute of Psychiatry an | appeal is dismissed |
Appeal No.49/SCIC/2017 | Sneha Vinayak Parab, 2nd flr Sushilla Building, 18th June Road, Panaji. | PIO, Commercial Taxes, Vikrikar Bhavan, Panaji. | Appeal allowed. Proceeding Closed. |
Complaint No.40/SCIC/2016 | Shri Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Khorlim, Mapusa-Goa. | Hussein Shah Muzawa, the Main Eng. Gr 1, PIO, MMC, Mapusa. | Complaint dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.04/2017 | Joao C. Pereira, Ascona-Utorda, Majorda Salcete-Goa. | PIO, Under Secretary (Est.) Law, Secretariat, Porvorim. | Appeal dismissed. proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.151/SCIC/2016 | Mariazita Afonso, Xavier Afonso Memorial Institute, Aradi Band,Taleigao. | PIO, Dy Education Officer, Central Education Zone, Panaji. | Appeal disposed off. |
Appeal No.01/2017 | Surya L Aroskar, Purva Wada, Nagzar, Pernem. | PIO, Under secretary Revenue II, Secretariat, Porvorim. | Appeal dismissed. |
Appeal No.71/SCIC/2017 | Elvina Barreto, Colsor, Galgibaga, Canacona Goa. | PIO, The National Information Officer, National Information Centre,Porvorim | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.01/2017 | Elvina Barreto, Colsor, Galgibaga, Canacona Goa. | PIO, The National Information Officer, National Information Centre,Porvorim | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.52/SCIC/2016 | Avinash Mhapankar, Currently serving as Capenter, PTS, Valpoi | PIO, B T Korgaonkar, Officer Supdt, Admn Branch DGP Office,PHQ,Panaji | Appeal disposed. Proceedings closed. |
Appeal No.59/SCIC/2016 | Avinash Mhapankar, Currently serving as Capenter, PTS, Valpoi | PIO, Dy Supdt of Police, Vice Principal, PTS, Valpoi Sattari Goa. | Appeal disposed. Proceedings closed. |
Appeal No.33/SCIC/2016 | Sanjay Narvekar, Bandir Wado, Chapora, Bardez. | PIO, Dte of Fisheries, Dayanand Bandodkar Marg, Panaji. | Appeal dismissed.Proceeding closed. |
Appeal 130/2016 | Sushant Ray | 1. Public Information Officer Department of law & Judiciary, Law Establishm | appeal disposed |
Appeal 130/2016 | Sushant Ray | 1. Public Information Officer Department of law & Judiciary, Law Establishm | appeal disposed |
Appeal 40/SIC/2015 | Deepak Ganpat Sahasrabudhye | 1. The Public Information Officer (PIO), Office of the Mamlatdar, Governmen | appeal disposed |
Appeal No. 53/SIC/2017 | Sebastian Fernandes | 1. PIO,/Under Secretary-II Department of Personnel Secretariat, Porvorim- | appeal disposed |
Appeal 81/SIC/2015 | Advocate Deepali Gauns | 1. First Appellate Authority, Director of Mines & Geology, Government of Go | appeal disposed |
Appeal 83/SIC/2015 | Advocate Deepali Gauns | 1. First Appellate Authority, Director of Mines & Geology, Government of Go | appeal disposed |
Appeal 81/SIC/2015 | Deepali Gauns | 1. First Appellate Authority, Director of Mines & Geology, Government of Go | appeal disposed |
Appeal 17/2017 | Savio Antao | The Public Information Officer, Dy. Collector & SDO, Mormugao Vasco Goa | appeal disposed |
Appeal 130/2016 | Sushant Ray | 1. Public Information Officer Department of law & Judiciary, Law Establishm | appeal disposed |
Appeal No. 22/SIC/2017 | Patrick Lucas | 1. Public Information Officer Medical Supdt. Cum Dy. Director, Hospicio Hos | appeal disposed |
Appeal 117/SCIC/2015 | Umesh Dhaimode | 1. Public Information Officer Asst. Election Officer & Asst. Registrar of | appeal disposed |
appeal 130/SIC/2015 | Antonetta Afonso | 1. Public Information Officer Office of the Mamlatdar of Mutation, Margao, | appeal disposed |
