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Case Nos.Applicant Name Respondent Name Remarks
Penalty C. No.21-06 in Appl 51-2006-Commu. Lt. Col. Sylvester D`Souza Administrator of Communidades, North Goa, Bardez.Penalty proceedings dropped.
Penalty Case No. 28/2006 in Appl 72/2006 Joao Caldeira PWD.Penalty imposed on APIO of Rs.10,000/- and Rs.5000/- on PIO.
Penalty Case No. 30-2006 in Appl No. 89/2006 John Nazareth Electricity Dept., Panaji.Penalty proceedings dropped against Asst. Engineer.
Penalty Case No. 31-2006 in Compl. No. 51/2006 Milan G. Natekar Directorate of Education, Panaji.Penalty of Rs.5000/- on the opponent.
Penalty Case No. 5-07 Appl 03/2007-08 Surekha Bute Forest Department, Panaji.Penalty proceedings dropped against Range Forest Officer, Panaji.
Penalty Case No. 06/07 in Appl 07/07 Hilario Sequeira V. P. Secretary Goltim-Navelim, Divar.V.P. Secretary is directed to give reply within one month.
Penalty Case No. 1-2007 in Compl. No. 66/2006 P. V. Desai Goa Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Pernem.Penalty proceedings dropped against the PIO.
Penalty Case No. 26/06 in Compl No. 07/06 Agnes D`Silva V.P. Secretary Calangute, Bardez - Goa.Penalty of Rs.1000/- on the opponent.
Penalty Case No. 3-2007 in Appl 79/2006 M. K. Madhu Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji.Penalty has been imposed on PIO and two other officials.
Penalty Case No. 11/2007-08 in Appl 48-07 Deepak B. Naik Goa Medical College, Bambolim.Penalty of Rs.1000/- has been imposed on deemed PIO, Director (Admn.), GMC.
Penalty Case No. 16/2007-08 in Appl 51/2007 Gajanan Phadte Under Secretary (Personnel - II), Secretariat, Porvorim.Penalty of Rs.1000/- has been imposed on Under Secretary (Personnel - II).
Penalty Case No. 14/2007-08 in Compl. No. 12/2007 Ranjit Satardekar North Goa Planning and Development Authority, Panaji.Penalty of Rs.1000/- has been imposed on Member Secretary.
Penalty Case No. 19/2007-08 in Appl. No. 95/2007 Harihar Chodankar Village Panchayat of Taleigao, Tiswadi.Penalty proceedings dropped against Commissioner, CCP.
Penalty Case No. 17/2007-08 in Appl 107/07 Allan Falleiro Executive Engineer, W.D. XXV, PWD, Fatorda, Salcete.Penalty of Rs.1000/- has been imposed on Executive Enginner.
Penalty C. No. 19-06 in Appl 59-06-Police Samiro Pereira Police Department.Penalty of Rs.5000/- each on PIO,SP South, Margao and Tony Fernandes, SDPO, Margao.
Penalty Case No. 10/2007 in Com. 39-07 Nazaziano Paes V. P. Secretary of Assolna, Salcete.Penalty of Rs.250/- has been imposed on PIO.
Penalty Case No. 02/2008 in Com 69-07 C. S. Barreto V. P. Secretary Candolim, Bardez.Proceedings dropped against the PIO.
Penalty Case No. 07/07 in Appl 14/07 Pandu Shetgaonkar Dy. Collector & SDO, Mapusa.Collector of North Goa is directed to comply with the provision of sub-section (1) of Section 1 of the Act.
Penalty Case No. 20/2006 in Appl No. 76/2006 Sushant S. Naik PWD, Panaji.Penalty of Rs.5000/- on the PIO.
Penalty Case No. 2/2007 in Appl 98/2006 Prakash Parab Dy. Director (Admn.), Fire & Emergency Services, Panaji.Proceedings dropped against the PIO.
Penalty Case No. 01/2008 in Com 77/07 Joseph Carneiro Commissioner, Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji - Goa.Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO.
Penalty Case No. 08/2008 in Appl. 65/SIC/08 Sagar V. Dharwadkar V.P. Secretary of Nerul, Bardez - Goa.Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO.
Penalty Case No. 10/2008 in Appl 53/SCIC/08 Atmaram Naik Curchorem Cacora Municipal Council, Curchorem - Goa.Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO.
Penalty Case No. 04/2008 in Compl. 08/2008 Kashinath Shetye V. M. Salgaonkar College of Law, Miramar, Panaji.Penalty of Rs.2000/- has been imposed on the PIO.
Penalty Case No. 05/2008 in Com 87/07 J. T. Shetye Chief Officer, Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa.Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO.
Penalty Case No. 07/2008 in Appl. 45/SCIC/08 Dhruvanjay Harmalkar Dy. Director (Public Health), Directorate of Health Services, Panaji.Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO.
Penalty Case No. 11/2008 in Appl 127/SCIC/08 Shashikant Bhagat Canacona Municipal Council, Canacona.Penalty of Rs.5,000/- has been imposed on PIO.
Penalty Case No. 18/2007-08 in Compl. 35/2007-08 Angelo D`Souza V. P. Secretary of Santa Cruz, Tiswadi.Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO.
Penalty Case No. 13/2007-08 in Compl. 25/2007-08/P J. J. Barreto S.P. (South), Margao.Penalty proceedings dropped.
Penalty Case No. 03/2008 in Appl 23/SIC/08 Dinesh VaghelaBlock Develoment Officer, Bardez, Mapusa.Penalty of Rs.2000/- has been imposed on the BDO, Bardez.
Penalty Case No. 09/2008 in Appl 59/SCIC/08 Kashinath Shetye Corporation of the City of Panaji, Panaji - Goa.Penalty of Rs.10,000/- has been imposed on PIO.
Penalty Case Bo. 17/2009 in Com 50/SIC/2008 Ms. E. S. S. Almeida Additional Collector - I, North Goa, Panaji.Penalty proceedings closed.
Penalty Case No. 12/2007-08 in Appl. 63/2007-08 Sandesh Kossambe Chief Officer, Sanguem Municipal Council, Sanguem.Penalty proceedings dropped.
Penalty Case No. 01-2009 In Appl 287/SIC/2008 Severina Fernandes Village Panchayat Calangute, Bardez.Compensation of Rs.5000/- is awarded to the Complainant.
Penalty Case No. 20/2008 Surendra Furtado Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji - Goa.Penalty of Rs.5000/- is imposed on the PIO.
Penalty Case No. 19/2008 In Appl 192/SCIC/2008 Anupama Mirashi Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji - Goa.Penalty of Rs.5000/- is imposed on the PIO.
Penalty12-09 Yeshwant R. Prabhu, Canacona PIO, Exe. Eng. WD XIV(N.H.) Public Work Dept. Fatorda, FAA, SuperintendingPenalty proceeding dropped
Penalty Case No. 08/2009 in Appl 284/SCIC/2008 Kashinath Shetye Electricity Dept., Panaji.Penalty proceedings dropped.
Penalty 10-09, 11-09Jose Almeida,Margao. PIO, Member Secretary, SGPDA, Margao.Proceeding closed
Penalty16-09 Atmaram D. Naik, Curchorem PIO, Chief Officer, Curchorem-Cacora Mun. Council, CurchoremProceedings dropped.
Penalty17-09 Ms. E.S.S.Almeida, Dona Paula PIO, Mr. Swapnil M. Naik, Addl. Collector-I, North Goa, PanajiProceedings dropped.
Penalty 19-09Rajesh V. Kamat, Panaji 1) PIO, O/o. Collector, North Goa Dist., Panaji.2) APIO, Dy.Collector(Rev.)Disposed off.
Penalty 20-09 Mrs. Maria R. George, Loutolim 1 PIO, Adminstrator of Comm. of South Zone, Margao.2) FAA, Addl. Collector-Compensation of Rs. 2500/- to the Complainant from funds of Administrator of Communidades, South Zone, Margao.
Penalty13-08 Shri Joe D`Souza, Panaji 1) PIO, Commissioner, CCP, Panaji. 2) Accounts Taxation Officer, CCP, Pana1) Fine of Rs. 1000/- imposed on the then PIO of CCP, Shri Melwyn Vaz. 2) Compensation of Rs. 2000/- to Complainant to be paid from funds of CCP.
Pen9-10 Shri Agnelo Gama, Cansaulim S.V. Naik, The Then PIO & Chief Officer, Mormugao Mun.Council, Vasco-da-GaDisposed off.
Penalty01-10 Rajesh amat, Panaji Vs. PIO, NGPDA, Panaji.Proceedings closed.
ppl49-10 Mr. I.S. Raju, Benaulim. PIO, South Goa District Office, Town & Country Planning Dept., Margao.Disposed off
Penalty03-2010Egidio Braganza,Altinho,Mapusa 1)PIO,V.P.Secy.,V.P.Calangute,Bardez2)FAA,BDO,Bardez-Goa.Disposed off
Penalty case No.15-2010 Mahesh Kamat, Camba, Margao Deemed PIO,Legal Asst.,KTC Ltd., Paraiso de Goa, Alto Porvorim.Disposed off.
Pen21-2011Dinesh B. vaghela, Porvorim 1)PIO, Chief Eng.-I, PWD, Altinho. 2) Superintnding Eng., Circle Office IX,Show Cause Notice to Opponent No. 1 & 2 discharged. Penalty proceedings dropped.
Penalty 55-2010Damas Oswald Dias,Cuncolim,Salcete PIO,Cuncolim Municipal Council, Cuncolim, SalcetePenalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed.
Pen31-2010Mr. Jose Joe Carneiro, Sirvodem, Salcete-Goa PIO, Margao Municipal Council, Margao.Rs. 5000/- penalty imposed on PIO.
Pen25-10Mr. Edwin Rodrigues, Goa ha Vs. PIO, Dy, Secretary, Goa Public Service Commission, Panaji.Show cause notice discharged. Penalty proceedings dropped.
Pen74-2011Shri Minguel Monteiro, Majorda PIO, Dy. Collector, Margao.Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO.
Pen07-10Mr. Custodio de Souza, Calangute 1)PIO, Secretary, V.P. Calangute.2)FAA, BDO, Mapusa, Bardez.Show cause notice discharged, penalty proceedings dropped.
Pen48-2010Mr. Nandakumar A.Gaonkar, Tivrem PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & C Planning Dept., Panaji &Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & Country Planning Dept., from the funds of Public Authority.
Pen53-10Mr. Prashant v.Naik, Ponda PIO, Shri Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP, Panaji & 3 Ors. DePenalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by O/o. Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning, Panaji.
Pen60-2010Shri Jayant S.S.Navelkar, Porvorim PIO, Shri Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP, Panaji. & 3 Ors. DRs. 5000/- penalty imposed to be paid by the O/o. of Chief Town Planner, T &CP, Panaji.
Pen 04/2010 Kamu Tari . PIO, E.E. WD.XVIII(R) PWD, PondaPenalty 6000/- imposed on PIO
Pen40-2010Shri Subhash S.Salgaonkar, Tiswadi PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, Town & Country Planning Dept., Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji.
Pen45-2010 Mr. ek D.Mayekar, Panaji Vs.PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, Town & Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the Office of the Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji.
penalty 19-2011 in appl.241/SCIC-2010 Nilesh S. POrob, Ansabhat, Mapusa . PIO, Helath Officer, Urban Health Centre,MapusaShow cause notice discharges penalty procedingls and inquiry disposed off
Pen59-2010Shri Balchandra S. Divkar, Ponda 1) PIO, Subhash Nilekani,Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji.
Pen58-10Shri Manorai S. Khandepar, Bardez 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP, Panaji & 3 Ors.Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by O/o.Chief Town Planner, T & CP Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority.
Pen66-2010Shri Zaidev R. Aldonkar, Bardez 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani,Landscape Architect, T & CP, Panaji & 3 Ors.Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & CP, Panaji to be paid from the funds of Public Authority.
pen62-2010Shri vivekanand P. Gurav, Shirvai, Quepem PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP Dept., Panaji & 3 Ors.Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & CP Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority.
Pen63-2010Shri Santosh D. Satardekar, Ponda 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP Dept., Panaji & 3 Ors.Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & CP Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority.
Penalty 73-2010 in Appl 156-SIC-2010 Shri v.A. Kamat, St-Inez,Panaji . The PIO Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji-Goa.Rs. 5000/- Penalty imposed on PIO. Penalty proceeding disposed off.
Penalty 26-2011 in Appl 133-SIC-2010 Mohan Kamat, Salcete, . PIO SGPDA, MargaoRs. 7000/- penalty imposed on PIO. Penalty proceedings disposed off
Pen21-2011Mr. Dinesh B. hela, Porvorim Vs. 1)PIO, Chief Engineer-I, PWD, Altinho.2)Superintending EShow cause notices on Opp. 1 and 2 discharged, penalty proceedings dropped.
Pen46-2010Mr. R. v. Shirodkar, Neura PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, Town & Country Planning Dept., Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji.
Pen61-10Shri Francisco G.Fdes, Aldona. 1)PIO,Subhash Nilekani,Landscape Architect, Town & country Planning Dept, PPenalty of Rs.5000/- impoed to be paid by the Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji.
Pen59-10Mr.Balchandra S.Divkar, Ponda 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, Town & Country Planning Dept.Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji.
Pen65-2010Shri Ramesh N.Naik, Mardol 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP, Panaji. & 3 Ors.Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by O/o. of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept. from the funds of Public Authority.
Pen35-2011Shri Cedric Lobo, Panaji PIO, Secretary, V.P. Calangute, Calangute.Penalty of Rs.10,500/- imposed on PIO.
Pen33-2011Mr. Octaviano Rodrigues, Borda, Margao PIO, South Goa Planning & Dev. Authority, Margao.Penalty of Rs. 12,500/- imposed on PIO.
penalty 27-2011 in Appl 269-SIC-2010 Gajanan B. Kamat, Margao . PIO Municipal Council, MargaoDisposed off
Pen43-2011Mr. Oldrin Pereira, Bardez PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa.Show cause notice issued is discharged, penalty proceedings and inquiyr proceedings disposed off.
Pen07-10Custodio de Souza, Calangute 1)PIO, Secretary, V.P. Calangute.2) FAA, BDO, Mapusa.Show cause notice is discharged. Penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen01-2011Shri Raghunath N. Kauthankar, Margao PIO, Dy. collector & SDO, Sub-Division, Margao, Salcete-Goa.Penalty of Rs. 5000/- imposed on PIO.
Pen02-10Mr. Yogesh S. Naik, Panaji PIO, Commissioner, Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji.Show cause notice discharged, penalty proceedings dropped.
Pen47-2010 Mr.Arun J. Shet, Cumbharjua 1) PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & C Plg. Dept. & 3 Ors. DPenalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by Office of Chief Town Planner, T & C Planning Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority.
Pen39-10Shri Umesh v. Kurdikar, Alto Porvorim PIO, Shri Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & C. Planning Dept.,PanPenalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & C. Plg, Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority.
Pen42-2010Mr. SantoshM.Lourenco, Tiswadi 1)PIO, Landscape Architect, Town & Country Planning. Panaji.Penalty of Rs.5000/-to be paid by O/o.Chief Town Planner from funds of Public Authority to Government Treasury.
Pen64-2010Shri Manguirish N. verenkar,Navelim, Margao 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect & 3 Ors.Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & CP Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority.
Pen13-2009Mr.Anil F. Naik Gaonkar, Adcolna PIO, V.P. Secretary, Bhoma-Adcolna,Bhoma, Ponda-Goa.Directo of Panchayat to act in accordance with law based on PIO`s report. Rs.3000/- to be paid from funds of VP Bhoma-Adcolna to Complainant.
Pen57-10vaman K.Jalmi, Ponda 1) PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, Town & Country Planning DeptPenalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji.
Pen67-2010Dr.S.P.Deshpande, E.P.D.Consultants, Caranzalem 1)PIO,Member Secretary,NGPDA,Panaji.2)FAA, NGPDA, Panaji.Opponent is directed to pay Rs.10,000/- as penalty imposed on him.
Pen20/2011Mr.Jacinto Sequeira, Bardez PIO, Administrator of Communidades, North Goa, Mapusa.Penalty of Rs.2500/- imposed on deemed PIO/Escrivao, Attorney of Communidade, Tivim to be paid in Government Treasury.
Pen26-2010Mr. J.T.Shetye, Khorlim, Mapusa 1)PIO,Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa.2)FAA &SDO, O/o.Dy.Collector&SDO, Mapusa.Show cause issued is withdrawn and proceedings dropped.
Pen54-2010Smt.Sanyogita Shetye thro`PoA Holder Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Dept of Town &Country Planng,South Goa,Margao.Penalty of Rs.10,000/-to be paid by O/o. Chief Town Planner,Town&Country Plnng Dept.,Margao/Public Authority.
Pen25-2011Smt. Sheetal S. Navelkar, PIO, Secretary, V.P. Verla Canca, Bardez-Goa.Penalty of Rs.2000/- imposed on PIO to be from salary of January 2012 and February 2010 in Govt. Treasury.
Pen42-2010Shri Prakash S. Pednekar, Mangeshi-Goa 1)SPIO, Mr. Bhushan Savoikar,Mamlatdar of Pernem.2)FAA,Mr.R.D.Mirajkar,Dy.CPenalty of Rs.1500/- imposed on PIO to be paid in Govt. Treasury from his salary for the month of February, 2012.
Pen72-2010Shri Roque Pinto, Margao PIO, Chief Officer, Margao Mun. Council, Margao.Respondent to pay a sum of Rs.6,500/- as penalty imposed on him to be recoverd from his salary and deposited in Government Treasury.
Pen20-2010Mr. I.S.Raju, Acsona, Benaulim PIO, Dept. of Town & Country Planning, South Goa, Margao.Penalty of Rs.12,500/- imposed to be paid by O/o. Chief Town Planner, Town&Country Plng Dept.,Margao/Public Authority from funds of Public Authority
Pen18-2010Mr.Domnic D`souza, Siolim PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa.Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed on PIO, to be paid in Govt. Treasury in two instalments from salary of February 2012 and March 2012.
Pen10-2010Mr.Ajay E.vellingiri, vasco. 1) Shri S.V.Naik, the then PIO & Chief Officer, Mormugao Municipal Council,Show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings dropped.
Pen11-2010Mr.Ajay E.vellingiri 1)Shri S.V. Naik, The then PIO & Chief Officer, Mormugao Mun. Council, VasShow cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings dropped.
Pen24-2010Mr.Rudresh S.Naik, Panaji. PIO, Captain of Ports Dept., Panaji.Show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings dropped.
Penalty 22/2010 in Appl. 60-SCIC-2010 Shri Yeshwant Tolyo Sawant, Sattari . PIO WRD, Panaji 2. Asst. PIO WRD, Panaji 3. FAA, Chief Eng. WRD, PanajDisposed off.
Pen28-2010Mr.Suresh v.Parsekar,Pernem. 1)PIO,O/o.IDC, Panaji.2)Deemed PIO,Dy.GM(Admn),Est.Div.,GIDC,Panaji.3)FAA,MShow cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped.
Penalty 16/2010 Harihar v. Chodankar PIO Administrator, O/o.Admn of Communidade of North Zone, Mapusa 2 FAA AddThe Attorney of the Communidade of Serula is hereby directed to furnish the information to the appellant vide his application dated 20/5/2009
Pen55-2011Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar PIO, Exec. Engineer, Electricity Dept., Panaji.Penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen37-2011Mr.Ganesh Chodankar,Panaji PIO, Labour Department, Secretariat,Porvorim-Goa.Opponent to pay Rs.7500/- as penalty, to be recovered from the salary of PIO in 3 instalments from April,May & June ` be pd in Govt.Treasury
Pen59-2011Mr.Francisco X.H. Pereira, Curchorem Chief Officer, Mr. Sudin A. Natu, PIO, Curchorem-Cacora Mun. Council, CurchRespondent/PIO is directed to pay penalty of Rs.2000/- to be recovered from his salary for month of May `12 by Dte of Accounts (South Br.)Margao.
Pen54-2011Mr.I.S.Raju, Benaulim Asst. PIO, Asst. Engineer & Technical Officer,PWD,SD-II,WD XXV,Fatorda,MarShow cause notice stands discharged. Penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen17-2011Mr.Eusebio Braganza, Navelim P.I.O., Margao Municipal Council, Margao.Penalty of Rs.6000/- imposed on the PIO to be recovered in two instalments from salary for the month of June and July 2012.
Penalty.57/2011 in Comp.88/SCIC/2011 Ramesh R. Mandrekar .1.PIO, Exe.Engineer, WD XVII(PHE-N), PWD, Porvorim 2. The Supdt. Surveyor The show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped as withdrawn.
Pen.36/2011 in Comp.524/SCIC/2010 Shankar P. Parab . Anil Kumar, Dy. Director (HIB), PIO, Dte. of Health Service, Special CellThe show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped. Penalty proceedings are accordingly disposed off.
Pen.32-2010 in Apl.179/SCIC/2010 Bassiano Liberato da Conceicao Mascarenhas 1.PIO O/o.Village Panchayat of Sarzora, Salcete 2.FAA BDO SalceteThe show cause notice issued is withdrawn and penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen.1/2012 in Apl.201/SIC/2011 Srikant Naik . PIO The Principal, Shantadurga Higher Secondary School, SancoaleThe penalty proceedings are disposed off. The Penalty proceedings are accordingly disposed off.
Pen27-2010Mr.Mahesh D.vaingankar, Harmal, Pernem 1)PIO,Headmaster,Harmal Panchakroshi High School,Pernem.2)FAA, Director, DtShow cause notice issued is discharged. Penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen49-2011Shri Edwin S.Colaco Old Goa SPIO,Dept. of Social Welfare, Panaji. Vs Chief Town PlannerShow cuase notice is discharged & penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen.32/2011 in Apl.239/SCIC/2010 Nishant Gurudas Sawant The State Public Information Officer, North Goa Zilla Panchayat, Junta HouThe show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen66-2011Shri Blaise Costabir, Fatorda,Margao PIO, GIDC, Panaji.Show cause notice is discharged & penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen70-2010Mr.Rupesh K.Porob,Pomburpa SPIO, Dy.Dir. of Admn,O/o.Principal Chief Engineer,PWD,Altinho,Panaji.Show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen08-2012Mrs. Sangeeta Pednekar,Bardez PIO, Secretary, V.P. Verla-Canca, Bardez.The Public Authority/V.P. Verla-Canca,Bardez is directed to pay a sum of Rs.8000/- as compensation to the Appellant from the funds of said V.P.
Pen02-2012Mr. Manuel Rodrigues,Malim,Bardez. PIO,V.P. of Penha de Franca
Pen56-2011Mr.Sachin D.Kalokhe,Britona,Bardez. Secretary, PIO, V.P. of Penha de Franca,Bardez.PIO to pay penalty of Rs.7000/- imposed on him to be recovered from his salary in 3 instalments & amt. to be paid in Government Treasury.
Pen46-2011Mr.Nakul S.Narulkar,Pernem PIO,Sr. Land Acquisition Officer(N),Goa Tillari Irrigatn Dev. Corporation,Show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen60-2011Mr.Jode L.vaz,Colvale, Bardez. PIO. Member Secretary, Goa State Commission for Women, Panaji.Show cause notice is discharged & penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen22-2011Mr.Ajit L. Desai, Canacona Chief Officer, PIO, Canacona Municipality, Canacona.Penalty of Rs.10,000/- imposed on Opponent/PIO to be receoved from his salary in 3 instalments and to be deposited in Govt. Treasury.
Pen63-2011Mr.Suraj S.Halarnkar,Old Goa PIO, SP (South), Margao.Show cause notice is discharged & penalty proceedings are dropped.
Pen06-2012Mr.Cirilo vales,Seraulim,Salcete. PIO, South Goa Zilla Panchayats,Arlem,Raia.Show cause notice is discharged & penalty proceedings are dropped.