Appeal 29/SIC/2015 | Hubert Estibeiro | First Appellate Authority, Addl./Deputy Director of Education, | appeal disposed |
Appeal 82/SIC/2015 | Advocate Deepali Gauns | 1. First Appellate Authority, Director of Mines & Geology, Government of Go | appeal disposed |
Appeal No.304/SCIC/2016 | CassitaTelles, Osnimadem,Cuncolim,Salcete Goa. | Municipal Engineer and PIO, CMC, Cuncolim, Salcete Goa. | Appeal dismissed. closed. |
Appeal No.80/SCIC/2017 | Santosh S Salkar, Jayshridhar Smruti, Betki, Wadi Wada, Marcel. | PIO, Executive Engineer, Works Division 3, St Inez, Panaji. | Appeal disposed. proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.85/SCIC/2017 | Suraj Borkar, SBI Colony, Alto Torda, Porvorim, Bardez. | PIO, Dy. Supdt of Police HQ, North, Porvorim Goa. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.14/SCIC/2016 | Benjamin Pereira, Pereira Waddo Majorda, Utorda, Salcete. | FAA,BDO, Mormugao, Vasco da Gama. | proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.07/2017 | Ulhas R. Mainikar, Police Quarters, Alto Porvorim. | FAA, Sr.Town Planner, T&CPD North, Mapusa Bardez. | proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.08/SCIC/2017 | Ulhas R. Mainikar, Police Quarters, Alto Porvorim. | FAA,Sr. T&CPD North , Mapusa Bardez. | proceeding closed. |
appeal 11/2017 | Narayan Naik | 1. Mr. Deepesh N. Priolkar, Public Information Officer (PIO), Administrator | |
Appeal No.72/SCIC/2017 | Rohit Ramesh Halornekar, Bhandar Wado, Penha de Franca, Bardez, P O Betim. | PIO, Chairman Alorna Panchyakroshi High School, Alorna Perna Goa. | Appeal partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.79/SCIC/2017 | Adv Pranita Gawandi, CasaImmaculada Bldg, Near Progress High School, Panaji | PIO, North Goa Planning & Development Authortity, Panaji. | Appeal allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.95/SCIC/2017 | Adv Ms Vidhya M Desai, Yamuna Apt, Sirvodem, Margao Goa. | PIO, Mamlatdar of Salcete , Collectorate of South Buldg, Margao-Goa. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No. 45/SIC/2015 , | Subhiraj Prabhakar Naik | Prabhakar Namdev Kamati, The State Public Information Officer, V. P. Parod | appeal disposed |
appeal 34/2017 | Jawaharlal T Shetye | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Dy. Collector and SDO Bardez, Mapusa, | appeal disposed |
Appeal No. 35/2017 | Jawaharlal T Shetye | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Dy. Collector and SDO Bardez, Mapusa, | appeal disposed |
Appeal 36/2017 | Jawaharlal T Shetye | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Dy. Collector and SDO Bardez, Mapusa, | appeal disposed as withdrawn |
appeal No. 48/2017 | C M Fernandes | 1. First Appellate Authority (FAA), Chief Electoral Officer, Altinho, Pana | appeal disposed |
Appeal 69/2017 | Octaviano Pires | The Public Information Officer (PIO), North Goa Planning Development A | Proceeding closed |
Appeal 90/SCIC/2015 | Smt Antonia Michelle Abel | 1. First Appellate Authority (FAA), Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, | appeal disposed |
Appeal 104/2017 | Nitin Patekar | 1. Public Information Officer, O/o. Goa State Pollution Control Board, Patt | appeal disposed |
Appeal No. 96/SIC/2013 | Kalpana Kamat | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Directorate of Food and Drugs Administ | proceeding closed |
appeal 43/2017 | Guilherme A Fernandes | 1. Public Information Officer Mamlatdar of Salcete, Collectorate South bui | proceeding closed |
Appeal No. 44/2017 | Elvina Barreto | Sub Division Police Officer, Quepem-Goa | proceeding closed |
appeal 100/2017 | Siddesh Simepurushkar | 1. Public Information Officer Administrator of Communidade (North Zone) Map | proceeding closed |
Appeal 115/2016 | Avinash M Naik | 1. Public Information Officer(PIO), Administrator of Communidades, Panaji G | appeal disposed |
appeal No. 161/2016 | Trajano D Mello | 1. Public Information Officer, O/o Commissioner of Commercial taxes, Vi | appeal disposed |
Appeal 33/2017 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, | 1. Public Information Officer, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa Goa. | appeal disposed |
Appeal 15/SCIC/2017 | Franky Monteiro, | 1. Public Information Officer The Administrator of Communidades, South-Goa | PIO directed to provide information |
appeal No. 22/scic/2015 | Shri Gajanan G S Dhumatkar | 1.Public Information Officer | Appeal disposed |
Appeal No. 23/SCIC/2015 | Shri Gajanan G S Dhumatkar | 1. Public Information Officer | appeal disposed |
appeal No. 32/SIC/2017 | Surendra Kalangutkar | 1. Public Information Officer | proceeding closed |
Appeal 68/2017 | Promod Rathi | Sub-Division Police officer, | appeal is disposed |
Appeal 51/2017 | Vandana Naik | 1. Public Information Officer Directorate of Education, Porvorim Goa. | appeal disposed |
appeal 54/2017 | Sebastian Fernandes | The Public Information Officer, Dy. Director of Panchayats Junta H | appeal is disposed |
appeal 53/2017 | Sebastian Fernandes | 1. PIO,/Under Secretary-II Department of Personnel Secretariat, Porvorim- | appeal disposed |
Appeal No. 199/2016 | Sushant Nagvekar | 1. Public Information Officer Office of Commissioner of Excise, Old High Co | appeal disposed |
Appeal 31/2017 | Bandhagit Nadaf | 1. PIO, Administration Branch, DGP’s Office, PHQ, Pa | appeal disposed |
Appeal 21/2017 | Polor Vyalil Gangadharan | 1. PIO Asst. Registrar of Co-operative Societies | appeal disposed |
56/2017 | Jawaharlal T Shetye | PIO,The Additional Collector-II, Panaji | appeal disposed |
Appeal 99/SCIC/2015 | Antonia Abel | 1. Public Information Officer The Special Secretary to Her Excellen | appeal disposed |
Appeal 99/SCIC/2015 | Antonia Abel | 1. Public Information Officer The Special Secretary to Her Excellen | appeal disposed |
Appeal 56/SCIC/2014 | Laxuman V Shirodkar | Public Information Officer, Under Secretary (Heath-II), Secretariat-Porvor | proceeding closed |
appeal 101/2017 | Siddesh Simepurushkar | 1. Public Information Officer Administrator of Communidade (North Zone) Map | appeal disposed |
Appeal 133/2015 | Kalpesh Kavlekar | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Administrator of Communidades of North | penalty proceeding started against then PIO |
Appeal 134/2015 | Kalpesh Kavlekar | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Administrator of Communidades of North | penalty proceeding started |
appeal 138/2015 | Shankar R. Jog | 1. Public Information Officer Directorate of Mines and Geology, Panaji - Go | appeal disposed |
Appeal No. 172/2016 | Jesus Victoria | 1. State Public Information Officer/Asst. (PIO) The Chief Officer, The Sang | appeal disposed |
Appeal 32/SIC/2013 | Kalpana Kamat | 1. The Public Information officer, (Minister of Urban Dev. & Dy. | appeal disposed |
Appeal 56/SCIC/2014 | Laxuman V Shirodkar | Public Information Officer, Under Secretary (Heath-II), Secretariat-Porvor | Proceeding closed |