Penalty 67/2011 M/s. vastuseva Builders, Ponda PIO, State Registrar-cum-Head of Notary ServicesPartly allowed, No penalty
Penalty 18/2011 In Appeal 207/SCIC/2010 Xavier Gomes, Tivim Mamlatdar of Bardez, MapusaDismissed and Closed
Pen72-2011Mr.Menon J.Falcao,St.Jose de Areal,Salcete 1)PIO,Krishna Gaude,Secretary.2)PIO,Mr.Advin Carvalho,Secrtry3)Pr. PIO,RajeV.P. of St.Jose de Areal to pay a sum of Rs.6000/- as compensation to the Appellant within 30 days from the receipt of Order..6000/-
Pen70-2011Capt. Madhukar A. Sheldekar,Calangute Mr.Subodh V.Prabhu,Secretary & PIO, V.P. Calangute,Bardez.Penalty of Rs.8000/- imposed on PIO to be recovered from his salary in 2 instalments and deposited in Govt. Treasury.
Pen45-2011Mr.Subhash B.S.Jetha,Mapusa. PIO,V.P. Secretary, Siolim,Marna, Bardez.Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed on PIO to be recovered from the salary of PIO in 2 instalments and to be deposited in Govt. Treasury.
Penalty 40/2012 In Complaint 87/SIC/2012 Joan Monteiro, Calangute (1) PIO/ V. P. Secretary, Village Panchayat CalanguteComplaint is dismissed as withdrawn
Penalty 40/2012 In Complaint 87/SIC/2012 Joan Monteiro, Calangute (1)PIO,Subodh V. Prabhu,V. P. Secretary,VP Calangute.Withdrawn
Penalty 03/2012 Bandhgit Nadaf, vasco PIO Mormugao Municipal Council, Vasco (2)FAA, Dte of Urban Development, PaPenalty is closed
Penalty 04/2012 Bandhgit Nadaf, vasco PIO Mormugao Municipal Council, Vasco (2)FAA, Dte of Urban Development, PaPenalty is closed
Penalty 05/2012 Bandhgit Nadaf, vasco PIO Mormugao Municipal Council, Vasco (2)FAA, Dte of Urban Development, PaPenalty is closed
Penalty NO.49/SIC/2010G. D. Phadte, Nila Niwas, Alto Torda, Porvorim.PIO,Secretary, Penha de Franca Village Panchayat, Britona, Bardez.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.50/SIC/2010G. D. Phadte, Nila Niwas, Alto Torda, Porvorim.PIO,Secretary, Penha de Franca Village Panchayat, Britona, Bardez.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.29/2010Uday A. C. Priolkar, Mala, Panaji -Goa.SPIO, Dy. Director (Admn.) PWD, Altinho, Panaji.Proceeding are dropped.
Penalty No.68/2010 Comp No.527Clementin Moraes, Shantaban Complex, Chimbel Road, Merces.APIO, Sub Div Engineer, Electricity SD-I (R) Corlim.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.39/2016 In Appl.73I. S. Raju, Acsona Benaulim, Salcete -Goa.PIO, BDO, Margao.Proceeding stands closed.
Penalty No.18/2016 in Comp.03Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa.Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa.Proceeding disposed according.
Penalty No.19/2016 in comp 04/Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa.Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa.Proceeding disposed.
Penalty No.20/2016 in Comp.05Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa.Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa.Proceeding disposed.
Penalty NO.21/2016 in Comp.06Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa.Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa.Proceeding disposed.
Penalty No.22/2016 in comp.07Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa.Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa.Proceeding disposed.
Penalty No.23/2016 in Comp.08Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa.Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa.Proceeding disposed.
Penalty No.24/2016 in Comp.09Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa.Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa.Proceeding disposed.
Penalty NO.25/2016 in Comp.10Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa.Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa.Proceeding disposed.
Penalty No.26/2016 in Comp.11Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa.Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa.Proceeding disposed.
Penalty No.34/2016 in Appl. 04Sushant P. Nagvenkar, Fondvem, Ribandar.FAA, O/o Supdt Enge. Circle -II(N), Vidyut Bhavan, Panaji.Penalty proceeding disposed.
Penalty No.17/2010 in Appl.140Shri Dnyaneshwar P. Sawant, Virlosa, Nr. Maritime School, Britona, Bardez.PIO,Secretary, Penha de Franca Village Panchayat, Britona, Bardez.Appeal stands closed.
Penalty No.14/2009Shri Surendra Furtado, Timotio Buldg., Nr. Navhind Times, PanajiPIO, Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji.Proceeding close.
Penalty No.15/2009Shri Surendra Furtado, Timotio Buldg., Nr. Navhind Times, PanajiPIO, Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji.Proceeding close.
Penalty No.53/2016Kashinath Shetye, Alto Fondvem, Ribandar, Tiswadi.PIO/Secretary, Village Panchayat Secretary, Penha de France, Britona.Proceeding stands closed.
Penalty No.41/2016Mr. Benjamin Pereira, Pereira Waddo, Majoorda Utorda, Margao.PIO, Village Panachayat Majorda, Salcete.Penalty initiated to PIO Shri Narayan Ajgaokar of Rs. 10000/-.
Penalty No.02/2017Sebastian S. Mendonca, Ararim Socorro, Porvorim.PIO, Shri Avinash Palni, Panchayat secretary of Pirna, Bardez.Proceeding closed as withdrawn.
Penalty Case No.23/2011Shri Juju Araujo, Ruzaiwado, St. Cruz Tiswadi GoaPIO, V. P. Scretary, V. P. st. Cruz, Tiswadi GoaPenalty case in Appeal No.07/SCIC/2010 accordingly stands closed
Penalty Case No.24/2011Shri Juju Araujo, Ruzaiwado, St. Cruz Tiswadi GoaPIO, Secretary V. P. St. Cruz, Tiswadi GoaPenalty case in Appeal No.09/SCIC/2010 accordingly stands closed
Penalty CaseNo.52/2011/881Shri G. D. Phadte, Alto Torda Porvorim GoaPIO, Secretary, P. V. Penha De Franca, Village Panchayat, Brittona, BardezPenalty case in appeal No.79/SCIC/2011/ 881 accordingly stands closed
Penalty No.03/SIC/2016Mr. Custodio Dias, Murida , Fatorda, Salcete.FAA, The Chairman South Goa Planning and Development Authority, Margao.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.44/2010Mr. S. B. S. Loureco, Bairo Bondir, Santa Cruz, Tiswadi-Goa.Subhash Nilekani, PIO, Landscape Architect, TCPD, Panaji.Proceeding Closed.
Penalty No.17/2016Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa.PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.15/2016Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa.PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.16/2016Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa.PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.30/2016Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa.PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.31/2016Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa.PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.1/2017Prakash Bandekar, Shree Ganesh Colony Punola, Uccassaim, Bardez.The then PIO, Shri Sabaji Shetye, Dy. Collector & SDO, Marmugao.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.32/2016Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa.PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.37/2014G. D. Phadte, Nila Niwas Alto Torda, Porvorim.PIO, Shri M. S. Mardolkar, V.P. Secretary, Penha de France, Britona.Penalty proceeding closed.
Penalty No.38/2014G. D. Phadte, Nila Niwas Alto Torda, Porvorim.PIO,Shri M. S. Mardolkar, V.P. Secretary, Penha de France, Britona.Penalty proceeding closed.
Penalty No.36/2014G. D. Phadte, Nila Niwas Alto Torda, Porvorim.PIO,Shri M. S. Mardolkar, V.P. Secretary, Penha de France, Britona.Penalty proceeding closed.
Penalty No.06/2010Shri Vivek N. Amonkar, Nr. Marutigad, Curchorem-Goa.SPIO, Exe. Eng. Bldgs., WD I, PWD, Panaji.Proceeding stands closed.
Penalty No.40/2016Smt. Sharmila S. Khandeparkar, Indira Nagar, Chimbel Goa.PIO, Secretary, V. P., Chimbel Goa.Penalty No.40 /2016 in Complaint No. 47/SCIC/2014 the Proceeding for penalty has become infructuous & the proceeding stands closed
penalty No.18/2017Kamlakar S. Gadkar, Sacobhat, Per Seraulim, P.O. Colva, Salcete Goa.PIO, Shri Vishal C. Kundaikar, Mamlatdar of Salcete Taluka, Salcete.Proceeding stands closed. Due to withdrawn of penalty notice.
Penalty No.09/2017Manjita Porob, Sapana Harmony, Gogal, Margao.PIO, Parvatibai Chowgule College, P.O. Fatorda, Gogal Margao.Proceeding stands closed. Due to withdrawn of penalty notice.
Penalty No.10/2017Roopa Belurkar, Shankarwadi, Taleigao-Goa.PIO,Parvatibai Chowgule College, P.O. Fatorda, Gogal, Margao.Proceeding closed, due to withdrawal of penalty.
Penalty No.02/2009Shri Shashikant B. Bhagat, Bhagatwada, Canacona.PIO, The Chief officer, Canacona Municipal Council, CanaconaProceeding closed.
Penalty No.03/2009Shri Shashikant B. Bhagat, Bhagatwada, Canacona.PIO, The Chief officer, Canacona Municipal Council, CanaconaProceeding closed.
Penalty No.04/2009Shri Shashikant B. Bhagat, Bhagatwada, Canacona.PIO, The Chief officer, Canacona Municipal Council, CanaconaProceeding closed.
Penalty No.05/2009Shri Shashikant B. Bhagat, Bhagatwada, Canacona.PIO, The Chief officer, Canacona Municipal Council, CanaconaProceeding closed.
Penalty No.14/2017Franky Monteiro, Devote, Loutolim Salcete, Margao-Goa.P.K. Naik, PIO, BDO II of Salcete, Collector Bldg. Margao.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.14/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 14/2011 in appeal 153/SIC/2008, proceedings closed due to respondents stands withdrawn
Penalty No.5/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 5/2011 in appeal 141/2008 proceedings stands closed.
Penalty No.06/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 6/2011 in appeal no.145/SIC/2008 , proceedings stands closed
Penalty No.06/2008Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.06/2008 in Appeal No.25/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed
Penalty No.07/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.07/2011 in Appeal No.146/SIC/2008
Penalty No.13/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.13/2011 in Appeal No.152/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty 34/2010Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.34/2010 in appeal No.138/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed
Penalty No.77/2010Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.77/2010 in Appeal No.140/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.78/2010Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.78/2010 in Appeal No.142/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.3/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.3/2011 in Penalty No.21/SIC/2008 & in Appeal No.132/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed
Penalty No.04/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.04/2011 in Appeal No.143/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.12/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80Shri Sadanand P. Gad, Ex-Devasthan Clerk, Sunder Peth Bicholim GoaPenalty No.12/2011 in Appeal No.151/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.12/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80Shri Sadanand P. Gad, Ex-Devasthan Clerk, Sunder Peth Bicholim GoaPenalty No.12/2011 in Appeal No.151/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.15/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.15/2011 in appeal No.154/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.35/2010Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.35/2010 in Appeal No.135/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.36/2010Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 36/2010 in appeal No.136/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.11/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.11/2011 in Appeal No.150/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.2/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.2/2011 in Appeal No.131/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.08/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 08/2011 in Appeal 147/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.76/2010Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.139/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.10/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.10/2011 in appeal No.149/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty 16/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.16/2011 in Appeal No.144/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.26/2014 in Appeal 88/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.26/2014 in Appeal 88/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.37/2010Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty No.37/2010 in Appeal 137/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty 38/2010Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 38/2010 in Appeal 133/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty 09/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 09/2011 in Appeal 148/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed
Penalty 33/2010Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 33/2010 in Appeal 134/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal No.89/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal No.90/SIC/2008 proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 91/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 92/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 93/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 94/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 95/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 95/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 96/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 97/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 98/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 99/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 100/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 101/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 102/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 103/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 104/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 105/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 106/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 107/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 108/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 109/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 110/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 111/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 112/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 113/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 114/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 115/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 116/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 117/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 117/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 118/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 119/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 120/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 121/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 122/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty No.26/2014Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 123/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
16-A/2011Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa.Penalty 16/SIC/2008 in appeal 130/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed
Penalty case No.21/2017Bruno John De Sousa, 437,Marra Pilerne, Bardez -Goa.PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Marra, Pilerne, Bardez GoaPenalty Case No.21/2017 in Appeal No.108/2016, Proceedings stands closed
Penalty Case No. 20/2017Bruno John De Sousa, 437,Marra Pilerne, Bardez -Goa.PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Marra, Pilerne, Bardez GoaPenalty Case No. 20/2017 In Appeal No.107/2016,Proceedings stands closed
Penalty Case No. 12/2017Shri Sagar Ulhas Gawas,Khaitwada, Kharpal,Dodamarga,Bicholim GoachPIO, V.Panchayat Secretary,latambarcem) , Bicholim GoaShowcause notice dated 21/02/2017 stands withdrawn
Penalty 19/2017Bharat L. Kandolkar, Vady, Candolim, Bardez Goa.PIO, North Goa Planning and Development Authority, Mala, Panaji GoaProceedings stands closed
Penalty. 27/2016Miss Madonna E. Almeida, H.No. 257-1,Bagdem, 3 RD ward Colva, Salcete Goa.PIO/Sub Divisional Police Officer, Margao-Goa.Proceedings closed
Penalty No. 42/2016Adv. Joel Mendes, Shantadurga Apts.,Dr.Minguel Miranda Rd, Margao Salcet GoPIO, O/o Chief Officer, Margao Mun. Council, Margao Salcet Goat GoGoa.Penalty proceeding stands dismissed as withdrawn
Penalty No. 52/2016Shri Amod V.Veling,Takkar Retreat, Juna Gangapur Naka, Nasik MaharashtraPIO, Chief Officer, Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa Goa.Penalty No.52/2016 in App. No.11/SIC/2014, Penalty proceeding dispose off accordingly
Penalty 38/2016Adv.Shri. Pranav V. Sanvordekar,Muktayee, Bagwada, Sanvordem GoaPIO,Goa Industrial Development Corp., EDC, Complex, Patto,Plaza, Panaji GoaPenalty 38/2016 in appeal No128/SIC/2015, Penalty proceedings dispose off accordingly.