Appeal No.93/SCIC/2017 | Bapu Yeso alias Yeshwant Virnodkar, Girkarwad Kepe, Arambol, Pernem. | SPIO, Mr Eshant V Sawant, Mamlatdar of Pernem, Sub Div, Pernem. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.94/SCIC/2017 | Bapu Yeso alias Yeshwant Virnodkar, Girkarwad Kepe, Arambol, Pernem. | SPIO, Dy Town Planner, T&CPD Pernem. | Appeal partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.113/SCIC/2017 | Pedrito Misquitta , Souza Vaddo, Candolim, Bardez Goa. | SPIO, Office of Village Panchayat Candolim, Bardez Goa. | Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.149/SCIC/2013 | Pedrito Misquitta , Souza Vaddo, Candolim, Bardez Goa. | SPIO, Office of Dy Town Planner, North District, Mapusa. | Appeal dismissed proceeding close. |
Appeal 34/2017 | Shri Jawaharlal T Shetye | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Dy. Collector and SDO Bardez, Mapusa, | appeal disposed |
Appeal No.282/SIC/2010 | Ramesh S. Kerkar, H. No.355, Muddawado, Saligao, Bardez. | Mr Tushar Halarnkar, BDO II, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.301/SCIC/2016 | Rajkumar R Gadge, 3rd flr, Commerce Centre Buldg, Opp Old Mapusa Municipal | PIO, MMC, Mapusa Goa. | Appeal allowed. Appeal disposed off. Penalty proceeding initiated. |
Appeal No.301/SCIC/2016 | Rajkumar R Gadge, 3rd flr, Commerce Centre Buldg, Opp Old Mapusa Municipal | PIO, MMC, Mapusa Goa. | Appeal allowed. Appeal disposed off. Penalty proceeding initiated. |
Appeal No.303/SCIC/2016 | Adv. Vidhya M Dessai, Yamuna Apt, Gr flr, Sirvodem, Margao, Salcete. | Dy Director of Tourism & PIO North, Off Dept of Tourism, Patto, Panaji. | Appeal closed. Notice issued. |
appeal 45/2017 | Longuinhos Fernandes | 1. The Public Information Officer (PIO), Mormugao Muncipal Council, Mormuga | Public authority i.e Mormugao Municipal council is hereby directed to conduct the inventory of the records |
appeal 46/2017 | Longuinhos Fernandes | 1. The Public Information Officer (PIO), Mormugao Muncipal Council, Mormuga | Public authority i.e Mormugao Municipal council is hereby directed to conduct the inventory of the records |
Appeal 58/2017 | Ramesh S Kerkar | The First Appellate Authority (FAA), SSW, PWD, Altinho, Panaji- Goa | appeal disposed |
Appeal 104/2017 | Nitin Patekar | 1. Public Information Officer, O/o. Goa State Pollution Control Board, | appeal disposed |
appeal 25/2017 | Charles D Cruz | 1. Public Information Officer, Sub Divisional Police Officer, Having its of | dismissed |
Appeal No.78/SCIC/2017 | Antonio Domingos Furtado, Sinqueim Navelim, Salcete Goa. | Salim A Valjee, Director of Food & Drugs Admn, Bambolim Goa. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.78/SCIC/2017 | Antonio Domingos Furtado, Sinqueim Navelim, Salcete Goa. | Shri Salim A Valjee, Director of Food & Drugs Admn, Bambolim. | Appeal dismissed proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.31/SCIC/2016 | Antonia Michelle Abel, Bella Vista Aparts OCoqueiro Circle, Alto Porvorim | PIO, O/o Honble Chief Minister, Secretariat Complex, Porvorim. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.76/SCIC/2017 | Digambar P Talkar, H No 321, Chinch Bhatwadi, Mayem, Bicholim. | SPIO, Dy Town Planner Bicholim, Taluka Office Bicholim. | Appeal dismissed proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.91/SCIC/2017 | Jerry Braganza, Near St Jeromes Church, Mapusa Bardez Goa. | PIO, GSUDA, Shramshakti Bhavan, Patto, Plaza, Panaji. | Appeal partly allowed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.70/SCIC/2016 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H. No. 35 A, Ward No.II, Khorlim Mapusa. | PIO, Nazeera Sayed, MMC, Mapusa. | Appeal allowed. Appeal disposed off. |
Appeal No.02/2017 | Deepak K Naik, Asst Exe Eng Elec, Electricity Dept , RADHA, Navelim. | SPIO, Joint Chief Electoral Officer, Altinho Panaji Goa. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal 30/2017 | Vishal Kalangutkar | 1. Public Information Officer, Seema Malkarnekar, Deputy Secretary, Goa Pub | appeal disposed |
Appeal 63/2017 | Pedrito Misquito | 1. The State Public Information Officer (PIO), Office of Village Panchayat- | appeal disposed off accordingly |
appeal 107/2017 | Belarman Fernandes | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Executive Engineer, WD-VI, Public Work | appeal proceeding closed |
appeal 107/2017 | Belarman Fernandes | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Executive Engineer, WD-VI, Public Work | appeal proceeding closed |
Appeal 109/2017 | Kabir Gama Roy | 1. First Appellate Authority (FAA), Conservator of Forest (W.L), Office of | |
Appeal No.97/SCIC/2016 | Madonna Almeida, 3rd ward, Bagdem, Colva, Salcete Goa. | PIO,SGPDA, Osia Complex Arcade, 3rd flr Margao Goa. | Appeal disposed. |
Appeal No.116/SCIC/2017 | Shrikant Vishnu Gaonker, Sinari Apt, Near Datta Mandir, Ribandar Patto. | Dy Commissioner, PIO, office of the Commissioner, CCP, Panaji. | Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.162/SCIC/2013 | Pedrito Misquitta, Souza Vaddo, Candolim, Bardez Goa. | SPIO, Village Panchayat Candolim, Candolim Bardez Goa. | Appeal disposed. |
Appeal No.46/SCIC/2016 | Shailesh S. Henriques, Nr Andrew Church, Vasco da Gama Goa. | PIO, Office of Dy Collector & SDO, Mormugao, Vasco da Gama. | Proceeding closed. |
appeal No. 176/SCIC/2011 | Kalpana Kamat | 1. Public Information Officer Mormugao Muncipal Council, Vasco Goa. | showcause notice issued u/s 20(1) to Then PIO and u/s 19(8)(b) to public authority |
Appeal 132/2015 | Bandhagit Nadaf | The Public Information Officer,(PIO) Asst. Director of Education(Acad), | penal action sought by appellant against PIO is not granted |
Appeal 132/2015 | Bandhagit Nadaf | The Public Information Officer,(PIO) Asst. Director of Education(Acad), | penal action sought by appellant against PIO is not granted |
Appeal 184/SCIC/2012 | Laximan Vithal Naik Govekar | 1. Public Information Officer, Mamlatdar of Bardez Taluka/AERO for 7-Salig | appeal partly allowed, present PIO directed to provide information. |
appeal 50/2017 | Anil Govind Naik | 1. Dy. Director of Education , First Appellate Authority, Central Educati | PIO directed to give information after getting information |
Appeal 62/2017 | Sushant Nagvekar | Satyawan Bhivshet, Asst. Commissioner of Excise, Excise Department, Panaji | appellant if desire may approach PIO for carrying out inspection of concern file |
Appeal 120/2017 | Sushant Nagvekar | 1. Satyawan Bhivshet, Assistant Commissioner of Excise-I, | Public Authority involved herein is hereby directed to comply section 4 |
Appeal No.83/SCIC/2017 | Suraj Borkar, SBI Colony, Alto Torda, Porvorim, Bardez. | PIO, Village Panchayat of Agonda, Agonda Canacona. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.77/SCIC/2017 | Eusebio Baraganza, 4 C, Government Quarters, patto, Panaji. | PIO, Asst PIO, Off of Goa Meat Complex, Sesa Ghor, Patto Plaza, Panaji. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.82/SCIC/2017 | Suraj Borkar, SBI Colony, Alto Torda, Porvorim, Bardez. | PIO, Village Panchayat of Agonda, Agonda Canacona. | Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.305/SCIC/2016 | Agnelo A Fernandes, Sirvoi Pimpolcotto, Quepem, Margao. | PIO & Under Secretary, Personnel dept, Secretariat, Porvorim. | Appeal dismissed. |
appeal 69/ SIC/2014 | sitaram Pal | PIO, Deputy Superintendent of Police | appeal is disposed |