Penalty No. 8 /2017Miss. Vidhya M. Desai, Yamuna Apt., G-F, Sirvorderm, Margao Salcet GoaPIO, Mamlatdar of Salcete,1st floor, Collectorate South Bldg., Margao Goa GCompensation given to PIO Rs.3,000/-
Penalty No.30/2017Shri Pedrito Misquitta alias John Peter Misquitta, Souza Vaddo Candolim GoaPIO/APIO, Office of the Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority, Panaji Goa.Penalty proceeding closed
Penalty 59/2016Fr. Jacinto Rodrigues, H. No. 242, Calvaddo, Cavelossim, Salcete, GoaPIO, The Secretary, Village Panchayat Cavelossim, Cavelossim, South- GoaPenalty imposed on PIO
Penalty No.04/2017Shri R. Pinto, Chamundi Apartments,Martires Dias Road, Margao.The Member Secretary, SGPDA, Margao, Salcete.Proceeding disposed.
Penalty No.60/2016Mithun S. Naik Bhaje, Vadachawada, Sirigao, Bicholim-Goa.PIO, Office of Executive Engineer, Div.XXIV, PEH, PWD, Bicholim.Penalty proceeding closed. PIO to pay compensation of Rs.5000/- to the Complainant.
penalty 8/2016Trajano D MelloAdministrator of Communidade, PIO, North zone, MapusaPENALTY OF RS 3000 IMPOSED ON PIO
penalty 9/2016Trajano D MelloAdministrator of Communidade, PIO, North zone, MapusaPENALTY IMPOSED OF RS. 3000/-
20/2017Bruno John De SousaPIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Marra, PilerneSHOWCAUSE NOTICE WITHDRAWN
13/2010Franky Monteiropio village panchayat loutolimPENALTY IMPOSED ON PIO OF RS 3000
14/2010Franky Monteiropio secretary village panchayat loutolimPENALTY IMPOSED ON PIO OF RS. 3000
16/2017Nigel GonsalvesThe Asst. Registrar of Co-operative Societies & SDIO North Zone,SHOWCAUSE NOTICE ISSUED WITHDRAWN
55/2016Anisha A Mantondkar,Ashutosh Apte, Under Secretary (Revenue), SecretariatPROCEEDING CLOSED
Penalty No.15/2017Rabindra A. L. Dias, Cujira, St. CurzPIO, Office of the Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao.Penalty proceedings dropped. As the notice dated 17/02/2017 stands withdrawn.
Penalty No.27/2017Ivan Frances Fernandes, Vaddem, Socorro, Bardez Goa.PIO, the then PIO Clen Madura, Administrator of Communidade of North Zone,Penalty proceeding stands withdrawn. Proceeding dropped.
penalty 44/2014peter Paul D SouzaShri Rui Cardozo, The Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat Secrepenalty of rs. 5000/- imposed
Penalty No.23/2017Antonio Bernardo Cost1. Public Information Officer Secretary, V.P. Cavelossim, Office of V
penalty34/2017Umakant Falgune TariShriP.B.Kankonkar, Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat St.
penalty 37/2016Bijou Godinho1. First Appellate Authority Block Development officer,
penalty 58/2016Clifford D Souza1. Public Information Officer (PIO), (Mr.Rui Cardoso), Village Panchayat Sepenalty of rs. 3000 imposed
penalty 11/2017Dadu Sawant1. Public Information Officer, Inspector of Survey and Land Records
Penalty 43/2016Manual Gracias1. The Director of Urban Development, First Appellate Authority, Under the
penalty 33/2017Umakant Falgune TariShriP.B.Kankonkar, Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat St.
penalty 39/2017Jawaharlal T Shetye1. First Appellate Authority, Dy. Collector SDO-Bardez, Mapusa Goa.
Penalty 54/2016Tarachand Bhandari1. The State Public Information Officer, Executive Engineer(Trg), O/o the C
penalty 17/2017Veena Kakodkar1. Public Information Officer Sarvodaya Education Society High School, Curc
Penalty 28/2017Noelyn SantosPublic Information Officer, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa Bardez-Goa
Penalty 28/2017Noelyn SantosPublic Information Officer, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa Bardez-Goa.
penalty 35/2017Laxman Putu Pagi1. Public Information Officer, Addl. Collector-I, South Goa District, Colle
penalty 57/2016Atmaram Naik1. Public Information Officer Mamlatdar of Mormugao, Office of the mamlatda
Penalty 32/2017Shri Nishant Sawant1. Public Information Officer Executive Engineer, PWD, W.D. XVIII(Road
Penalty 13/2010Franky MonterioPublic Information Officer, Secretary, Village Panchayat LoutolimPenalty of Rs. 3000/- imposed on PIO
Penalty 32/2017Nishant G.Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandoda1. Public Information Officer Executive Engineer, PWD, W.D. XVIII(Road), PoShowcause notice issued stands withdrawn
Penalty No.22/2017Rabindra A. L. Dias, Cujira, St. Cruz.PIO,office of Mamlatdarof Salcete,Margao, Salcete.Proceeding closed.
Penallty no. 44/2017Gajanan Dhumatkar1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Civil Registrar-Cum Sub-Registrar (HQ)Showcause notice issued on 8/8/2017 stands withdrawn
Penalty 32/2017Nishant Sawant1. Public Information Officer Executive Engineer, PWD, W.D. XVIII(Road), Poshowcause notice dated 25/05/2017 stands withdrawn
Penalty 37/2017Laxman Putu Pagi,1. Public Information Officer Addl. Collector-I, South Goa District, Collecpenalty as sought by appellant are not maintainable
Penalty 37/2017Laxman Putu Pagi,1. Public Information Officer Addl. Collector-I, South Goa District, Collecpenalty as sought by appellant are not maintainable
Penalty 02/2014 in apl. 118/13Kashinath ShetyeShri R. N. Bhat, Then Executive Engineer (Training)/ Public Information Off
Penalty 13/2014Vishal Naik1. Dr. K. K. Nadkarni, Dy. Director of Education, Central Education Zone, Ppenalty not imposed
Penalty 13/2014Vishal Naik1. Dr. K. K. Nadkarni, Dy. Director of Education, Central Education Zone, Ppenalty not imposed
Penalty 21/2014Mandar Madhukar Naik1. Shri Agnelo Fernandes, Chief Officer/ Public Information Officer, O/o Mpenalty not imposed on PIO
Penalty No. 31/2017Jerry BraganzaThe Public Information Officer (PIO), Administrator Communidade North Zopenalty imposed
penalty Case No. 04/2016Nevil FurtadoPublic Information Officer, O/o. The Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-compensation given to appellant
Penalty No. 19/2014Bharat CandolkarBabu Shirodkar, Village Panchayat Secretary Candolimproceeding closed
penalty 07/2017Kalpana Kamat1. Public Information Officer Mormugao Municipal Council. Vasco-Dapenalty imposed on PIO
Penalty 06/2017Kalpana V Kamat1. Public Information Officer Mormugao Municipal Council. Vasco-Da-Gama, Gopenalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO
penalty No.42/2017Madonna Almeida, 3rd ward, Bagdem, Colva, Salcete Goa.PIO,SGPDA, Osia Complex Arcade, 3rd flr Margao Goa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty 04/2014Johny Santan D SouzaShri Chandrakant B. Shetkar, Then Mamlatdar of Pernem/Public Information Ofshowcause notice issued to PIO Chandrakant Shetkar Stands withdrawn.
penalty 09/2014Laximan Vithal Naik Govekar1. Mamlatdar of Bardez Taluka/ Public Information Officer, Mapusa, Bardez-Gshowcause notice issued by this commission stands withdrawn
Penalty No. 45/2017Caetano Monteiro, H.No. 112-C, Cuelim, Cansaulim Mormugao GoaPublic Information Officer (PIO), Secretary, Village Panchayat, Cansaulim AProceedings stands closed
penalty 56/2016prabhakar yendePublic Information Officer, Shri Raju Gawas, Mapusa Municipal Councilinformation furnished
penalty 45/2017Caetano MonteiroPublic Information Officer (PIO), Secretary, Village Panchayat, Cansaulim Aproceeding closed, showcause notice withdrawn
Penalty 08/2016Trajano D Mello, Mapusa-GoaAdministrator of Communidades, Public Information Officer (PIO), North Zonefit case for imposing penalty
penalty 09/2016Trajano D Mello, Mapusa-GoaAdministrator of Communidades, Public Information Officer (PIO), North Zonefit case for imposing penalty
penalty 47/2017Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa1. Public Information Officer(PIO), Dy. Collector and SDO Mapusa Bardez, Maproceeding closed
Penalty 50/2017Kalpesh Kavlekar, Bardez-GoaShri Dashrath Redkar (Then PIO) Administrator of Communidade, North Zonepenalty not imposed
penalty 51/2017Kalpesh Kavlekar, Bardez-GoaShri Dashrath Redkar (Then PIO) Administrator of Communidade, North Zonepenalty not imposed
penalty 29/2016Vishwanath B. Solienkar, Margao1. The Public Information Officer (PIO), Village Panchayat of Curtorim, Salcompensation imposed of Rs. 5000/-on PIO
Penalty 44/2014Peter Paul DSouza, BardezRui Cardozo, Village Panchayat Secretary, Arpora, Bardez-GoaPIO directed to furnish information, showcause issued for penalty, Compensation and disciplinary action against PIO.