Appeal No. 45/SIC/2015 | Shri Subhiraj Prabhakar Naik, H.No.96-7,Nagmoddem, Navelim, Salcete Goa | Mr. Prabhakar Namdev Kamati, PIO, Secretary, V.P. Paroda, Salcet Goa | Appeal proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No. 46/SCIC/2015 | Shri Subhiraj Prabhakar Naik, H.No.96-7,Nagmoddem, Navelim, Salcete Goa | Mr. Prabhakar Namdev Kamati, PIO, Secretary, V.P. Paroda, Salcet Goa | Appeal proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No. 04/SIC/2015 | Dr. Shailesh Arlekar, A-202, Vrundavan Park, Vapi, Gujrat, 396191. | The PIO, Directorate of Health Services, Public Health Deptt. Panaji Goa | Proceedings stands closed. |
Appeal 24/2017 | Shri Uday R. Pokle, Flat No. 8, Apa Commercial Complex, Valpoi Goa. | PIO, Under Secretary,(Personnel-I), Secretariat Porvorim Goa. | Proceedings stands closed. |
Appeal No. 41/2017 | Shri Amar Hadfadkar H.No. 36, Golnawada, Pomburpa, Bardez Goa | PIO, Village Panchayat Penha De Franca, Bardez Goa. | Proceedings stands closed. |
Appeal No. 42/2017 | Shri Amar Hadfadkar H.No. 36, Golnawada, Pomburpa, Bardez Goa | PIO, Village Panchayat Penha De Franca, Bardez Goa. | Proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No. 58/2017 | Ramesh S. Kerkar, Behind Laxmi Narayan Temple, Muddavadi,Saligao,Bardez-Goa | FAA), SSW, PWD, Altinho, Panaji- Goa.. | Proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No. 104/2017 | Nitin Y. Patekar, Oshalbag Dhargal, P. O. Colvale, Via Dhargal, Pernem-Goa | PIO, O/o. Goa State Pollution Control Board, Patto, Panaji-Goa | Proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No. 177/2016 | Mr. Savio Suraj Victoria, H. No. 28 Khairikatem , Sanguem Goa | PIO, The Chief Officer, Sanguem Municipal, Council, Sanguem Goa. | Appeal stands disposed accordingly |
Appeal No. 25/2017 | Mr. Charles D Cruz, H. No. 230, Ranoi, Aldona, Bardez-Goa | PIO, Sub Divisional Police Officer, Having its office at Mapusa, Bardez-Goa | Proceeding stands Closed. |
Appeal No.62/2017 | Shri Sushant Nagvekar, House No. C-312, Fondvem, Ribandar-Goa | Satyawan Bhivshet, Asst. Commissioner of Excise, Excise Department, Panaji | Proceedings stands closed . |
Appeal No. 175/2016 | Bharat L. Candolkar, Vady, Candolim, Bardez Goa | Public Information Officer TCP Department, North Goa District office, Mapus | Proceedings stands closed |
Appeal No. 161/2016 | Trajano DMello, N.G.P. Goa State,Opp Pedem Sport complex, Mapusa Goa | Public Information Officer, O/o Commissioner of Commercial taxes, Vikrikar | Prayers are not granted. |
Appeal 142/2017 | Mr. Siddesh Simepurushkar,Flat No. F2, Ananta Apartment, Angod Waddo,Mapusa | Public Information Officer Administrator of Communidade (North Zone) Mapusa | Proceedings stands closed. |
Appeal 06/SCIC/2015 | Noelyn Santos, 5-C Government Quarters, Patto Collony, Panaji Goa -403001 | The Public Information Officer, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa - Goa. | Penalty proceedings closed. |
Appeal No.45/2017 | Longuinhos Fernandes, H. No. 325, Desterro Waddo, Near EL-Monte Theater, Va | PIO, Mormugao Muncipal Council, Mormugao, Vasco Da- gama | Appeal is disposed off. |
Appeal No.46/2017 | Longuinhos Fernandes, H. No. 325, Desterro Waddo, Near EL-Monte Theater, Va | PIO, Mormugao Muncipal Council, Mormugao, Vasco-da-gama. | Appeal is disposed off. |
appeal 77/SCIC/2015 | Shri Gajanan D. Phadte | The Public Information Officer, Office of the Director of Panchayat | PIO directed to furnish information, public authority directed to comply provision of section 4 of RTI Act |
Appeal 138/2016 | Nigel Gonsalves | The Public Information Officer, The Asst. Registrar of Co-operative Societi | PIO directed to provide information, shwocause for penal action. |
Appeal 175/2016 | Bharat Kandolkar | Public Information Officer TCP Department, North Goa District office, | proceeding closed |
appeal 146/2015 | Caetano Monteiro | 1. The Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat of Cansaulim, Arossim | penalty proceeding started |
appeal 146/2015 | Caetano Monteiro | 1. The Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat of Cansaulim, Arossim | penalty proceeding started |
appeal 101/2017 | Siddesh Simepurskar | 1. Public Information Officer Administrator of Communidade (North Zone) Map | endorsement made by the appellant |
appeal 32/sic/2015 | Urmila Ulhas Mainikar | Superintendent of Police (North), FAA, Porvorim-Goa | appeal is disposed as withdrawn |
appeal 50/sic/2014 | Shri Suhasini S. Govekar, | The Public Information Officer Village Panchayat Secretary Anjuna-Caisua, | information furnished to appellant and hence appellant made endorsement. |
Appeal 137/SIC/2014 | K. G. Shankarnarayan | Officiating Principal, Narayan Zatye College of Commerce, sanquelim | |
appeal 77/SCIC/2014 | Vincent Dias | 1. The Public Information Officer (PIO), South Goa Planning and Development | |
appeal 143/ | Jawaharlal T Shetye | The Public Information Officer, Under Secretary (GA-I), General Administrat | |
Appeal 160/2016 | Sandeep Heble, Taleigao-Goa | 1. Public Information Officer Sports Authority of Goa, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mu | PIO directed to provide information as sought by appellant |
Appeal No. 19/2017 | Sushant P. Nagvenkar, | 1. Public Information Officer Under Secretary,(Estt.), Department of law an | in view of submission of appellant appeal stands disposed as withdrawn |
appeal 137/2015 | Atchut V. S. Bandio, | 1. Shri Srinet N. Kothwale, Member Secretary (GCZMA), Goa Coastal Zone Man | appeal is disposed, proceeding closed |
appeal 40/SIC/2017 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye | 1. Public Information Officer The Dy. Collector (Revenue), Collectorate Bui | proceeding stands closed |
Appeal 13/2017 | Yogesh Raythatha, Panaji | 1. The Public Information OfficerThe Dy. Commissioner, Corporation of C | PIO directed to furnish the information |
appeal 36/SIC/2014 | Pramod Singbal, Margao-Goa | 1. Public Information Officer, O/o of the Joint Director of Accounts, Direc | endorsement made by appellant for withdrawal |
appeal 105/2017 | NitinY. Patekar, | The Public Information Officer, O/o Goa State Pollution Control Board, | endorsement made by appellant |
appeal 144/2015 | Gajanan Padloskar | 1. Public Information Officer Dy. Superintendent of Police, Crime Branch | |
appeal 237/2016 | Bharat Kandolkar, Bardez-Goa | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), North Goa Planning and Developme | endorsement made by appellant. |
appeal 237/2016 | Bharat Kandolkar, Bardez-Goa | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), North Goa Planning and Developme | endorsement made by appellant. |
appeal 237/2016 | Bharat Kandolkar, Bardez-Goa | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), North Goa Planning and Developme | endorsement made by appellant. |
appeal 38/2017 | Nitin Patekar, pernem | 1. Public Information Officer O/o Village Panchayat, Dhargal | |
appeal 39/2017 | Nitin Patekar, pernem | 1. Public Information Officer O/o Village Panchayat, Dhargal | FAA to be vigilant henceforth |