Penalty No. 41/2014Ganpat R. Sangodkar Agacaim, Goa1. Shri Anil K.N. Dessai, Then Assistant Registrar/Public Informationproceeding closed proceedings for imposition of penalty is not maintainable
Penalty No.52/2017J T Shetye, Khorlim, Mapusa Goa.PIO, Smt Nazeera Sayed, MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
penalty 29/2014Ashok DessaiPrakash Bandodkar, deputy town planner, town and Country Pllaning Departmenproceeding stands closed
penalty 54/2017Rudresh S. Naik, PanajiPIO, River Navigation Department, Betim Bardez-GoaPenalty proceeding closed
Penalty 49/2017Nitin Patekar, pernemPIO, Collector of North Goa District, Panajishowcause notice issued stands withdrawn. proceeding closed
penalty no. 58/2017Savio Suraj Victoria, SanguemPIO Sanguem Muncipal Councilpenalty proceeding closed. Penalty not imposed
Penalty 47/2017Jawaharlal T. Shetye1. Public Information Officer(PIO), Dy. Collector and SDO MapusaShowcause notice stands withdrawn. proceeding closed
Penalty 51/2017Shri Kalpesh Kavlekar, Bardez-GoaDashrath Redkar (Then PIO), Administrator of Communidade, Northproceeding closed. penalty not imposed
Penalty 50/2017Shri Kalpesh Kavlekar, Bardez-GoaDashrath Redkar (Then PIO), Administrator of Communidade, Northproceeding closed. penalty not imposed
Penalty 05/2018Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, MMC, Mapusapenalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on then PIO Nazeera Sayed
04/2018 in apl. 180/2017J. T. Shetye Mapusa-GoaPIO, MMC, MapusaPenalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on Nazeera Sayed. penalty proceeding closed
Penalty 49/2017Shri Nitin Patekar, Oshalbag Dhargal(PIO), The Collector of North Goa, Panajishowcause notice issued stands withdrawn. proceeding closed
Penalty 49/2017Shri Nitin Patekar, Oshalbag Dhargal(PIO), The Collector of North Goa, Panajishowcause notice issued stands withdrawn. proceeding closed
Penalty 01/2018Engineer Rabindra A. L. DiasPIO, V. P. Sernabatimproceeding closed Showcause notice issued withdrawn
Penalty No.53/2017Rajkumar Raju Gadge, H. No. 3rd flr, Commerce centre Bldg, opp old MapusaPIO, MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed, Show cause notice withdrawn.
Penalty No.42/2014Pramod Polly Dsilva, palvem, Chinchinim, Salcete.SPIO, Secretary Village Panchayat, Chinchinim Deussua,Salcete.Closed
penalty 11/2014Noorjahan Bichief Officer, PIO, Ponda Muncipal Council, Pondaproceeding closed. Showcause notice issued stands withdrawn.
penalty 01/2018Engineeer Rabindra A. L. Dias, TiswadiPIO, V. P. Sernabatim Vanelim, Colva and Gandaulimproceeding stands closed. showcause notice issued stands withdrawn
penalty 12/2014Gabriel Joseph Fernandes, BardezK. D. Pagui, PIO Calangute Panchayat BardezPenalty proceeding dispose off. Penalty not imposed
penalty 55/2017Jacinto Rodrigues, salcetePIO, Secretary V. P. Cavelossim,public authority directed to pay Rs. 5000/- compensation
penalty 56/2017Santana Piedade AfonsoPIO Office of the Tourism Department, Margaocompensation imposed on Public authority
penalty 10/2018Engineer Rabindra A. L. DiasPIO, V. P. Santa Cruz Tiswadiproceeding closed. Showcause issued stands withdrawn
penalty 09/2018Rabindra A. L. DiasPIO, O/o. V. P. Sernabatim, Colvapenalty proceeding closed. Penalty of Rs. 3000/- imposed on PIO
Penalty 11/2018Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPenalty of Rs. 3000/- imposed on then PIO. proceeding disposed off
Penalty No.13 2012 in C.No.1Mr.Vincent Dias Murida Fatorda Margao GoaPIO Margao Municipal Council MargaoPenalty proceeding stand closed.
Penalty No. 35,12 in C. No.182Shri Subhash B.S. Jetha Mapusa BardezPIO Administrator of Communidade North Zone MapusaThe Commission accepts the explanation tendered and exonerates former PIO from imposing any penalty. The penalty proceedings stand closed.
Penalty 16/2018Lida JoaoPIO, District and session court, Margaoproceeding closed. penalty not imposed
Penalty 13/2018Nazareth Barretto, Salcete-GoaPIO, V. P. Rumdamol Davorlim, Margao-Goapenalty not imposed
Penalty 17/2018Jesus Victoria, Sanguem GoaPIO, Our Lady of Fatima High School, Rivona Goashowcause notice dated 6/04/2018 stands withdrawn
Penalty 18/2018Jesus Victoria, Sanguem GoaPIO, Our Lady of Fatima High School, Rivona Goaproceeding closed, showcause notice stands withdrawn
penalty 19/2018Savio Suraj Victoria, SanguemPIO, Our Lady of Fatima High School, Rivona Goaproceeding closed. Showcause notice stands withdrawn
Penalty 12/2018Anil Govind NaikPIO, Peoples Higher Secondary School, Mala Panajiproceeding closed. showcause notice stands withdrawn
penalty 14/2018Shrikant Naik SimepurushkarPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusaproceeding stands closed
Penalty 08/2018Datta G. D Souza TiswadiPIO, Asst. Director of Transport Panaji-Goaproceeding closed. Compensation of Rs. 3000/- imposed on Public authority
penalty 08/2018Datta G. D Souza TiswadiPIO, Asst. Director of Transport (North) PanajiProceeding stands closed. Compensation of Rs. 3000/- imposed on Public authority.
penalty 20/2018Santosh Mandrekar, Bicholim-GoaPIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat, Mayempenalty of Rs. 3000/- imposed on PIO.
Penalty No. 41/2011 in A No.1Shri Gajanan D. Phadte, Nila Niwas, Alto Torda, Porvorim GoaPIO Secretary Village Panchayat Penha de Franca Britona Bardez Goaproceedings in the Penalty case are accordingly closed
penalty 07/2018Kashinath Tari, Taleigao GoaiPIO, North Goa Planning and Development authorityPublic authority concerned directed to pay compensation of Rs. 5000/-
Penalty 26/2018Raghu Gomes, Alto PorvorimPIO, Mamlatdar of Tiswadi, PanajiShowcause notice issued on 26/06/2018 stands withdrawn.proceeding stands closed.
Penalty 57/2017Kalpana Kamat, VascoPIO, Mormugao Muncipal CouncilPublic Authority concern herein that is Marmugao Muncipal Council directed to pay compensation of Rs. 2000/-
Penalty No.22/2018Iver Ferreira, H No 949, Mangueiral, St Estevam, Ilhas Goa.PIO, Office of the Mamlatdar, Tiswadi Taluka, Collectorate Buldg, Panaji.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.43/2017/CICLindo J Furtado, HNo 51, Copelwaddo, Sernabatim, Salcete Goa.PIO, Office of Dy Collector and SDO, Salcete Goa.Proceeding stands withdrawn. Proceeding closed.
Penalty 08/2014Vaikunth V. Parab GaonkarVarsha Naik, Chief Officer, Then PIO, Bicholim Muncipalshowcause notice issued on 27/05/2014 and 13/9/2017 stand withdrawn.proceeding closed.
Penalty 23/2018Engineer Rabindra A. L. Dias, TiswadiPIO, Deputy Collector-I and SDO, Margaoshowcause notice issued to PIO on 1/06/2018 stands withdrawn.
Penalty 25/2018Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaProceeding closed. Penalty not imposed.
Penalty 30/2018Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaImposition of penalty as sought by the appellant herein are not maintainable
Penalty No.34/2017/CICShri Lindo J Furtado, H No 51, Copelwaddo, Serabatim, Salcete Goa.PIO, Office of Dy Collector and SDO, Salcete Goa.Stands withdrawn. Proceeding closed.
Penalty 36/2017Sushant RayPIO, Inspector of Survey and Land Records, MargaoPublic authority directed to pay compensation. Proceeding closed.
Penalty 33/2018Minguel Fernandes, Salcete-GoaPIO, Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao-Goapenalty imposed on PIO
penalty 39/2018Mrs. Lucy D Mello, Bardez-GoaPIO, V. P. Calangute, Bardez-GoaPIO directed to pay Rs. 10,000/- as penalty
penalty 40/2018Egidio Branganza, MapusaPIO, Secretary of V. P. Calangute, GoaPenalty of Rs. 10,000/- imposed on PIO
Penalty 36/2018Bharat L. Candolkar, BardezPIO, Goa Coastal Zone Management, BardezShowcause notice issued to PIO stands withdrawn.
penalty 21/2018Kum Piedade F. D SouzaPIO, O/o V. P. CandolimPenalty proceedings stands closed. Showcause notice issued to the PIO stands withdrawn.
penalty 46/2018 In Appeal 194Siddesh SimepurushkarPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) MapusaShowcause notice issued to PIO stands withdrawn. PENALTY PROCEEDINGS STANDS CLOSED.
penalty 45/2018Siddesh SimepurushkarPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) MapusaNotice issued to PIO stands withdrawn. Penalty proceedings stands closed.
Penalty 47/2018Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusashocause notice stands withdrawn. Penalty proceeding closed.
penalty 48/2018Subhash NarvekarPIO, Administrator of Devalaya of Bardez, MapusaShowcause notice issued stands withdrawn.
Penalty No.37/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.The then PIO, Shri Dasharath N. Gawas, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa.Penalty Proceedings disposed.An amount of Rs.2500/- to be paid By the then PIO Shri Dashrath Gawas.
Penalty No.56/2010Antonio J. B. Lobo, C1, Sladanha Business Tower, Feira,Alto, Mapusa.PIO, Under Secretary Personnel I, Dept of Personnel, Secretariat, Porvorim.Proceeding closed.Notice issued is withdrawn.
Penalty No.29/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
penalty 49/2018Nigel Gonsalves, MumbaiPIO, Asst. Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Mapusa-Goashowcause notice issued on 12/11/2018 stands withdrawn.
Penalty 02/2019Norman Dias, SalcetePIO, Office of Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao-GoaPIO Joao Fernandes directed to pay penalty of Rs. 2000/-
Penalty No.03/2017Shri R Pinto, F6 Chamundi Apartments, Martires Dias Roads, Margao.The Member Secretary, SGPDA, 4th flr, Osia Commercial Complex, Margao.Penalty disposed.
Penalty No.38/2018/CICSudan Fati Naik Gaonkar, Paradise on Earth, Nr PDA Colony, Porvorim.Dr Uday C Gaunker, PIO, Damodar Higher Secondary School, Gudi Paroda QuepemProceeding dropped.
Penalty No.42/2018/SCICSavio Britto, P10, Portais, Reis Magos, Bardez.PIO, Principal, Fr Carlos Fernandes Ex Principal, Fr Andrew Silveira, PilarProceeding closed
Penalty 02/2019Norman Dias, Salcete-GoaPIO, Office of Mamlatdar of Salcete, MargaoPenalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO, Shri Joao Fernandes.
Penalty 01/2019Santana Nazareth, Saligao, BardezPIO, V.P. Secretary SaligaoRespondent Then PIO Mrs Karishma Ghadi directed to pay Rs. 2000/- as penalty.
penalty 43/2018Peter Paul D Souza, BardezPIO, V. P. Secretary Arporapenalty imposed on PIO Rui Cardozo of Rs. 3000/-
Penalty case No.34/2018Mr. Joseph S. R De SouzaPIO, Ramchandra Morajkar, Chief Account Officer, GoaHousing Board, PorvorimThe proceedings in Penalty case are accordingly closed.
Penalty Case no.10/2012Shri Ashok DesaiPIO,The Chief Officer, Canacona Municipal Council, Canacona – GoaThe penalty proceedings in above case are accordingly ordered closed
Penalty 44/2018Peter Paul D Souza, BardezPIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat , Arpora, BardezPIO Rui Cardozo is hereby directed to pay a sum of Rs. 3000/- as penalty.
Penalty 07/2019K. Krubeshwaran, Salcete-GoaPIO, O/o. the Executive Engineer, Margao-GoaPIO directed to be vigilant. Penalty proceeding closed.
Penalty case No. 06/2019Nikil Narvekar, Bardez-GoaPIO, Executive Engineer (RTI), Vidhyut BHavan, PanajiShowcause notice issued to PIO stands withdrawn. penalty proceedings stands closed
Penalty No.24/2018Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, The Secretary, V P Calangute, Calangute, Bardez.Proceeding Closed.