appeal No. 47/2017 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | The Secretary, Village Panchayat Latambarcem | submission and endorsement made by appellant |
appeal 164/2016 | Shri Santosh Salkar, Marcel | 1. Public Information Officer Executive Engineer , Works Div.III | |
appeal 110/2016 | advocate J. M. D Silva, Mumbai | 1. Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Public Information Officer | information is furnished to appellant |
Appeal 126/SCIC/2015 | Peter Lobo, Bardez-Goa | Sarpanch of Village Panchayat Parra, Bardez Goa. | penalty , disciplinary proceeding and compensation is not warrented |
Appeal 152/2016 | Yogesh Roythatha, Panaji | Public Information Officer (PIO), Goa State Commission for women | information received by appellant and he made submission |
appeal 43/SIC/2014 | Keeneth Silvera | the additional Collector-I, PIO, margao | PIO directed to furnish information |
Appeal 52/SCIC/2015 | Xavier Dias, Salcete | PIO, Dy. Collector and SDO, Salcete | information provided to appellant and endorsement made by him |
Appeal 58/SIC/2014 | Pradip Shirodkar, Tiswadi | The Public Information Officer (PIO), Goa Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals | appeal is disposed |
Appeal 58/SIC/2014 | Pradip Shirodkar, Tiswadi | The Public Information Officer (PIO), Goa Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals | appeal is disposed |
Appeal 105/SIC/2016 | Shri Amarnath A. Palni,Bardez-Goa | PIO, Administrator of communidade, Mapusa | penalty proceeding started |
appeal 146/2016 | Pedrito Misquitta, | Public Information Officer, O/o the Village Panchayat Candolim | |
Appeal 182/2016 | Fr. Jacinto Rodrigues, Cavelossim, Salcete | PIO, Secretary, V. P. Cavelossim, Goa | |
Appeal 198/SIC/2012 | Kalpana Kamat, Vasco | PIO, Mormugao Muncipal Council | |
appeal 104/2016 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Directorate of Health Services, Panaji | matter disposed. proceeding closed |
appeal 143/2016 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Under Secretary (GA-I) Porvorim | appeal disposed |
appeal 198/2016 | Gopal Das | PIO, NGPDA Panaji | appeal disposed |
Appeal No.177/SCIC/2017 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Secretary Mapusa Jana Jagruti Samiti, Korlim, Mapusa. | PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa. | Appeal allowed. |
appeal 147/SIC/2015 | Pedrito Misquitta alias John Peter Misquita | PIO, APIO, O/o. Civil Registrar cum Sub Registrar, Mapusa | proceeding closed |
Appeal No.208/2017/CIC | Jawaharlal T Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa. | PIO, MMC, Mapusa. | Appeal dismissed, Proceeding closed |
Appeal No. 200/SCIC/2017 | Iver Ferreira, H No 949, Mangueiral, St Estevam, Ilhas Goa. | PIO, Office of Mamlatdar, Tiswadi, Collectorate bldg, Gr flr, Panaji-Goa | Appeal Disposed. |
Appeal No. 86/SCIC/2017 | Suraj Borkar, H No 705, SBI colony, Alto Torda, Porvorim, Bardez. | PIO, Dy Supdt of Police, HQ, North, Porvorim. | Proceeding closed. |
Appeal No.175/2017/SCIC | Prakash R Naik, hno 67, near Old Goa, Ribandar-Goa, 403006 | PIO, Dy Commissioner, Corporation of City of Panaji-Goa | Proceeding Closed. |
Appeal No.81/SCIC/2017 | Mr Suraj Borkar, HNo705, SBI Colony, Alto Torda, Porvorim, Bardez. | PIO, V P of Agonda, Agonda, Canacona. | Appeal stands dismissed as withdrawn. |
Appeal No.06/SCIC/2017 | Ganesh Kubal, H No870, Journalist Colony, Porvorim, Bardez. | PIO, CCP, Panaji. | Dismissed as withdrawn. Proceeding closed. |
appeal No. 67/2017 | Rudresh Naik | FAA and Captain of Ports, Captain of Ports Department | PIO directed to provide information. Showcause notice issued |