Penalty No.51/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.The Clerk, Communidade of Khorlim, Nr the Church, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.24/2018Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Secretary Village Panachayat Calangute, Bardez.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.09/2019/CICShrikant Vishnu Gaonkar, Sinari Apartments, Nr Datta Mandir, Ribandar PattoPradeep A Mirajkar, PIO, Office of CCP, Panaji.Proceeding closed.
Penalty Case No:15 /2018Manjunath K.MudyarPIO, Village Panchayat of Dramapur, Sirlim, SalceteWith these observations, the penalty proceedings in above case accordingly stand closed.
Penalty Case No.11/2019Gajanan D. PhadtePIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa-GoaWith these observations, the penalty proceedings in above case accordingly stand closed
Penalty 05/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPIO directed to pay penalty amount of Rs 2,000/-
Penalty 05/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPenalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO.
Penalty 19/2019Santana Piedade Afonso, SalceteJoao B. Fernandes, (PIO), Office of the Mamlatdar SalcetePenalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO
penalty 17/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPenalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO
penalty 08/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPenalty imposed to PIO of Rs. 2,000/-
Penalty 10/2019Alice Mathias, BardezPIO, Secretary V. P. CandolimPenalty of Rs. 3,000/- imposed on PIO. Penalty proceeding closed.
Penalty 23/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPenalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO.
Penalty 20/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPenalty of Rs. 2,000/- imposed on PIO
penalty 22/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPenalty of Rs. 2000 imposed on PIO. Proceeding closed.
Penalty 4/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPenalty imposed on PIO of Rs. 2000/-. Proceeding closed.
penalty 12/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal disposed. penalty imposed on PIO
Penalty No.35/2018Subhash Narvekar, HNo 164 V Ganesh , Alto Duler, Mapusa, Bardez.PIO, Dasharath Gawas, Mamlatdar of Valpoi, Valpoi, Sattari Goa..Proceeding closed.
Penalty 18/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaShowcause notice issued to then PIO stands withdrawn. Proceedings closed.
Penalty No.32/2019/CICNazareth Baretto, HNo 126, Borda, Margao, Salcete Goa.PIO, Administrator of Communidades, South Zone, Margao, Salcete.Proceeding closed.
Penalty 06/2018Kalpana Kamat, VascoPIO, Superintendent of Police (South),MargaoProceedings stands closed.
Penalty case No. 13/2019Mr. Gabriel Joseph FernandesPIO, Public Information Officer, Secretary, Village Panchayat Calangute,With these observations, the penalty proceedings in above case accordingly stand closed
Penalty 23/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusapenalty of Rs. 2000 imposed on PIO. proceeding closed.
Penalty No.24/2019Sushant P Nagvekar, H No C312, Fondvem RibandarPIO and Mamlatdar, Collectorate Building, Tiswadi, Panaji.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.32/2018/CICGajendranath R Usgaonkar, Nr Central Bank of India, Housing Board, PorvorimMs Pooja Phadte, Then PIO, Law Dept Legal Affairs, Secretariat, Porvorim.Proceeding stands withdrawn. Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.21/2019/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty NO.36/2016Mr Premanand G Phadte, 46 E, Arlem Raia, Salcete Goa.PIO, Secretary Village Panchayat Raia, Salcete.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.35/2016Mr Premanand G Phadte, 46 E, Arlem Raia, Salcete Goa.PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Raia, Salcete.Proceeding closed.
Penalty 34/2019Vijay Kumar A. Shrodkar, Tiswadi-goaPIO, Union High School, Chimbel, Tiswadi-Goapenalty proceeding stands closed
Penalty 26/2019Siddesh Simepurushkar, MapusaPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) MapusaProceeding stands closed.
Penalty No.05/2014Shri D H Kenaudekar, Village Panchayat of Marra Pilerne, Bardez.Sanjeev G Dessai, then Admn of Communidades then PIO, North zone Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty NO.27/2018/CICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO,Fr Anthony Melvin Fernandes, Miracles High School, Sanguem.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.28/2018/CICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO Fr Anthony Melvin Fernandes, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.50/2018/CICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO,Fr Anthony Melvin Fernandes, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No. 25/2012Mr. K.P. HarmalkarPIO, Chief Officer, Mormugao Municipal Councilexonerates the PIO from levy of any penalty and closes the penalty proceedings in above case
Penalty No. 33/2019Shri J. T. ShetyePIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa – GoaPIO: RTI Application to be disposed in a time bound manner strictly in accordance with the RTI Act, 2005.
Penalty No.31/2018/CICBharat L Candolkar, Vady, Candolim, Bardez.PIO, Mr Dasharath Gawas, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa Bardez.Proceeding closed.
Penalty No.41/2018/CICMaria Regina Cardozo, 19 Revora Cotta, Chandor Salcete Goa.PIO, Off of Mamlatdar, Mathany Saldanha Bldg, Margao.Appeal disposed.
Penalty No. 16/2014Mr. Milagres CoutinhoPIO, Then Chief Officer, Margao Municipal Council, Margao – GoaWith this observations both the Complaint case and penalty case stands closed
Penalty No. 38/2019Shri Digambar P. TalkarPIO, The Dy. Collector/Sub Divisional Magistrate, Bicholim – GoaWith these observations, the penalty proceedings in above case are ordered closed.
Penalty No. 35/2019Mr. Joseph SequeiraPIO, Village Panchayat of Calangute, Bardez-GoaWith these observations, all proceedings in above penalty case are ordered closed
Penalty 39/2019Ramnath G.Shirodkar, Bardez-GoaThe Secretary, Village Panchayat of CalangutePenalty imposed on PIO, Raghuvir Bagkar of Rs. 2000/-
Penalty 41/2019Aslino Fernandez, BardezPIO, Secretary of Village Panchayat of Assagao,BardezPenalty proceedings stands closed
Penalty 40/2019Santana Nazareth, Saligao, BardezPIO, Village Panchayat Saligao, BardezProceeding stands closed
Penalty 49/2019Suresh Gopal Vengurlekar,, Vasco da GamaUlka Bandekar, PIO, Asst. Registrar of Cooperative Societyproceeding stands closed
Penalty 46/2019/SIC-ISadanand Narvekar, Bardez-GoaPIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Bardez,Mapusaproceeding stands closed
Penalty No.36/19 In Com 48/18Sarvesh Raghu Khandolkar, R/o hno 151, Carmi Bhat, Merces, Tiswadi Goa PIO, Office Suptd, Admn Branch DGPs Office, PHQ, Panaji GoaAll proceedings in above penalty case are ordered closed
Penalty no.15/19 In App 77/18Jawaharlal T Shteye, Hno 35A, ward No 11, Khorlim, Mapusa Goa 403507PIO, Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa Goa 403507The proceedings in the Penalty case are accordingly closed
Penalty no.15/19 In App 77/18Jawaharlal T Shteye, Hno 35A, ward No 11, Khorlim, Mapusa Goa 403507PIO, Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa Goa 403507The proceedings in the Penalty case are accordingly closed
Penalty No. 46/2019/SIC-ISadanand Narvekar, Bardez-GoaPIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Bardez,MapusaProceedings stands closed
Penalty 48 /2019Surendra S. Govekar, anjuna BardezThe Secretary, Village Panchayat Anjuna-CaisuaPenalty of Rs. 2000/-imposed on PIO
Penalty 48 /2019Surendra S. Govekar, anjuna BardezThe Secretary, Village Panchayat Anjuna-CaisuaPenalty of Rs. 2000/-imposed on PIO
penalty 50/2019Pradeep Gurudas Gaonkar, Ponda-GoaExecutive Engineer, Surendra Gaonkar, South Goa Zilla Panchayat Margao,Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO
Penalty No.45/19 Comp no.62&63Urmila Ulhas Mainikar, B-114-1, Police Quarters, Alto Porvorim GoaPIO, The Secretaru, Village Panchayat Cudnem Bicholim Goa 403505Penalty case are ordered closed
Penalty no.25/19 In App 73/13Rabindra A L Dias, Dr Pires Colony, Block B, Cujira St Cruz Tiswadi GoaPIO, Village Panchayat Colva, Colva Salcete GoaPenalty case are ordered closed
Penalty No.09/20 Comp No 52/19Nitin Y Patekar, Oshal Bag Dhargal, P O Colvale GoaPIO, O/o BDO, Pernem GoaPenalty proceedings accordingly stand closed
Penalty 31/2019Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Mapusa-GoaPIO, Mapusa Municipal CouncilPenalty imposed on PIO.
Penalty No. 01/2020Suresh Naik, MapusaPIO, Mamlatdar of Pernem Taluka, PernemPenalty imposed on PIO.
Penalty No. 4 /2020Ramakant V. Chimulkar, BardezPIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat Anjuna-Caisuapenalty imposed on PIO Rs. 4000/-
Penalty No. 02 /2020Surendra S. Govekar, anjuna BardezPIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat Anjuna-CaisuaPenalty of Rs. 4000/- imposed on PIO.
Penalty No. 10 /2020Surendra S. Govekar, anjuna BardezSecretary, Village Panchayat Anjuna-Caisua,Penalty imposed on PIO of Rs.3000/-.penalty proceedings closed.
Penalty No.07/2020/SIC-INevil Furtado, Hno 51, Copelwado, Sernabatim, Salcete-GoaPIO, O/o Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-GoaPenalty imposed on PIO Rs 3000/-Penalty Proceedings closed.
Penalty no.08/2020/SIC-INevil Furtado, Hno 51, Copelwado, Sernabatim, Salcete-GoaPIO, O/o Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-GoaPenalty proceedings closed.
Penalty no.11/2020/SIC-INixon Furtado, SalcetePIO, O/o Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-GoaPenalty proceedings closed
Penalty no.06/2020/SIC-IShri Vijaykumar Verlekar, Hno 1028B, Candolim Bardez GoaPIO, Village Panchayat Candolim, Bardez GoaPenalty proceedings closed
Penalty no.13/2020/SIC-ICelestinho A Noronha, hno 136, Margao GoaPIO, O/o Administrator of Communidade, South Margao GoaPenalty proceedings closed
Pelanty no.12/20208/SIC-INazareth Barretto, hno 126, Borda, Margao Salcete GoaPIO, Administrator Communidade, South, Margao GoaPenalty proceeding stands closed
Penalty no.12/2020/SIC-INazareth Barretto, hno 126, Borda, Margao Salcete GoaPIO, Administrator Communidade, South, Margao GoaPenalty proceeding stands closed
penalty 3/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPenalty proceedings dispose off accordingly
penalty 14/2020/SIC-INazareth Baretto, Salcete-GoaPIO, Administrator of Communidades, South Zone, Margao-GoaPenalty proceedings dropped disposed and closed accordingly
Penalty 44/2019/SCICJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaPIO Shri. Diniz C. T. De Melo directed to pay penalty of Rs. 3,000/- for delay in furnishing information.
Penalty No. 14 /2020/SIC-INazareth Barretto, hno 126, Borda, Margao Salcete GoaPIO, Administrator of Communidades, South Zone, Margao-Goapenalty proceeding dropped disposed
Penalty No. 14 /2020/SIC-INazareth Barretto, hno 126, Borda, Margao Salcete GoaPIO, Administrator of Communidades, South Zone, Margao-GoaPenalty proceeding dropped disposed and closed
Penalty No. 42 /2019Mr. Heraclio FernandesPIO, O/o Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-Goapenalty imposed on PIO, Sandhya Shet Shirodkar and Paresh Rane.
Penalty No. 42 /2019Mr. Heraclio FernandesPIO, O/o Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-Goapenalty imposed on PIO, Sandhya Shet Shirodkar and Paresh Rane.
Penalty 41/2019Aslino Fernandez, Bardez1. PIO, Secretary of Village Panchayat Assagao, Bardezlevy of penalty is not warranted in facts of present case.Proceeding stands closed.
Penalty 30/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusapenalty of Rs. 3000/- imposed on then PIO for delay in furnishing information
Penalty 29/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) MapusaProceeding closed levy of penalty is not warranted in the facts of present case
Penalty No. 28 /2019/SIC-IYeshwant J. Mahale, MapusaPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusaproceeding closed levy of penalty is not warranted in the facts of the present case.
Penalty 27/2019Clotildes Braganza and othersPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusaproceedings stands closed
Penalty 3/2019Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusapenalty proceeding disposed off. Resha Raut Desai is hereby admonished and directed to be vigilant henceforth
Penalty No. 46/2017Octaviano Pires,Public Information Officer (PIO), North Goa Planning Development Authority,Showcause withdrawn and admonition given
Penalty No. 25/2017Administrator of Communidade, north zoneproceeding closed, Showcause notice withdrawn
Penalty No. 26/2017Amarnath PalniPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) MapusaPenalty proceeding closed
Penalty Case No. 14/2019Nicladina A. Fernandes e Mello(PIO), Office of the Mamlatdar of SalceteShowcause notice issued to then PIO Joao B. Fernandes stands withdrawn
Penalty Case No.06/2016Vijaykumar VerlekarThe Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat CandolimPenalty of Rs. 10,000/- imposed on PIO and Compensation of Rs. 5000/-imposed. Penalty proceedings dispose off accordingly
Penalty 07/2016Mr. Santosh R. Divkar,The Secretary, Village Panchayat of CalangutePenalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO
Penalty Case No.28/2016Pramod Poly D Silva,Secretary, Village Panchayat of ChinchinimProceeding closed. PIO to be vigilant henceforth.
Penalty 47/2019Bharat Candolkar Candolim Bardez GoaPIO Dashrath Gawas Mamlatdar of Bardez MapusaPenalty of Rs. 5000/- imposed on PIO
Penalty No. 47/2019Bharat Candolkar Candolim Bardez GoaPIO Mamlatdar of Bardez Mapusa GoaPenalty of Rs. 5000/-
Penalty No. 47/2019Bharat Candolkar Candolim Bardez GoaPIO Mamlatdar of Bardez Mapusa GoaPenalty of Rs. 5000/- imposed on PIO
Penalty No. 43/2019/SCICJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusapenalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped
Penalty No. 01/2021Nixon L. Furtado, SalcetePIO, Office of the Village Panchayat of Colva, SalcetePenalty is imposed on PIO, Amol Tilve
Penalty No. 02/2021Nixon L. Furtado, SalcetePIO, Office of the Village Panchayat of ColvaPenalty imposed on PIO, Amol Tilve
Penalty No. 03/2021Nixon L. Furtado, SalcetePIO, Office of the Village Panchayat of Colva,Penalty imposed on PIO, Amol Tilve
Penalty No. 04/2021Nixon L. Furtado, SalcetePIO, Office of the Village Panchayat of Colva, SalcetePenalty imposed on PIO Amol Tilve
Penalty No. 13/2021Zacarias Borges, Salcete-GoaTown and Country Planning Department, PIOProceeding stand closed
Penalty 12/2021Ramchandra Anil Raikar, BardezPIO, Village Panchayat of Calangute,penalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped. matter is disposed proceeding stands closed.
Penalty 17/2021Reshma Bhatkar, VascoPIO, The Mamlatdar, Mormugao, Vascothe matter is disposed and proceeding stands closed
Penalty 10/2021 in Ap 154/2020Alex Arthur Cujira Santa Cruz Tiswadi GoaPIO Rohidas Pereira VP Santa Cruz Tiswadi GoaShow cause notice dated 15/09/2021 stands withdrawn
Penalty 16/2021 in Ap 83/2021Rosalia Bella Fernandes Cortalim GoaPIO Narayan Azgaonkar VP Quelossim Mormugao GoaShow cause notice dated 26/11/2021 stands withdrawn.
Penalty 01/2022 in Ap 111/2021Colin Araujo Fatorda Margao GoaPIO Village Panchayat Colva Goapenalty proceeding is dropped.
Penalty 15/2021 in Ap 13/2021Jairam Kerkar Aldona Bardez GoaPIO Dnyanprakash Mandal of Bicholim HS School Assonora Goathe penalty proceeding is dropped
Penalty No. 09/2021Shrikant V. GaonkerPIO, Corporation of the City of PanajiSmt. Roshell Fernandes, the then PIO stands withdrawn and the Penalty proceeding is dropped
Penalty 06/2021 App 345/2019Nixon Furtado Senabatim Salcete GoaPIO V P Colva Salcete Goapenalty proceeding is dropped
Penalty 17/2022 App 17/2021Jawaharlal Shetye Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Administrator of Commuindades North Zone Mapusa Goapenalty proceeding is dropped
Penalty No. 05/2021Oswald Fernandes, SalcetePIO, Village Panchayat of CavelossimPenalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped
Penalty No. 05/2021Oswald Fernandes, SalcetePIO, Village Panchayat of CavelossimPenalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped
Penalty No. 11/2021Tanya Kim Margaret Fraser,FAA, Additional Secretary Home Department, Porvorimpenalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped. The Matter is disposed and proceeding stand closed
Penalty No. 11/2021Tanya Kim Margaret Fraser,FAA, Additional Secretary Home Department, Porvorimpenalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped. The Matter is disposed and proceeding stand closed
Penalty No. 07/2022Stephan CoutinhoPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusashowcause notice issued against Shri. Vyankatesh Sawant, the then PIO stands withdrawn and the penalty proceeding is dropped
Penalty 02/2022 App 118/2021Prakash Pandurang Dhoke Campal D B Marg Panaji GoaFAA Greater Panaji Planning and Development Authority Panaji Goapenalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed
Penalty 11/2022 App 167/2020Shri Kashinath Shetye Patto Ribandar Tiswadi GoaPIO Directorate of Education Porvorim Goathe present penalty proceeding stands closed.
Penalty 14/2021 App 122/2021Shri Deepak Gracias Aquem Margao GoaPIO The Director of Municipal Administration Patto Panaji Goathe present penalty proceeding stands closed.
Penalty 10/2022 Compl 19/2021Shri Ramesh S Kerkar Saligao Bardez GoaPIO Secretary Village Panchayat of Saligao Bardez-GoaThe matter is disposed and the proceeding stands closed.
Penalty 24/2022 App 70/2022Umesh S Mangeshkar Dhakte Bhat Mandur Tiswadi GoaPIO Office of the Mamlatdar Panaji Tiswadi Goathe penalty proceeding is dropped
Penalty 12/2022 App 28/2022Smt. Agnes D Silva Ro Madda Wadda Calangute Bardez GoaPIO Secretary of Village Panchayat of Calangute Bardez GoaPenalty of Rs. 8000/- imposed on PIO
Penalty 29/2022 in Apl148/2021Shri Nazareth Baretto Borda Margao Salcete GoaPIO The Administrator of Communidades South Zone Margao Salcete Goashow cause notice issued against PIO stands withdrawn and the penalty proceeding is dropped.
Penalty 30/2022 in Apl144/2021Nazareth Baretto Margao Salcete GoaPIO The Administrator of Communidades South Zone Margao Salcete Goashow cause notice issued against PIO stands withdrawn and the penalty proceeding is dropped.
Pen 08/2022 in Comp 06/2021/SCMonica Cardozo Candolim Bardez GoaPIO Village Panchayat Candolim GoaMr. Lourenco Ribeiro, Secretary of village Panchayat Verla-Canca, Bardez Goa to pay sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) as penalty
Pen 05/2022 in App 220/2020Santana Afonso Cuncolim Salcete GoaPIO Village Panchayat of Cana Benaulim Salcete GoaShri. Prabhakar Kamati, Secretary of Village Panchayat Raia, Salcete, Goa to pay sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) as penalty
Pen 08/2021 in App 158/2020Vishwanath Solienkar Margao GoaPIO Village Panchayat Raia Salcete Goathe show cause notice dated 09/08/2021 issued in the penalty proceeding is dropped.
Pen 06/2022 in Comp 20/2021/SCRamesh Kerkar Saligao Bardez GoaPIO Village Panchayat SaligaoShow cause notice dated 25/03/2022 issued in the penalty proceeding is dropped.
Penalty 21/2022 APP 75/2022Dean D Cruz Porvorim GoaPIO VP SaligaoShow cause notice dated 28/07/2022 issued in the penalty proceeding is dropped
Penalty 20/2022 Ap 307/2021Minguel Fernandes Navelim Salcete GoaPIO Maya Amonkar Suptd of Survey and Land Records MargaoShow cause notice dated 15/07/2022 issued in the penalty proceeding is dropped.
Penalty 23/2022 Comp 01/2022Chandrashekar Vast Vasco GoaSachin desia Dy Collector SDO PIO Mormugao Goashow cause notice dated 28/07/2022 issued in the present complaint proceeding against the PIO, Shri. Sachin Desai is dropped.
Penalty 22/2022 App 15/2022Chandrashekar Vast Vasco GoaSachin desia Dy Collector SDO PIO Mormugao Goa1. the show cause notice dated 28/07/2022 issued in the present penalty proceeding against the PIO, Shri. Sachin Desai is dropped.
Penalty 33/2022 Comp 10/2022Querobino P Gomes H.No. 324 Praca de Rachol Salcete GoaPIO Mamlatdar of Salcete Margao Salcete GoaPenalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on PIO.
Penalty 25/2022 App 50/2022Vishwanath B Solienkar Don Bosco Engg College Fatorda Margao GoaPIO Town and Country Planning Dept Margao GoaPenalty of Rs. 4000/- imposed on PIO.
Penalty 27/2022 App 122/2022Shri. Jawaharlal T Shetye Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Administrator of Communidades of North Zone Mapusa GoaThe penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.
Penalty 35/2022 in Ap 309/2021Kalpana Kamat Vasco-da Gama GoaPIO Mormugao Municipal Council Vascothe show cause notice dated 27/09/2022 issued in the Appeal proceeding against the PIO is dropped
Penalty No. 03/2022Juliet Lobo D Souza, Bardez-GoaPIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa, Bardez-GoaPenalty of Rs. 10,000/- imposed on former PIO, Rahul Desai.
Penalty 18/2022 in Ap 183/2021Victor Pereira Calangute Bardez GoaRaghuvir Bagkar PIO VP CalanguteRs. 10,000/- penalty on PIO
Penalty 19/2022 in Ap 185/2021Victor Pereira Calangute Bardez GoaRaghuvir Bagkar PIO VP CalanguteRs. 10,000/- penalty on PIO
Penalty 28/2022 in Ap 265/2021Jawaharlal Shetye Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO VP Verla Canca Bardez GoaPenalty proceeding dropped
Penalty 39/2022 in Ap 181/2021Monica Cardozo Candolim Bardez GoaPIO VP Candolim GoaPenalty proceeding dropped
Penalty 34/2022 in Ap 63/2022Jawaharlal Shetye Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO VP Verla Canca Bardez GoaPenalty proceeding dropped
Penalty 38/2022 in Com 01/2021Ramrao Surya Naik Wagh Dongari Mandur GoaPIO VP Azossim MandurPenalty proceeding dropped
Penalty No. 13/2022Jawaharlal Shetye,PIO, Mapusa Municipal CouncilShowcause notice issued against PIOs stands withdrawn
Penalty No. 14/2022Jawaharlal T Shetye,PIO, Mapusa Municipal CouncilShowcause notice issued against PIOs stands withdrawn and the penalty proceeding is dropped.
Penalty No. 16/2022Jawaharlal T Shetye,PIO, Mapusa Municipal CouncilShowcause notice issued to Shri. Sarvottam Satardekar and Shri. Subraj Kanekar stands withdrawn.
Penalty 36/2022 in Ap 254/2021Mr Bharat L Candolkar Ro Vaddy Candolim Bardez GoaPIO Secretary VP Candolim Candolim Bardez GoaPenalty of Rs. 10,000/- imposed on PIO.
Penalty 45/2022 App167/2022Kenneth Fernandes Socorro Bardez GoaPIO Secretary VP Calangute Bardez Goapenalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped.
Penalty 07/2021 App 177/2020Nazario D Souza Santa Cruz GoaPIO V P Calangute Bardez Goashowcause notice issued against then PIO is dropped
Penalty 37/2022 App 43/2021Jawaharlal Shetye Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO VP Verla Canca Bardez Goashowcause notice issued against PIO is dropped
Penalty No. 43/2022John Francis D SilvaPIO, Mamlatdar of Salcete,showcause notice issued against Shri. Laxmikant R. Dessai, PIO stands withdrawn
Penalty 12/2023 in Ap 62/2022Jawaharlal T Shetye H No 35 A Ward No11 Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa Goa.Penalty of Rs. 10,000/- imposed on the then PIO.
Penalty 13/2023 in Ap 214/2022Mr Leslie Steven De Souza Opposite the Court Altinho Mapusa BardezPIO Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa GoaThe penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.
Penalty 50/2022 in Ap 148/2022Jawaharlal T Shetye H No 35 A Ward No11 Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Administrator of Communidades of North Zone Mapusa Bardez GoaPenalty of Rs.8,000/- imposed on the then PIO.
Penalty 09/2023 in Ap 240/2022Santana Piedade Afonso Comba Central P O Cuncolim Salcete GoaLaxmikant Dessai PIO Mamlatdar of Salcete Margao Salcete GoaPenalty of Rs. 12,000/- imposed on the PIO.
Penalty 40/2022 in App 14/2022M Lakshmikantha Karma Residential Enclave Vaddem Vasco Da Gama GoaPIO Municipal Engineer Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco Da Gama Goaenalty of Rs. 4000/- imposed on the then PIO and Rs. 6770/- shall pay towards compensation to the appellant.
Penalty 35/2022 in Ap 309/2021Kalpana Kamat Vasco-da Gama GoaPIO Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco Goashow cause notice dated 27/09/2022 issued in the Appeal proceeding is dropped
Penalty 40/2022 in App 14/2022M Lakshmikantha Near Pai Hospital Vaddem Vasco Da Gama GoaPIO Municipal Engineer Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco Da Gama GoaPenalty of Rs. 4000/- imposed on the then PIO.
Penalty 31/2022 in Ap 88/2022Anil V Sawant Dessai Xeldem Quepem GoaPIO Off of Secretary VP Xeldem Xeldem Quepem GoaPenalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on the PIO
Penalty 32/2022 in Ap 90/2022Anil V Sawant Dessai Xeldem Quepem GoaPIO Off of Secretary VP Xeldem Xeldem Quepem GoaPenalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on the PIO
Penalty 41/2022 in Ap 100/2022M Lakshmikantha Near Pai Hospital Vaddem Vasco Da Gama GoaPIO Municipal Engineer Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco Da Gama GoaPenalty proceeding stands closed and Rs. 6770/- shall pay towards compensation to the appellant
Penalty 42/2022 in Ap159/2021Nazareth Baretto 126 Borda Margao Salcete GoaPIO BDO Salcete Block Through VP Rumdamol Davorlim Salcete GoaPenalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.
Penalty 42/2022 in Ap159/2021Nazareth Baretto 126 Borda Margao Salcete GoaPIO BDO Salcete Block Through VP Rumdamol Davorlim Salcete GoaPenalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.
Penalty 26/2022 in Ap 278/2021Satish K Naik 569 Thorlem Bhat Dongrim Tiswadi GoaPIO Office of the Mamlatdar of Tiswadi Panaji GoaPenalty of Rs. 4,000/- imposed on the PIO
Penalty 01/2023 in Ap 132/2022Dr K K Nadkarni 84 Bendwada Sanguem GoaPIO Goa Tourism Development Corporation Ltd Patto Panaji GoaThe penalty proceeding against PIO is dropped. The matter is disposed
Penalty 07/2023 in Ap 192/2022Nixon L Furtado H No 51 Copelwaddo Sernabatim Salcete GoaPIO Office of the Village Panchayat Colva Colva Salcete Goashow cause notice issued to PIO stands stands withdrawn and Penalty proceeding dropped.
Penalty 49/2022 in Ap 12/2022Nilesh Raghuvir Dabholkar 275 2 New Dabholwada Chapora Anjuna Bardez GoaPIO Awal Karkun Oo Mamlatdar of Bardez Taluka Mapusa Bardez GoaPenalty of Rs. 5000/- imposed on the then PIO and the present PIO each.
Pen 11/2023 in Com 35/2022Mahadev Naik Dabolim Post Chicalim GoaSPIO Off of Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco Goapenalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped
Pen 04/2022 in App 207/2021Arjun Harmalkar Tivim Bardez GoaPIO V P Tivim Bardez Goapenalty proceeding against the PIO, Shri. Dhiraj Govekar is dropped.
Penalty 06/2023 in Com 31/2022Deepak Gracias Karishma Aparts Near Cine Vishant Aquem Margao GoaPIO Directorate of Municipal Administration Dempo Towers Panaji GoaThe matter is disposed and the proceeding stands closed.
Penalty No 46/2022Mr Leo Alvares Anus Nuvem Salcete GoaPIO Office of the Mamlatdar of Salcete Mathany Saldanha Complex SalceteThe matter is disposed and the proceeding stands closed.
Penalty No. 19/2023Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale GoaShri Raghuvir D Bagkar PIO Village Panchayat SancoalePenalty amount of Rs. 5,000/- imposed on the PIO.
Penalty No. 18/2023Narayan D Naik HNo 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale GoaShri Raghuvir D Bagkar PIO Village Panchayat SancoalePenalty of Rs. 5,000/-imposed on the PIO.
Penalty No. 17/2023Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale GoaShri Raghuvir D Bagkar PIO Village Panchayat SancoalePenalty of Rs. 5000/- imposed on the PIO.
Penalty No. 20/2023Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale GoaShri Raghuvir D Bagkar PIO Village Panchayat SancoalePenalty of Rs. 12,000/- imposed on the PIO.
Penalty No. 31/2023Jawaharlal T Shetye H No 35 A Ward No11 Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Rajendra Bagkar Head Clerk Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa Bardez GoaPenalty of Rs. 4000/- imposed on the PIO.
Penalty No. 42/2023Amresh Vasudev Naik H No 528 Belwada Poriem Sattari GoaPIO office of Deputy Collector and SDM of Sattari Valpoi GoaThe matter is disposed and the proceeding is closed.
Penalty No. 24/2023Evelyn Mascarenhas Salvador do Mundo Betim Bardez GoaPIO Office of the Town and Country Planning Mapusa Bardez GoaThe matter is disposed and the proceeding is closed
Penalty No. 36/2023Anil V Sawant Dessai Sanfator Xeldem Housing Board Xeldem Quepem GoaPIO Oo Administrator of Devalaya cum Oo Mamlatdar Sanguem GoaMatter disposed.
Penalty No. 37/2023Anil V Sawant Dessai Sanfator Xeldem Housing Board Xeldem Quepem GoaPIO OoAdministrator of Devalaya cum Oo Mamlatdar Sanguem GoaMatter is disposed.
Penalty No. 46/2023Anish S Bacal 2BS3 Models Millenium Vistas Caranzalem GoaPIO Recruitment Cell Goa Medical College Bambolim GoaPenalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.
Penalty 29/2023Michael Mascarenhas Lily Villa Sonar Bhat Saligao Bardez GoaThe Block Development Officer I and II Mapusa Bardez GoaPenalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.
Penalty 14/2023 Ap 201/2021Purshottam Shirodkar Sangolda Bardez GoaPIO Administrator of Commuindades North Zone Mapusa GoaShow cause notice dropped
Penalty 15/2023 App 89/2021Purshottam Shirodkar Sangolda Bardez GoaPIO Administrator of Commuindades North Zone Mapusa Goashow cause notice dropped
Pen 08/2023 App 213/2022/SCICBharat Candolkar Candolim Bardez GoaPIO VP CandolimShow cause notice dropped
Pen 04/2023 App 205/2022/SCICDeepak Gracias Margao GoaFAA Member Secretary SGPDA Margaothe show cause notice against the PIO is dropped
Pen 03/2023 App 201/2022/SCICDeepak Gracias Margao GoaFAA Member Secretary SGPDA MargaoShow cause notice dropped
Pen 05/2023 App 207/2022/SCICDeepak Gracias Margao GoaFAA Member Secretary SGPDA MargaoShow cause notice dropped
Pen 02/2023 App 199/2022/SCICDeepak Gracias Margao GoaFAA Member Secretary SGPDA MargaoShow cause notice dropped
Pen 44/2022 App 163/2022/SCICKenneth Fernandes Socorro Bardez GoaAPIO VP Calangute Bardez Goashow cause notice dropped
Pen 16/2023 App 293/2021Ramchandra Mandrekar Bicholim GoaPIO Administrator of Commuindades North Zone Mapusa Goathe show cause notice dated 21/03/2022 issued in the present appeal against the PIO is dropped.
Pen 21/2023 APP 173/2022Narayan Naik, Sancoale GoaRaghuvir Bagkar PIO VP SancoaleRs. 50000/- Penalty on PIO
Pen 38/2023 App 269/2022Jawaharlal Shetye Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Off of Goa Board of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Margaothe show cause notice dated 02/08/2023 issued in the present proceeding against the PIO is dropped
Pen 39/2023 in App 257/2022Narayan Naik Sancoale GoaPIO Raghuvir Bagkar VP Sancoale Mormugaoshow cause notice dated 14/08/2023 issued in the present appeal against the then PIO is dropped.
Penalty No. 45/2023Nelson FJacques H No114A Dias Ward Cavelossim Salcete GoaThe Secretary Village Panchayat Cavelossim Cavelossim Salcete GoaThe penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. Proceeding closed.
Penalty No. 32/2023Nihar Milind Barve Tonca Caranzalem Tiswadi GoaFAA Corporation of the City of Panaji Panaji-GoaPenalty proceeding is dropped. Matter is disposed and the proceeding closed.
Penalty No. 41/2023Joaquim Nicolau Geromico Fernandes Sinaibaga Curtorim Salcete GoaPIO 7 Dy Town Planner Town and Country Planning Dept Dempo Towers PanajiPenalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed and proceeding
Penalty No. 41/2023Joaquim Nicolau Geromico Fernandes Sinaibaga Curtorim Salcete GoaPIO 7 Dy Town Planner Town and Country Planning Dept Dempo Towers PanajiThe matter is disposed and the proceeding stands closed.
Penalty 41/2023 in Ap 90/2023Joaquim Nicolau Geromico Fernandes Sinaibaga Curtorim Salcete GoaPIO 7 Dy Town Planner Town and Country Planning Dept Dempo Towers PanajiThe matter is disposed and the proceeding stands closed.
Penalty No. 30/2023Luel Fernandes 136 Cotta Chandor Salcete GoaPIO Mamlatdar Mathany Saldanha Building Fatorda Margao GoaPenalty of Rs. 12,000/- imposed on the PIO.
Penalty 47/2023 in Ap 184/2023Nazareth Baretto 126 Borda Margao Salcete GoaPIO Oo the Administrator of Communidades South Zone Margao Salcete GoaPenalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on the PIO.
Penalty 48/2023 in Ap 182/2023Nazareth Baretto 126 Borda Margao Salcete GoaPIO Oo the Administrator of Communidades South Zone Margao Salcete GoaPenalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on the PIO.
Penalty No. 60/2023Vincent Mascarenhas H No 55 Khalachawada Arambol Pernem GoaPIO Goa Tourism Department Panaji GoaPenalty proceeding is dropped. the matter is disposed.
Penalty No. 53/2023Jawaharlal T Shetye H No 35 A Ward No11 Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Head Clerk Rajendra Bagkar Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa Bardez GoaPenalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on the then PIO Shri. Rajendra Bagkar.
Penalty No. 52/2023Narayan Datta Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond SancoaleMr Orville C Vales PIO Village Panchayat SancoalePenalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.
Penalty No. 51/2023Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale GoaMr Orville C Vales PIO Village Panchayat SancoalePenalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.
Penalty No. 50/2023Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale GoaMr Orville C Vales PIO Village Panchayat SancoaleThe penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.
Penalty No. 49/2023Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale GoaMr Orville C Vales PIO Village Panchayat SancoaleThe penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.
Penalty No. 40/2023Jawaharlal T Shetye H No 35 A Ward No11 Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa Bardez GoaThe penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed.