Case Nos. | Applicant Name | Respondent Name | Remarks |
Penalty C. No.21-06 in Appl 51-2006-Commu. | Lt. Col. Sylvester D`Souza | Administrator of Communidades, North Goa, Bardez. | Penalty proceedings dropped. |
Penalty Case No. 28/2006 in Appl 72/2006 | Joao Caldeira | PWD. | Penalty imposed on APIO of Rs.10,000/- and Rs.5000/- on PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 30-2006 in Appl No. 89/2006 | John Nazareth | Electricity Dept., Panaji. | Penalty proceedings dropped against Asst. Engineer. |
Penalty Case No. 31-2006 in Compl. No. 51/2006 | Milan G. Natekar | Directorate of Education, Panaji. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- on the opponent. |
Penalty Case No. 5-07 Appl 03/2007-08 | Surekha Bute | Forest Department, Panaji. | Penalty proceedings dropped against Range Forest Officer, Panaji. |
Penalty Case No. 06/07 in Appl 07/07 | Hilario Sequeira | V. P. Secretary Goltim-Navelim, Divar. | V.P. Secretary is directed to give reply within one month. |
Penalty Case No. 1-2007 in Compl. No. 66/2006 | P. V. Desai | Goa Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Pernem. | Penalty proceedings dropped against the PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 26/06 in Compl No. 07/06 | Agnes D`Silva | V.P. Secretary Calangute, Bardez - Goa. | Penalty of Rs.1000/- on the opponent. |
Penalty Case No. 3-2007 in Appl 79/2006 | M. K. Madhu | Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji. | Penalty has been imposed on PIO and two other officials. |
Penalty Case No. 11/2007-08 in Appl 48-07 | Deepak B. Naik | Goa Medical College, Bambolim. | Penalty of Rs.1000/- has been imposed on deemed PIO, Director (Admn.), GMC. |
Penalty Case No. 16/2007-08 in Appl 51/2007 | Gajanan Phadte | Under Secretary (Personnel - II), Secretariat, Porvorim. | Penalty of Rs.1000/- has been imposed on Under Secretary (Personnel - II). |
Penalty Case No. 14/2007-08 in Compl. No. 12/2007 | Ranjit Satardekar | North Goa Planning and Development Authority, Panaji. | Penalty of Rs.1000/- has been imposed on Member Secretary. |
Penalty Case No. 19/2007-08 in Appl. No. 95/2007 | Harihar Chodankar | Village Panchayat of Taleigao, Tiswadi. | Penalty proceedings dropped against Commissioner, CCP. |
Penalty Case No. 17/2007-08 in Appl 107/07 | Allan Falleiro | Executive Engineer, W.D. XXV, PWD, Fatorda, Salcete. | Penalty of Rs.1000/- has been imposed on Executive Enginner. |
Penalty C. No. 19-06 in Appl 59-06-Police | Samiro Pereira | Police Department. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- each on PIO,SP South, Margao and Tony Fernandes, SDPO, Margao. |
Penalty Case No. 10/2007 in Com. 39-07 | Nazaziano Paes | V. P. Secretary of Assolna, Salcete. | Penalty of Rs.250/- has been imposed on PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 02/2008 in Com 69-07 | C. S. Barreto | V. P. Secretary Candolim, Bardez. | Proceedings dropped against the PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 07/07 in Appl 14/07 | Pandu Shetgaonkar | Dy. Collector & SDO, Mapusa. | Collector of North Goa is directed to comply with the provision of sub-section (1) of Section 1 of the Act. |
Penalty Case No. 20/2006 in Appl No. 76/2006 | Sushant S. Naik | PWD, Panaji. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- on the PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 2/2007 in Appl 98/2006 | Prakash Parab | Dy. Director (Admn.), Fire & Emergency Services, Panaji. | Proceedings dropped against the PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 01/2008 in Com 77/07 | Joseph Carneiro | Commissioner, Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji - Goa. | Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 08/2008 in Appl. 65/SIC/08 | Sagar V. Dharwadkar | V.P. Secretary of Nerul, Bardez - Goa. | Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 10/2008 in Appl 53/SCIC/08 | Atmaram Naik | Curchorem Cacora Municipal Council, Curchorem - Goa. | Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 04/2008 in Compl. 08/2008 | Kashinath Shetye | V. M. Salgaonkar College of Law, Miramar, Panaji. | Penalty of Rs.2000/- has been imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 05/2008 in Com 87/07 | J. T. Shetye | Chief Officer, Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa. | Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 07/2008 in Appl. 45/SCIC/08 | Dhruvanjay Harmalkar | Dy. Director (Public Health), Directorate of Health Services, Panaji. | Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 11/2008 in Appl 127/SCIC/08 | Shashikant Bhagat | Canacona Municipal Council, Canacona. | Penalty of Rs.5,000/- has been imposed on PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 18/2007-08 in Compl. 35/2007-08 | Angelo D`Souza | V. P. Secretary of Santa Cruz, Tiswadi. | Penalty proceedings dropped against PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 13/2007-08 in Compl. 25/2007-08/P | J. J. Barreto | S.P. (South), Margao. | Penalty proceedings dropped. |
Penalty Case No. 03/2008 in Appl 23/SIC/08 | Dinesh Vaghela | Block Develoment Officer, Bardez, Mapusa. | Penalty of Rs.2000/- has been imposed on the BDO, Bardez. |
Penalty Case No. 09/2008 in Appl 59/SCIC/08 | Kashinath Shetye | Corporation of the City of Panaji, Panaji - Goa. | Penalty of Rs.10,000/- has been imposed on PIO. |
Penalty Case Bo. 17/2009 in Com 50/SIC/2008 | Ms. E. S. S. Almeida | Additional Collector - I, North Goa, Panaji. | Penalty proceedings closed. |
Penalty Case No. 12/2007-08 in Appl. 63/2007-08 | Sandesh Kossambe | Chief Officer, Sanguem Municipal Council, Sanguem. | Penalty proceedings dropped. |
Penalty Case No. 01-2009 In Appl 287/SIC/2008 | Severina Fernandes | Village Panchayat Calangute, Bardez. | Compensation of Rs.5000/- is awarded to the Complainant. |
Penalty Case No. 20/2008 | Surendra Furtado | Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji - Goa. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- is imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty Case No. 19/2008 In Appl 192/SCIC/2008 | Anupama Mirashi | Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji - Goa. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- is imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty12-09 | Yeshwant R. Prabhu, Canacona | PIO, Exe. Eng. WD XIV(N.H.) Public Work Dept. Fatorda, FAA, Superintending | Penalty proceeding dropped |
Penalty Case No. 08/2009 in Appl 284/SCIC/2008 | Kashinath Shetye | Electricity Dept., Panaji. | Penalty proceedings dropped. |
Penalty 10-09, 11-09 | Jose Almeida,Margao. | PIO, Member Secretary, SGPDA, Margao. | Proceeding closed |
Penalty16-09 | Atmaram D. Naik, Curchorem | PIO, Chief Officer, Curchorem-Cacora Mun. Council, Curchorem | Proceedings dropped. |
Penalty17-09 | Ms. E.S.S.Almeida, Dona Paula | PIO, Mr. Swapnil M. Naik, Addl. Collector-I, North Goa, Panaji | Proceedings dropped. |
Penalty 19-09 | Rajesh V. Kamat, Panaji | 1) PIO, O/o. Collector, North Goa Dist., Panaji.2) APIO, Dy.Collector(Rev.) | Disposed off. |
Penalty 20-09 | Mrs. Maria R. George, Loutolim | 1 PIO, Adminstrator of Comm. of South Zone, Margao.2) FAA, Addl. Collector- | Compensation of Rs. 2500/- to the Complainant from funds of Administrator of Communidades, South Zone, Margao. |
Penalty13-08 | Shri Joe D`Souza, Panaji | 1) PIO, Commissioner, CCP, Panaji. 2) Accounts Taxation Officer, CCP, Pana | 1) Fine of Rs. 1000/- imposed on the then PIO of CCP, Shri Melwyn Vaz. 2) Compensation of Rs. 2000/- to Complainant to be paid from funds of CCP. |
Pen9-10 | Shri Agnelo Gama, Cansaulim | S.V. Naik, The Then PIO & Chief Officer, Mormugao Mun.Council, Vasco-da-Ga | Disposed off. |
Penalty01-10 | Rajesh | amat, Panaji Vs. PIO, NGPDA, Panaji. | Proceedings closed. |
ppl49-10 | Mr. I.S. Raju, Benaulim. | PIO, South Goa District Office, Town & Country Planning Dept., Margao. | Disposed off |
Penalty03-2010 | Egidio Braganza,Altinho,Mapusa | 1)PIO,V.P.Secy.,V.P.Calangute,Bardez2)FAA,BDO,Bardez-Goa. | Disposed off |
Penalty case No.15-2010 | Mahesh Kamat, Camba, Margao | Deemed PIO,Legal Asst.,KTC Ltd., Paraiso de Goa, Alto Porvorim. | Disposed off. |
Pen21-2011 | Dinesh B. vaghela, Porvorim | 1)PIO, Chief Eng.-I, PWD, Altinho. 2) Superintnding Eng., Circle Office IX, | Show Cause Notice to Opponent No. 1 & 2 discharged. Penalty proceedings dropped. |
Penalty 55-2010 | Damas Oswald Dias,Cuncolim,Salcete | PIO,Cuncolim Municipal Council, Cuncolim, Salcete | Penalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed. |
Pen31-2010 | Mr. Jose Joe Carneiro, Sirvodem, Salcete-Goa | PIO, Margao Municipal Council, Margao. | Rs. 5000/- penalty imposed on PIO. |
Pen25-10 | Mr. Edwin Rodrigues, Goa | ha Vs. PIO, Dy, Secretary, Goa Public Service Commission, Panaji. | Show cause notice discharged. Penalty proceedings dropped. |
Pen74-2011 | Shri Minguel Monteiro, Majorda | PIO, Dy. Collector, Margao. | Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO. |
Pen07-10 | Mr. Custodio de Souza, Calangute | 1)PIO, Secretary, V.P. Calangute.2)FAA, BDO, Mapusa, Bardez. | Show cause notice discharged, penalty proceedings dropped. |
Pen48-2010 | Mr. Nandakumar A.Gaonkar, Tivrem | PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & C Planning Dept., Panaji & | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & Country Planning Dept., from the funds of Public Authority. |
Pen53-10 | Mr. Prashant v.Naik, Ponda | PIO, Shri Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP, Panaji & 3 Ors. De | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by O/o. Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning, Panaji. |
Pen60-2010 | Shri Jayant S.S.Navelkar, Porvorim | PIO, Shri Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP, Panaji. & 3 Ors. D | Rs. 5000/- penalty imposed to be paid by the O/o. of Chief Town Planner, T &CP, Panaji. |
Pen 04/2010 | Kamu Tari | . PIO, E.E. WD.XVIII(R) PWD, Ponda | Penalty 6000/- imposed on PIO |
Pen40-2010 | Shri Subhash S.Salgaonkar, Tiswadi | PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, Town & Country Planning Dept., | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji. |
Pen45-2010 | Mr. | ek D.Mayekar, Panaji Vs.PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, Town & | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the Office of the Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji. |
penalty 19-2011 in appl.241/SCIC-2010 | Nilesh S. POrob, Ansabhat, Mapusa | . PIO, Helath Officer, Urban Health Centre,Mapusa | Show cause notice discharges penalty procedingls and inquiry disposed off |
Pen59-2010 | Shri Balchandra S. Divkar, Ponda | 1) PIO, Subhash Nilekani, | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji. |
Pen58-10 | Shri Manorai S. Khandepar, Bardez | 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP, Panaji & 3 Ors. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by O/o.Chief Town Planner, T & CP Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority. |
Pen66-2010 | Shri Zaidev R. Aldonkar, Bardez | 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani,Landscape Architect, T & CP, Panaji & 3 Ors. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & CP, Panaji to be paid from the funds of Public Authority. |
pen62-2010 | Shri vivekanand P. Gurav, Shirvai, Quepem | PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP Dept., Panaji & 3 Ors. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & CP Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority. |
Pen63-2010 | Shri Santosh D. Satardekar, Ponda | 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP Dept., Panaji & 3 Ors. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & CP Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority. |
Penalty 73-2010 in Appl 156-SIC-2010 | Shri v.A. Kamat, St-Inez,Panaji | . The PIO Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji-Goa. | Rs. 5000/- Penalty imposed on PIO. Penalty proceeding disposed off. |
Penalty 26-2011 in Appl 133-SIC-2010 | Mohan Kamat, Salcete, | . PIO SGPDA, Margao | Rs. 7000/- penalty imposed on PIO. Penalty proceedings disposed off |
Pen21-2011 | Mr. Dinesh B. | hela, Porvorim Vs. 1)PIO, Chief Engineer-I, PWD, Altinho.2)Superintending E | Show cause notices on Opp. 1 and 2 discharged, penalty proceedings dropped. |
Pen46-2010 | Mr. R. v. Shirodkar, Neura | PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, Town & Country Planning Dept., | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji. |
Pen61-10 | Shri Francisco G.Fdes, Aldona. | 1)PIO,Subhash Nilekani,Landscape Architect, Town & country Planning Dept, P | Penalty of Rs.5000/- impoed to be paid by the Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji. |
Pen59-10 | Mr.Balchandra S.Divkar, Ponda | 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, Town & Country Planning Dept. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji. |
Pen65-2010 | Shri Ramesh N.Naik, Mardol | 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & CP, Panaji. & 3 Ors. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by O/o. of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept. from the funds of Public Authority. |
Pen35-2011 | Shri Cedric Lobo, Panaji | PIO, Secretary, V.P. Calangute, Calangute. | Penalty of Rs.10,500/- imposed on PIO. |
Pen33-2011 | Mr. Octaviano Rodrigues, Borda, Margao | PIO, South Goa Planning & Dev. Authority, Margao. | Penalty of Rs. 12,500/- imposed on PIO. |
penalty 27-2011 in Appl 269-SIC-2010 | Gajanan B. Kamat, Margao | . PIO Municipal Council, Margao | Disposed off |
Pen43-2011 | Mr. Oldrin Pereira, Bardez | PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa. | Show cause notice issued is discharged, penalty proceedings and inquiyr proceedings disposed off. |
Pen07-10 | Custodio de Souza, Calangute | 1)PIO, Secretary, V.P. Calangute.2) FAA, BDO, Mapusa. | Show cause notice is discharged. Penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen01-2011 | Shri Raghunath N. Kauthankar, Margao | PIO, Dy. collector & SDO, Sub-Division, Margao, Salcete-Goa. | Penalty of Rs. 5000/- imposed on PIO. |
Pen02-10 | Mr. Yogesh S. Naik, Panaji | PIO, Commissioner, Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji. | Show cause notice discharged, penalty proceedings dropped. |
Pen47-2010 | Mr.Arun J. Shet, Cumbharjua | 1) PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & C Plg. Dept. & 3 Ors. D | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by Office of Chief Town Planner, T & C Planning Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority. |
Pen39-10 | Shri Umesh v. Kurdikar, Alto Porvorim | PIO, Shri Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, T & C. Planning Dept.,Pan | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & C. Plg, Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority. |
Pen42-2010 | Mr. SantoshM.Lourenco, Tiswadi | 1)PIO, Landscape Architect, Town & Country Planning. Panaji. | Penalty of Rs.5000/-to be paid by O/o.Chief Town Planner from funds of Public Authority to Government Treasury. |
Pen64-2010 | Shri Manguirish N. verenkar,Navelim, Margao | 1)PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect & 3 Ors. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the O/o. Chief Town Planner, T & CP Dept., Panaji from the funds of Public Authority. |
Pen13-2009 | Mr.Anil F. Naik Gaonkar, Adcolna | PIO, V.P. Secretary, Bhoma-Adcolna,Bhoma, Ponda-Goa. | Directo of Panchayat to act in accordance with law based on PIO`s report. Rs.3000/- to be paid from funds of VP Bhoma-Adcolna to Complainant. |
Pen57-10 | vaman K.Jalmi, Ponda | 1) PIO, Subhash Nilekani, Landscape Architect, Town & Country Planning Dept | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed to be paid by the Office of Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Dept., Panaji. |
Pen67-2010 | Dr.S.P.Deshpande, E.P.D.Consultants, Caranzalem | 1)PIO,Member Secretary,NGPDA,Panaji.2)FAA, NGPDA, Panaji. | Opponent is directed to pay Rs.10,000/- as penalty imposed on him. |
Pen20/2011 | Mr.Jacinto Sequeira, Bardez | PIO, Administrator of Communidades, North Goa, Mapusa. | Penalty of Rs.2500/- imposed on deemed PIO/Escrivao, Attorney of Communidade, Tivim to be paid in Government Treasury. |
Pen26-2010 | Mr. J.T.Shetye, Khorlim, Mapusa | 1)PIO,Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa.2)FAA &SDO, O/o.Dy.Collector&SDO, Mapusa. | Show cause issued is withdrawn and proceedings dropped. |
Pen54-2010 | Smt.Sanyogita Shetye thro`PoA Holder Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Dept of Town &Country Planng,South Goa,Margao. | Penalty of Rs.10,000/-to be paid by O/o. Chief Town Planner,Town&Country Plnng Dept.,Margao/Public Authority. |
Pen25-2011 | Smt. Sheetal S. Navelkar, | PIO, Secretary, V.P. Verla Canca, Bardez-Goa. | Penalty of Rs.2000/- imposed on PIO to be from salary of January 2012 and February 2010 in Govt. Treasury. |
Pen42-2010 | Shri Prakash S. Pednekar, Mangeshi-Goa | 1)SPIO, Mr. Bhushan Savoikar,Mamlatdar of Pernem.2)FAA,Mr.R.D.Mirajkar,Dy.C | Penalty of Rs.1500/- imposed on PIO to be paid in Govt. Treasury from his salary for the month of February, 2012. |
Pen72-2010 | Shri Roque Pinto, Margao | PIO, Chief Officer, Margao Mun. Council, Margao. | Respondent to pay a sum of Rs.6,500/- as penalty imposed on him to be recoverd from his salary and deposited in Government Treasury. |
Pen20-2010 | Mr. I.S.Raju, Acsona, Benaulim | PIO, Dept. of Town & Country Planning, South Goa, Margao. | Penalty of Rs.12,500/- imposed to be paid by O/o. Chief Town Planner, Town&Country Plng Dept.,Margao/Public Authority from funds of Public Authority |
Pen18-2010 | Mr.Domnic D`souza, Siolim | PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed on PIO, to be paid in Govt. Treasury in two instalments from salary of February 2012 and March 2012. |
Pen10-2010 | Mr.Ajay E.vellingiri, vasco. | 1) Shri S.V.Naik, the then PIO & Chief Officer, Mormugao Municipal Council, | Show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings dropped. |
Pen11-2010 | Mr.Ajay E.vellingiri | 1)Shri S.V. Naik, The then PIO & Chief Officer, Mormugao Mun. Council, Vas | Show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings dropped. |
Pen24-2010 | Mr.Rudresh S.Naik, Panaji. | PIO, Captain of Ports Dept., Panaji. | Show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings dropped. |
Penalty 22/2010 in Appl. 60-SCIC-2010 | Shri Yeshwant Tolyo Sawant, Sattari | . PIO WRD, Panaji 2. Asst. PIO WRD, Panaji 3. FAA, Chief Eng. WRD, Panaj | Disposed off. |
Pen28-2010 | Mr.Suresh v.Parsekar,Pernem. | 1)PIO,O/o.IDC, Panaji.2)Deemed PIO,Dy.GM(Admn),Est.Div.,GIDC,Panaji.3)FAA,M | Show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Penalty 16/2010 | Harihar v. Chodankar | PIO Administrator, O/o.Admn of Communidade of North Zone, Mapusa 2 FAA Add | The Attorney of the Communidade of Serula is hereby directed to furnish the information to the appellant vide his application dated 20/5/2009 |
Pen55-2011 | Mr.Kashinath Shetye, Ribandar | PIO, Exec. Engineer, Electricity Dept., Panaji. | Penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen37-2011 | Mr.Ganesh Chodankar,Panaji | PIO, Labour Department, Secretariat,Porvorim-Goa. | Opponent to pay Rs.7500/- as penalty, to be recovered from the salary of PIO in 3 instalments from April,May & June ` be pd in Govt.Treasury |
Pen59-2011 | Mr.Francisco X.H. Pereira, Curchorem | Chief Officer, Mr. Sudin A. Natu, PIO, Curchorem-Cacora Mun. Council, Curch | Respondent/PIO is directed to pay penalty of Rs.2000/- to be recovered from his salary for month of May `12 by Dte of Accounts (South Br.)Margao. |
Pen54-2011 | Mr.I.S.Raju, Benaulim | Asst. PIO, Asst. Engineer & Technical Officer,PWD,SD-II,WD XXV,Fatorda,Mar | Show cause notice stands discharged. Penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen17-2011 | Mr.Eusebio Braganza, Navelim | P.I.O., Margao Municipal Council, Margao. | Penalty of Rs.6000/- imposed on the PIO to be recovered in two instalments from salary for the month of June and July 2012. |
Penalty.57/2011 in Comp.88/SCIC/2011 | Ramesh R. Mandrekar | .1.PIO, Exe.Engineer, WD XVII(PHE-N), PWD, Porvorim 2. The Supdt. Surveyor | The show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped as withdrawn. |
Pen.36/2011 in Comp.524/SCIC/2010 | Shankar P. Parab | . Anil Kumar, Dy. Director (HIB), PIO, Dte. of Health Service, Special Cell | The show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped. Penalty proceedings are accordingly disposed off. |
Pen.32-2010 in Apl.179/SCIC/2010 | Bassiano Liberato da Conceicao Mascarenhas | 1.PIO O/o.Village Panchayat of Sarzora, Salcete 2.FAA BDO Salcete | The show cause notice issued is withdrawn and penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen.1/2012 in Apl.201/SIC/2011 | Srikant Naik | . PIO The Principal, Shantadurga Higher Secondary School, Sancoale | The penalty proceedings are disposed off. The Penalty proceedings are accordingly disposed off. |
Pen27-2010 | Mr.Mahesh D.vaingankar, Harmal, Pernem | 1)PIO,Headmaster,Harmal Panchakroshi High School,Pernem.2)FAA, Director, Dt | Show cause notice issued is discharged. Penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen49-2011 | Shri Edwin S.Colaco Old Goa | SPIO,Dept. of Social Welfare, Panaji. Vs Chief Town Planner | Show cuase notice is discharged & penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen.32/2011 in Apl.239/SCIC/2010 | Nishant Gurudas Sawant | The State Public Information Officer, North Goa Zilla Panchayat, Junta Hou | The show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen66-2011 | Shri Blaise Costabir, Fatorda,Margao | PIO, GIDC, Panaji. | Show cause notice is discharged & penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen70-2010 | Mr.Rupesh K.Porob,Pomburpa | SPIO, Dy.Dir. of Admn,O/o.Principal Chief Engineer,PWD,Altinho,Panaji. | Show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen08-2012 | Mrs. Sangeeta Pednekar,Bardez | PIO, Secretary, V.P. Verla-Canca, Bardez. | The Public Authority/V.P. Verla-Canca,Bardez is directed to pay a sum of Rs.8000/- as compensation to the Appellant from the funds of said V.P. |
Pen02-2012 | Mr. Manuel Rodrigues,Malim,Bardez. | PIO,V.P. of Penha de Franca | |
Pen56-2011 | Mr.Sachin D.Kalokhe,Britona,Bardez. | Secretary, PIO, V.P. of Penha de Franca,Bardez. | PIO to pay penalty of Rs.7000/- imposed on him to be recovered from his salary in 3 instalments & amt. to be paid in Government Treasury. |
Pen46-2011 | Mr.Nakul S.Narulkar,Pernem | PIO,Sr. Land Acquisition Officer(N),Goa Tillari Irrigatn Dev. Corporation, | Show cause notice is discharged and penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen60-2011 | Mr.Jode L.vaz,Colvale, Bardez. | PIO. Member Secretary, Goa State Commission for Women, Panaji. | Show cause notice is discharged & penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen22-2011 | Mr.Ajit L. Desai, Canacona | Chief Officer, PIO, Canacona Municipality, Canacona. | Penalty of Rs.10,000/- imposed on Opponent/PIO to be receoved from his salary in 3 instalments and to be deposited in Govt. Treasury. |
Pen63-2011 | Mr.Suraj S.Halarnkar,Old Goa | PIO, SP (South), Margao. | Show cause notice is discharged & penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Pen06-2012 | Mr.Cirilo vales,Seraulim,Salcete. | PIO, South Goa Zilla Panchayats,Arlem,Raia. | Show cause notice is discharged & penalty proceedings are dropped. |
Penalty 67/2011 | M/s. vastuseva Builders, Ponda | PIO, State Registrar-cum-Head of Notary Services | Partly allowed, No penalty |
Penalty 18/2011 In Appeal 207/SCIC/2010 | Xavier Gomes, Tivim | Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa | Dismissed and Closed |
Pen72-2011 | Mr.Menon J.Falcao,St.Jose de Areal,Salcete | 1)PIO,Krishna Gaude,Secretary.2)PIO,Mr.Advin Carvalho,Secrtry3)Pr. PIO,Raje | V.P. of St.Jose de Areal to pay a sum of Rs.6000/- as compensation to the Appellant within 30 days from the receipt of Order..6000/- |
Pen70-2011 | Capt. Madhukar A. Sheldekar,Calangute | Mr.Subodh V.Prabhu,Secretary & PIO, V.P. Calangute,Bardez. | Penalty of Rs.8000/- imposed on PIO to be recovered from his salary in 2 instalments and deposited in Govt. Treasury. |
Pen45-2011 | Mr.Subhash B.S.Jetha,Mapusa. | PIO,V.P. Secretary, Siolim,Marna, Bardez. | Penalty of Rs.5000/- imposed on PIO to be recovered from the salary of PIO in 2 instalments and to be deposited in Govt. Treasury. |
Penalty 40/2012 In Complaint 87/SIC/2012 | Joan Monteiro, Calangute | (1) PIO/ V. P. Secretary, Village Panchayat Calangute | Complaint is dismissed as withdrawn |
Penalty 40/2012 In Complaint 87/SIC/2012 | Joan Monteiro, Calangute | (1)PIO,Subodh V. Prabhu,V. P. Secretary,VP Calangute. | Withdrawn |
Penalty 03/2012 | Bandhgit Nadaf, vasco | PIO Mormugao Municipal Council, Vasco (2)FAA, Dte of Urban Development, Pa | Penalty is closed |
Penalty 04/2012 | Bandhgit Nadaf, vasco | PIO Mormugao Municipal Council, Vasco (2)FAA, Dte of Urban Development, Pa | Penalty is closed |
Penalty 05/2012 | Bandhgit Nadaf, vasco | PIO Mormugao Municipal Council, Vasco (2)FAA, Dte of Urban Development, Pa | Penalty is closed |
Penalty NO.49/SIC/2010 | G. D. Phadte, Nila Niwas, Alto Torda, Porvorim. | PIO,Secretary, Penha de Franca Village Panchayat, Britona, Bardez. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.50/SIC/2010 | G. D. Phadte, Nila Niwas, Alto Torda, Porvorim. | PIO,Secretary, Penha de Franca Village Panchayat, Britona, Bardez. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.29/2010 | Uday A. C. Priolkar, Mala, Panaji -Goa. | SPIO, Dy. Director (Admn.) PWD, Altinho, Panaji. | Proceeding are dropped. |
Penalty No.68/2010 Comp No.527 | Clementin Moraes, Shantaban Complex, Chimbel Road, Merces. | APIO, Sub Div Engineer, Electricity SD-I (R) Corlim. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.39/2016 In Appl.73 | I. S. Raju, Acsona Benaulim, Salcete -Goa. | PIO, BDO, Margao. | Proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty No.18/2016 in Comp.03 | Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa. | Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa. | Proceeding disposed according. |
Penalty No.19/2016 in comp 04/ | Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa. | Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa. | Proceeding disposed. |
Penalty No.20/2016 in Comp.05 | Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa. | Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa. | Proceeding disposed. |
Penalty NO.21/2016 in Comp.06 | Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa. | Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa. | Proceeding disposed. |
Penalty No.22/2016 in comp.07 | Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa. | Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa. | Proceeding disposed. |
Penalty No.23/2016 in Comp.08 | Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa. | Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa. | Proceeding disposed. |
Penalty No.24/2016 in Comp.09 | Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa. | Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa. | Proceeding disposed. |
Penalty NO.25/2016 in Comp.10 | Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa. | Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa. | Proceeding disposed. |
Penalty No.26/2016 in Comp.11 | Narayan D. Naik, Sanvarfond Sancoale-Goa. | Mr. Arjun S. Velip, PIO, Village Panchayat Sancoale -Goa. | Proceeding disposed. |
Penalty No.34/2016 in Appl. 04 | Sushant P. Nagvenkar, Fondvem, Ribandar. | FAA, O/o Supdt Enge. Circle -II(N), Vidyut Bhavan, Panaji. | Penalty proceeding disposed. |
Penalty No.17/2010 in Appl.140 | Shri Dnyaneshwar P. Sawant, Virlosa, Nr. Maritime School, Britona, Bardez. | PIO,Secretary, Penha de Franca Village Panchayat, Britona, Bardez. | Appeal stands closed. |
Penalty No.14/2009 | Shri Surendra Furtado, Timotio Buldg., Nr. Navhind Times, Panaji | PIO, Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji. | Proceeding close. |
Penalty No.15/2009 | Shri Surendra Furtado, Timotio Buldg., Nr. Navhind Times, Panaji | PIO, Corporation of City of Panaji, Panaji. | Proceeding close. |
Penalty No.53/2016 | Kashinath Shetye, Alto Fondvem, Ribandar, Tiswadi. | PIO/Secretary, Village Panchayat Secretary, Penha de France, Britona. | Proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty No.41/2016 | Mr. Benjamin Pereira, Pereira Waddo, Majoorda Utorda, Margao. | PIO, Village Panachayat Majorda, Salcete. | Penalty initiated to PIO Shri Narayan Ajgaokar of Rs. 10000/-. |
Penalty No.02/2017 | Sebastian S. Mendonca, Ararim Socorro, Porvorim. | PIO, Shri Avinash Palni, Panchayat secretary of Pirna, Bardez. | Proceeding closed as withdrawn. |
Penalty Case No.23/2011 | Shri Juju Araujo, Ruzaiwado, St. Cruz Tiswadi Goa | PIO, V. P. Scretary, V. P. st. Cruz, Tiswadi Goa | Penalty case in Appeal No.07/SCIC/2010 accordingly stands closed |
Penalty Case No.24/2011 | Shri Juju Araujo, Ruzaiwado, St. Cruz Tiswadi Goa | PIO, Secretary V. P. St. Cruz, Tiswadi Goa | Penalty case in Appeal No.09/SCIC/2010 accordingly stands closed |
Penalty CaseNo.52/2011/881 | Shri G. D. Phadte, Alto Torda Porvorim Goa | PIO, Secretary, P. V. Penha De Franca, Village Panchayat, Brittona, Bardez | Penalty case in appeal No.79/SCIC/2011/ 881 accordingly stands closed |
Penalty No.03/SIC/2016 | Mr. Custodio Dias, Murida , Fatorda, Salcete. | FAA, The Chairman South Goa Planning and Development Authority, Margao. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.44/2010 | Mr. S. B. S. Loureco, Bairo Bondir, Santa Cruz, Tiswadi-Goa. | Subhash Nilekani, PIO, Landscape Architect, TCPD, Panaji. | Proceeding Closed. |
Penalty No.17/2016 | Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.15/2016 | Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.16/2016 | Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.30/2016 | Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.31/2016 | Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.1/2017 | Prakash Bandekar, Shree Ganesh Colony Punola, Uccassaim, Bardez. | The then PIO, Shri Sabaji Shetye, Dy. Collector & SDO, Marmugao. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.32/2016 | Shri Jawahalal T. Shetye, khorlim, Mapusa. | PIO, The Main Eng. Grade-I (Hussain S. Muzawar)MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.37/2014 | G. D. Phadte, Nila Niwas Alto Torda, Porvorim. | PIO, Shri M. S. Mardolkar, V.P. Secretary, Penha de France, Britona. | Penalty proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.38/2014 | G. D. Phadte, Nila Niwas Alto Torda, Porvorim. | PIO,Shri M. S. Mardolkar, V.P. Secretary, Penha de France, Britona. | Penalty proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.36/2014 | G. D. Phadte, Nila Niwas Alto Torda, Porvorim. | PIO,Shri M. S. Mardolkar, V.P. Secretary, Penha de France, Britona. | Penalty proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.06/2010 | Shri Vivek N. Amonkar, Nr. Marutigad, Curchorem-Goa. | SPIO, Exe. Eng. Bldgs., WD I, PWD, Panaji. | Proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty No.40/2016 | Smt. Sharmila S. Khandeparkar, Indira Nagar, Chimbel Goa. | PIO, Secretary, V. P., Chimbel Goa. | Penalty No.40 /2016 in Complaint No. 47/SCIC/2014 the Proceeding for penalty has become infructuous & the proceeding stands closed |
penalty No.18/2017 | Kamlakar S. Gadkar, Sacobhat, Per Seraulim, P.O. Colva, Salcete Goa. | PIO, Shri Vishal C. Kundaikar, Mamlatdar of Salcete Taluka, Salcete. | Proceeding stands closed. Due to withdrawn of penalty notice. |
Penalty No.09/2017 | Manjita Porob, Sapana Harmony, Gogal, Margao. | PIO, Parvatibai Chowgule College, P.O. Fatorda, Gogal Margao. | Proceeding stands closed. Due to withdrawn of penalty notice. |
Penalty No.10/2017 | Roopa Belurkar, Shankarwadi, Taleigao-Goa. | PIO,Parvatibai Chowgule College, P.O. Fatorda, Gogal, Margao. | Proceeding closed, due to withdrawal of penalty. |
Penalty No.02/2009 | Shri Shashikant B. Bhagat, Bhagatwada, Canacona. | PIO, The Chief officer, Canacona Municipal Council, Canacona | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.03/2009 | Shri Shashikant B. Bhagat, Bhagatwada, Canacona. | PIO, The Chief officer, Canacona Municipal Council, Canacona | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.04/2009 | Shri Shashikant B. Bhagat, Bhagatwada, Canacona. | PIO, The Chief officer, Canacona Municipal Council, Canacona | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.05/2009 | Shri Shashikant B. Bhagat, Bhagatwada, Canacona. | PIO, The Chief officer, Canacona Municipal Council, Canacona | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.14/2017 | Franky Monteiro, Devote, Loutolim Salcete, Margao-Goa. | P.K. Naik, PIO, BDO II of Salcete, Collector Bldg. Margao. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.14/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 14/2011 in appeal 153/SIC/2008, proceedings closed due to respondents stands withdrawn |
Penalty No.5/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 5/2011 in appeal 141/2008 proceedings stands closed. |
Penalty No.06/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 6/2011 in appeal no.145/SIC/2008 , proceedings stands closed |
Penalty No.06/2008 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.06/2008 in Appeal No.25/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed |
Penalty No.07/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.07/2011 in Appeal No.146/SIC/2008 |
Penalty No.13/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.13/2011 in Appeal No.152/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty 34/2010 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.34/2010 in appeal No.138/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed |
Penalty No.77/2010 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.77/2010 in Appeal No.140/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.78/2010 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.78/2010 in Appeal No.142/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.3/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.3/2011 in Penalty No.21/SIC/2008 & in Appeal No.132/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed |
Penalty No.04/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.04/2011 in Appeal No.143/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.12/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | Shri Sadanand P. Gad, Ex-Devasthan Clerk, Sunder Peth Bicholim Goa | Penalty No.12/2011 in Appeal No.151/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.12/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | Shri Sadanand P. Gad, Ex-Devasthan Clerk, Sunder Peth Bicholim Goa | Penalty No.12/2011 in Appeal No.151/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.15/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.15/2011 in appeal No.154/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.35/2010 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.35/2010 in Appeal No.135/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.36/2010 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 36/2010 in appeal No.136/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.11/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.11/2011 in Appeal No.150/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.2/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.2/2011 in Appeal No.131/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.08/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 08/2011 in Appeal 147/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.76/2010 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.139/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.10/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.10/2011 in appeal No.149/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty 16/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.16/2011 in Appeal No.144/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.26/2014 in Appeal 88/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.26/2014 in Appeal 88/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.37/2010 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty No.37/2010 in Appeal 137/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty 38/2010 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 38/2010 in Appeal 133/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty 09/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 09/2011 in Appeal 148/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed |
Penalty 33/2010 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 33/2010 in Appeal 134/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal No.89/SIC/2008, proceedings stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal No.90/SIC/2008 proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 91/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 92/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 93/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 94/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 95/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 95/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 96/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 97/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 98/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 99/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 100/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 101/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 102/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 103/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 104/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 105/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 106/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 107/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 108/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 109/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 110/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 111/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 112/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 113/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 114/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 115/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 116/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 117/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 117/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 118/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 119/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 120/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 121/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 122/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.26/2014 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 26/2014 in Appeal 123/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
16-A/2011 | Shri Suboad Malviya Road, Mulund West, Mumbai-80 | PIO, Shri Pramod Bhat, Mamalatdar of Bicholim Taluka, Bicholim Goa. | Penalty 16/SIC/2008 in appeal 130/SIC/2008, proceeding stands closed |
Penalty case No.21/2017 | Bruno John De Sousa, 437,Marra Pilerne, Bardez -Goa. | PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Marra, Pilerne, Bardez Goa | Penalty Case No.21/2017 in Appeal No.108/2016, Proceedings stands closed |
Penalty Case No. 20/2017 | Bruno John De Sousa, 437,Marra Pilerne, Bardez -Goa. | PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Marra, Pilerne, Bardez Goa | Penalty Case No. 20/2017
In Appeal No.107/2016,Proceedings stands closed |
Penalty Case No. 12/2017 | Shri Sagar Ulhas Gawas,Khaitwada, Kharpal,Dodamarga,Bicholim Goach | PIO, V.Panchayat Secretary,latambarcem) , Bicholim Goa | Showcause notice dated 21/02/2017 stands withdrawn |
Penalty 19/2017 | Bharat L. Kandolkar, Vady, Candolim, Bardez Goa. | PIO, North Goa Planning and Development Authority, Mala, Panaji Goa | Proceedings stands closed |
Penalty. 27/2016 | Miss Madonna E. Almeida, H.No. 257-1,Bagdem, 3 RD ward Colva, Salcete Goa. | PIO/Sub Divisional Police Officer, Margao-Goa. | Proceedings closed |
Penalty No. 42/2016 | Adv. Joel Mendes, Shantadurga Apts.,Dr.Minguel Miranda Rd, Margao Salcet Go | PIO, O/o Chief Officer, Margao Mun. Council, Margao Salcet Goat GoGoa. | Penalty proceeding stands dismissed as withdrawn |
Penalty No. 52/2016 | Shri Amod V.Veling,Takkar Retreat, Juna Gangapur Naka, Nasik Maharashtra | PIO, Chief Officer, Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa Goa. | Penalty No.52/2016 in App. No.11/SIC/2014, Penalty proceeding dispose off accordingly |
Penalty 38/2016 | Adv.Shri. Pranav V. Sanvordekar,Muktayee, Bagwada, Sanvordem Goa | PIO,Goa Industrial Development Corp., EDC, Complex, Patto,Plaza, Panaji Goa | Penalty 38/2016 in appeal No128/SIC/2015, Penalty proceedings dispose off accordingly. |
Penalty No. 8 /2017 | Miss. Vidhya M. Desai, Yamuna Apt., G-F, Sirvorderm, Margao Salcet Goa | PIO, Mamlatdar of Salcete,1st floor, Collectorate South Bldg., Margao Goa G | Compensation given to PIO Rs.3,000/- |
Penalty No.30/2017 | Shri Pedrito Misquitta alias John Peter Misquitta, Souza Vaddo Candolim Goa | PIO/APIO, Office of the Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority, Panaji Goa. | Penalty proceeding closed |
Penalty 59/2016 | Fr. Jacinto Rodrigues, H. No. 242, Calvaddo, Cavelossim, Salcete, Goa | PIO, The Secretary, Village Panchayat Cavelossim, Cavelossim, South- Goa | Penalty imposed on PIO |
Penalty No.04/2017 | Shri R. Pinto, Chamundi Apartments,Martires Dias Road, Margao. | The Member Secretary, SGPDA, Margao, Salcete. | Proceeding disposed. |
Penalty No.60/2016 | Mithun S. Naik Bhaje, Vadachawada, Sirigao, Bicholim-Goa. | PIO, Office of Executive Engineer, Div.XXIV, PEH, PWD, Bicholim. | Penalty proceeding closed. PIO to pay compensation of Rs.5000/- to the Complainant. |
penalty 8/2016 | Trajano D Mello | Administrator of Communidade, PIO, North zone, Mapusa | PENALTY OF RS 3000 IMPOSED ON PIO |
penalty 9/2016 | Trajano D Mello | Administrator of Communidade, PIO, North zone, Mapusa | PENALTY IMPOSED OF RS. 3000/- |
20/2017 | Bruno John De Sousa | PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Marra, Pilerne | SHOWCAUSE NOTICE WITHDRAWN |
13/2010 | Franky Monteiro | pio village panchayat loutolim | PENALTY IMPOSED ON PIO OF RS 3000 |
14/2010 | Franky Monteiro | pio secretary village panchayat loutolim | PENALTY IMPOSED ON PIO OF RS. 3000 |
16/2017 | Nigel Gonsalves | The Asst. Registrar of Co-operative Societies & SDIO North Zone, | SHOWCAUSE NOTICE ISSUED WITHDRAWN |
55/2016 | Anisha A Mantondkar, | Ashutosh Apte, Under Secretary (Revenue), Secretariat | PROCEEDING CLOSED |
Penalty No.15/2017 | Rabindra A. L. Dias, Cujira, St. Curz | PIO, Office of the Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao. | Penalty proceedings dropped. As the notice dated 17/02/2017 stands withdrawn. |
Penalty No.27/2017 | Ivan Frances Fernandes, Vaddem, Socorro, Bardez Goa. | PIO, the then PIO Clen Madura, Administrator of Communidade of North Zone, | Penalty proceeding stands withdrawn. Proceeding dropped. |
penalty 44/2014 | peter Paul D Souza | Shri Rui Cardozo, The Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat Secre | penalty of rs. 5000/- imposed |
Penalty No.23/2017 | Antonio Bernardo Cost | 1. Public Information Officer Secretary, V.P. Cavelossim, Office of V | |
penalty34/2017 | Umakant Falgune Tari | ShriP.B.Kankonkar, Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat St. | |
penalty 37/2016 | Bijou Godinho | 1. First Appellate Authority Block Development officer, | |
penalty 58/2016 | Clifford D Souza | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), (Mr.Rui Cardoso), Village Panchayat Se | penalty of rs. 3000 imposed |
penalty 11/2017 | Dadu Sawant | 1. Public Information Officer, Inspector of Survey and Land Records | |
Penalty 43/2016 | Manual Gracias | 1. The Director of Urban Development, First Appellate Authority, Under the | |
penalty 33/2017 | Umakant Falgune Tari | ShriP.B.Kankonkar, Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat St. | |
penalty 39/2017 | Jawaharlal T Shetye | 1. First Appellate Authority, Dy. Collector SDO-Bardez, Mapusa Goa. | |
Penalty 54/2016 | Tarachand Bhandari | 1. The State Public Information Officer, Executive Engineer(Trg), O/o the C | |
penalty 17/2017 | Veena Kakodkar | 1. Public Information Officer Sarvodaya Education Society High School, Curc | |
Penalty 28/2017 | Noelyn Santos | Public Information Officer, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa Bardez-Goa | |
Penalty 28/2017 | Noelyn Santos | Public Information Officer, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa Bardez-Goa. | |
penalty 35/2017 | Laxman Putu Pagi | 1. Public Information Officer, Addl. Collector-I, South Goa District, Colle | |
penalty 57/2016 | Atmaram Naik | 1. Public Information Officer Mamlatdar of Mormugao, Office of the mamlatda | |
Penalty 32/2017 | Shri Nishant Sawant | 1. Public Information Officer Executive Engineer, PWD, W.D. XVIII(Road | |
Penalty 13/2010 | Franky Monterio | Public Information Officer, Secretary, Village Panchayat Loutolim | Penalty of Rs. 3000/- imposed on PIO |
Penalty 32/2017 | Nishant G.Sawant, Mahalaxmi Bandoda | 1. Public Information Officer Executive Engineer, PWD, W.D. XVIII(Road), Po | Showcause notice issued stands withdrawn |
Penalty No.22/2017 | Rabindra A. L. Dias, Cujira, St. Cruz. | PIO,office of Mamlatdarof Salcete,Margao, Salcete. | Proceeding closed. |
Penallty no. 44/2017 | Gajanan Dhumatkar | 1. Public Information Officer (PIO), Civil Registrar-Cum Sub-Registrar (HQ) | Showcause notice issued on 8/8/2017 stands withdrawn |
Penalty 32/2017 | Nishant Sawant | 1. Public Information Officer Executive Engineer, PWD, W.D. XVIII(Road), Po | showcause notice dated 25/05/2017 stands withdrawn |
Penalty 37/2017 | Laxman Putu Pagi, | 1. Public Information Officer Addl. Collector-I, South Goa District, Collec | penalty as sought by appellant are not maintainable |
Penalty 37/2017 | Laxman Putu Pagi, | 1. Public Information Officer Addl. Collector-I, South Goa District, Collec | penalty as sought by appellant are not maintainable |
Penalty 02/2014 in apl. 118/13 | Kashinath Shetye | Shri R. N. Bhat, Then Executive Engineer (Training)/ Public Information Off | |
Penalty 13/2014 | Vishal Naik | 1. Dr. K. K. Nadkarni, Dy. Director of Education, Central Education Zone, P | penalty not imposed |
Penalty 13/2014 | Vishal Naik | 1. Dr. K. K. Nadkarni, Dy. Director of Education, Central Education Zone, P | penalty not imposed |
Penalty 21/2014 | Mandar Madhukar Naik | 1. Shri Agnelo Fernandes, Chief Officer/ Public Information Officer, O/o M | penalty not imposed on PIO |
Penalty No. 31/2017 | Jerry Braganza | The Public Information Officer (PIO), Administrator Communidade North Zo | penalty imposed |
penalty Case No. 04/2016 | Nevil Furtado | Public Information Officer, O/o. The Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete- | compensation given to appellant |
Penalty No. 19/2014 | Bharat Candolkar | Babu Shirodkar, Village Panchayat Secretary Candolim | proceeding closed |
penalty 07/2017 | Kalpana Kamat | 1. Public Information Officer Mormugao Municipal Council. Vasco-Da | penalty imposed on PIO |
Penalty 06/2017 | Kalpana V Kamat | 1. Public Information Officer Mormugao Municipal Council. Vasco-Da-Gama, Go | penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO |
penalty No.42/2017 | Madonna Almeida, 3rd ward, Bagdem, Colva, Salcete Goa. | PIO,SGPDA, Osia Complex Arcade, 3rd flr Margao Goa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty 04/2014 | Johny Santan D Souza | Shri Chandrakant B. Shetkar, Then Mamlatdar of Pernem/Public Information Of | showcause notice issued to PIO Chandrakant Shetkar Stands withdrawn. |
penalty 09/2014 | Laximan Vithal Naik Govekar | 1. Mamlatdar of Bardez Taluka/ Public Information Officer, Mapusa, Bardez-G | showcause notice issued by this commission stands withdrawn |
Penalty No. 45/2017 | Caetano Monteiro, H.No. 112-C, Cuelim, Cansaulim Mormugao Goa | Public Information Officer (PIO), Secretary, Village Panchayat, Cansaulim A | Proceedings stands closed |
penalty 56/2016 | prabhakar yende | Public Information Officer, Shri Raju Gawas, Mapusa Municipal Council | information furnished |
penalty 45/2017 | Caetano Monteiro | Public Information Officer (PIO), Secretary, Village Panchayat, Cansaulim A | proceeding closed, showcause notice withdrawn |
Penalty 08/2016 | Trajano D Mello, Mapusa-Goa | Administrator of Communidades, Public Information Officer (PIO), North Zone | fit case for imposing penalty |
penalty 09/2016 | Trajano D Mello, Mapusa-Goa | Administrator of Communidades, Public Information Officer (PIO), North Zone | fit case for imposing penalty |
penalty 47/2017 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | 1. Public Information Officer(PIO), Dy. Collector and SDO Mapusa Bardez, Ma | proceeding closed |
Penalty 50/2017 | Kalpesh Kavlekar, Bardez-Goa | Shri Dashrath Redkar (Then PIO) Administrator of Communidade, North Zone | penalty not imposed |
penalty 51/2017 | Kalpesh Kavlekar, Bardez-Goa | Shri Dashrath Redkar (Then PIO) Administrator of Communidade, North Zone | penalty not imposed |
penalty 29/2016 | Vishwanath B. Solienkar, Margao | 1. The Public Information Officer (PIO), Village Panchayat of Curtorim, Sal | compensation imposed of Rs. 5000/-on PIO |
Penalty 44/2014 | Peter Paul DSouza, Bardez | Rui Cardozo, Village Panchayat Secretary, Arpora, Bardez-Goa | PIO directed to furnish information, showcause issued for penalty, Compensation and disciplinary action against PIO. |
Penalty No. 41/2014 | Ganpat R. Sangodkar Agacaim, Goa | 1. Shri Anil K.N. Dessai, Then Assistant Registrar/Public Information | proceeding closed proceedings for imposition of penalty is not maintainable |
Penalty No.52/2017 | J T Shetye, Khorlim, Mapusa Goa. | PIO, Smt Nazeera Sayed, MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
penalty 29/2014 | Ashok Dessai | Prakash Bandodkar, deputy town planner, town and Country Pllaning Departmen | proceeding stands closed |
penalty 54/2017 | Rudresh S. Naik, Panaji | PIO, River Navigation Department, Betim Bardez-Goa | Penalty proceeding closed |
Penalty 49/2017 | Nitin Patekar, pernem | PIO, Collector of North Goa District, Panaji | showcause notice issued stands withdrawn. proceeding closed |
penalty no. 58/2017 | Savio Suraj Victoria, Sanguem | PIO Sanguem Muncipal Council | penalty proceeding closed. Penalty not imposed |
Penalty 47/2017 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye | 1. Public Information Officer(PIO), Dy. Collector and SDO Mapusa | Showcause notice stands withdrawn. proceeding closed |
Penalty 51/2017 | Shri Kalpesh Kavlekar, Bardez-Goa | Dashrath Redkar (Then PIO), Administrator of Communidade, North | proceeding closed. penalty not imposed |
Penalty 50/2017 | Shri Kalpesh Kavlekar, Bardez-Goa | Dashrath Redkar (Then PIO), Administrator of Communidade, North | proceeding closed. penalty not imposed |
Penalty 05/2018 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, MMC, Mapusa | penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on then PIO Nazeera Sayed |
04/2018 in apl. 180/2017 | J. T. Shetye Mapusa-Goa | PIO, MMC, Mapusa | Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on Nazeera Sayed. penalty proceeding closed |
Penalty 49/2017 | Shri Nitin Patekar, Oshalbag Dhargal | (PIO), The Collector of North Goa, Panaji | showcause notice issued stands withdrawn. proceeding closed |
Penalty 49/2017 | Shri Nitin Patekar, Oshalbag Dhargal | (PIO), The Collector of North Goa, Panaji | showcause notice issued stands withdrawn. proceeding closed |
Penalty 01/2018 | Engineer Rabindra A. L. Dias | PIO, V. P. Sernabatim | proceeding closed Showcause notice issued withdrawn |
Penalty No.53/2017 | Rajkumar Raju Gadge, H. No. 3rd flr, Commerce centre Bldg, opp old Mapusa | PIO, MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed, Show cause notice withdrawn. |
Penalty No.42/2014 | Pramod Polly Dsilva, palvem, Chinchinim, Salcete. | SPIO, Secretary Village Panchayat, Chinchinim Deussua,Salcete. | Closed |
penalty 11/2014 | Noorjahan Bi | chief Officer, PIO, Ponda Muncipal Council, Ponda | proceeding closed. Showcause notice issued stands withdrawn. |
penalty 01/2018 | Engineeer Rabindra A. L. Dias, Tiswadi | PIO, V. P. Sernabatim Vanelim, Colva and Gandaulim | proceeding stands closed. showcause notice issued stands withdrawn |
penalty 12/2014 | Gabriel Joseph Fernandes, Bardez | K. D. Pagui, PIO Calangute Panchayat Bardez | Penalty proceeding dispose off. Penalty not imposed |
penalty 55/2017 | Jacinto Rodrigues, salcete | PIO, Secretary V. P. Cavelossim, | public authority directed to pay Rs. 5000/- compensation |
penalty 56/2017 | Santana Piedade Afonso | PIO Office of the Tourism Department, Margao | compensation imposed on Public authority |
penalty 10/2018 | Engineer Rabindra A. L. Dias | PIO, V. P. Santa Cruz Tiswadi | proceeding closed. Showcause issued stands withdrawn |
penalty 09/2018 | Rabindra A. L. Dias | PIO, O/o. V. P. Sernabatim, Colva | penalty proceeding closed. Penalty of Rs. 3000/- imposed on PIO |
Penalty 11/2018 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Penalty of Rs. 3000/- imposed on then PIO. proceeding disposed off |
Penalty No.13 2012 in C.No.1 | Mr.Vincent Dias Murida Fatorda Margao Goa | PIO Margao Municipal Council Margao | Penalty proceeding stand closed. |
Penalty No. 35,12 in C. No.182 | Shri Subhash B.S. Jetha Mapusa Bardez | PIO Administrator of Communidade North Zone Mapusa | The Commission accepts the explanation tendered and exonerates former PIO from imposing any penalty. The penalty proceedings stand closed. |
Penalty 16/2018 | Lida Joao | PIO, District and session court, Margao | proceeding closed. penalty not imposed |
Penalty 13/2018 | Nazareth Barretto, Salcete-Goa | PIO, V. P. Rumdamol Davorlim, Margao-Goa | penalty not imposed |
Penalty 17/2018 | Jesus Victoria, Sanguem Goa | PIO, Our Lady of Fatima High School, Rivona Goa | showcause notice dated 6/04/2018 stands withdrawn |
Penalty 18/2018 | Jesus Victoria, Sanguem Goa | PIO, Our Lady of Fatima High School, Rivona Goa | proceeding closed, showcause notice stands withdrawn |
penalty 19/2018 | Savio Suraj Victoria, Sanguem | PIO, Our Lady of Fatima High School, Rivona Goa | proceeding closed. Showcause notice stands withdrawn |
Penalty 12/2018 | Anil Govind Naik | PIO, Peoples Higher Secondary School, Mala Panaji | proceeding closed. showcause notice stands withdrawn |
penalty 14/2018 | Shrikant Naik Simepurushkar | PIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusa | proceeding stands closed |
Penalty 08/2018 | Datta G. D Souza Tiswadi | PIO, Asst. Director of Transport Panaji-Goa | proceeding closed. Compensation of Rs. 3000/- imposed on Public authority |
penalty 08/2018 | Datta G. D Souza Tiswadi | PIO, Asst. Director of Transport (North) Panaji | Proceeding stands closed. Compensation of Rs. 3000/- imposed on Public authority. |
penalty 20/2018 | Santosh Mandrekar, Bicholim-Goa | PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat, Mayem | penalty of Rs. 3000/- imposed on PIO. |
Penalty No. 41/2011 in A No.1 | Shri Gajanan D. Phadte, Nila Niwas, Alto Torda, Porvorim Goa | PIO Secretary Village Panchayat Penha de Franca Britona Bardez Goa | proceedings in the Penalty case are accordingly closed |
penalty 07/2018 | Kashinath Tari, Taleigao Goai | PIO, North Goa Planning and Development authority | Public authority concerned directed to pay compensation of Rs. 5000/- |
Penalty 26/2018 | Raghu Gomes, Alto Porvorim | PIO, Mamlatdar of Tiswadi, Panaji | Showcause notice issued on 26/06/2018 stands withdrawn.proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty 57/2017 | Kalpana Kamat, Vasco | PIO, Mormugao Muncipal Council | Public Authority concern herein that is Marmugao Muncipal Council directed to pay compensation of Rs. 2000/- |
Penalty No.22/2018 | Iver Ferreira, H No 949, Mangueiral, St Estevam, Ilhas Goa. | PIO, Office of the Mamlatdar, Tiswadi Taluka, Collectorate Buldg, Panaji. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.43/2017/CIC | Lindo J Furtado, HNo 51, Copelwaddo, Sernabatim, Salcete Goa. | PIO, Office of Dy Collector and SDO, Salcete Goa. | Proceeding stands withdrawn. Proceeding closed. |
Penalty 08/2014 | Vaikunth V. Parab Gaonkar | Varsha Naik, Chief Officer, Then PIO, Bicholim Muncipal | showcause notice issued on 27/05/2014 and 13/9/2017 stand withdrawn.proceeding closed. |
Penalty 23/2018 | Engineer Rabindra A. L. Dias, Tiswadi | PIO, Deputy Collector-I and SDO, Margao | showcause notice issued to PIO on 1/06/2018 stands withdrawn. |
Penalty 25/2018 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Proceeding closed. Penalty not imposed. |
Penalty 30/2018 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Imposition of penalty as sought by the appellant herein are not maintainable |
Penalty No.34/2017/CIC | Shri Lindo J Furtado, H No 51, Copelwaddo, Serabatim, Salcete Goa. | PIO, Office of Dy Collector and SDO, Salcete Goa. | Stands withdrawn. Proceeding closed. |
Penalty 36/2017 | Sushant Ray | PIO, Inspector of Survey and Land Records, Margao | Public authority directed to pay compensation. Proceeding closed. |
Penalty 33/2018 | Minguel Fernandes, Salcete-Goa | PIO, Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao-Goa | penalty imposed on PIO |
penalty 39/2018 | Mrs. Lucy D Mello, Bardez-Goa | PIO, V. P. Calangute, Bardez-Goa | PIO directed to pay Rs. 10,000/- as penalty |
penalty 40/2018 | Egidio Branganza, Mapusa | PIO, Secretary of V. P. Calangute, Goa | Penalty of Rs. 10,000/- imposed on PIO |
Penalty 36/2018 | Bharat L. Candolkar, Bardez | PIO, Goa Coastal Zone Management, Bardez | Showcause notice issued to PIO stands withdrawn. |
penalty 21/2018 | Kum Piedade F. D Souza | PIO, O/o V. P. Candolim | Penalty proceedings stands closed. Showcause notice issued to the PIO stands withdrawn. |
penalty 46/2018 In Appeal 194 | Siddesh Simepurushkar | PIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusa | Showcause notice issued to PIO stands withdrawn. PENALTY PROCEEDINGS STANDS CLOSED. |
penalty 45/2018 | Siddesh Simepurushkar | PIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusa | Notice issued to PIO stands withdrawn. Penalty proceedings stands closed. |
Penalty 47/2018 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusa | shocause notice stands withdrawn. Penalty proceeding closed. |
penalty 48/2018 | Subhash Narvekar | PIO, Administrator of Devalaya of Bardez, Mapusa | Showcause notice issued stands withdrawn. |
Penalty No.37/2018/CIC | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa. | The then PIO, Shri Dasharath N. Gawas, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa. | Penalty Proceedings disposed.An amount of Rs.2500/- to be paid By the then PIO Shri Dashrath Gawas. |
Penalty No.56/2010 | Antonio J. B. Lobo, C1, Sladanha Business Tower, Feira,Alto, Mapusa. | PIO, Under Secretary Personnel I, Dept of Personnel, Secretariat, Porvorim. | Proceeding closed.Notice issued is withdrawn. |
Penalty No.29/2018/CIC | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa. | PIO, MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
penalty 49/2018 | Nigel Gonsalves, Mumbai | PIO, Asst. Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Mapusa-Goa | showcause notice issued on 12/11/2018 stands withdrawn. |
Penalty 02/2019 | Norman Dias, Salcete | PIO, Office of Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao-Goa | PIO Joao Fernandes directed to pay penalty of Rs. 2000/- |
Penalty No.03/2017 | Shri R Pinto, F6 Chamundi Apartments, Martires Dias Roads, Margao. | The Member Secretary, SGPDA, 4th flr, Osia Commercial Complex, Margao. | Penalty disposed. |
Penalty No.38/2018/CIC | Sudan Fati Naik Gaonkar, Paradise on Earth, Nr PDA Colony, Porvorim. | Dr Uday C Gaunker, PIO, Damodar Higher Secondary School, Gudi Paroda Quepem | Proceeding dropped. |
Penalty No.42/2018/SCIC | Savio Britto, P10, Portais, Reis Magos, Bardez. | PIO, Principal, Fr Carlos Fernandes Ex Principal, Fr Andrew Silveira, Pilar | Proceeding closed |
Penalty 02/2019 | Norman Dias, Salcete-Goa | PIO, Office of Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao | Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO, Shri Joao Fernandes. |
Penalty 01/2019 | Santana Nazareth, Saligao, Bardez | PIO, V.P. Secretary Saligao | Respondent Then PIO Mrs Karishma Ghadi directed to pay Rs. 2000/- as penalty. |
penalty 43/2018 | Peter Paul D Souza, Bardez | PIO, V. P. Secretary Arpora | penalty imposed on PIO Rui Cardozo of Rs. 3000/- |
Penalty case No.34/2018 | Mr. Joseph S. R De Souza | PIO, Ramchandra Morajkar, Chief Account Officer, GoaHousing Board, Porvorim | The proceedings in Penalty case are accordingly closed. |
Penalty Case no.10/2012 | Shri Ashok Desai | PIO,The Chief Officer, Canacona Municipal Council, Canacona – Goa | The penalty proceedings in above case are accordingly ordered closed |
Penalty 44/2018 | Peter Paul D Souza, Bardez | PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat , Arpora, Bardez | PIO Rui Cardozo is hereby directed to pay a sum of Rs. 3000/- as penalty. |
Penalty 07/2019 | K. Krubeshwaran, Salcete-Goa | PIO, O/o. the Executive Engineer, Margao-Goa | PIO directed to be vigilant. Penalty proceeding closed. |
Penalty case No. 06/2019 | Nikil Narvekar, Bardez-Goa | PIO, Executive Engineer (RTI), Vidhyut BHavan, Panaji | Showcause notice issued to PIO stands withdrawn. penalty proceedings stands closed |
Penalty No.24/2018 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa. | PIO, The Secretary, V P Calangute, Calangute, Bardez. | Proceeding Closed. |
Penalty No.51/2018/CIC | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa. | The Clerk, Communidade of Khorlim, Nr the Church, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.24/2018 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa. | PIO, Secretary Village Panachayat Calangute, Bardez. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.09/2019/CIC | Shrikant Vishnu Gaonkar, Sinari Apartments, Nr Datta Mandir, Ribandar Patto | Pradeep A Mirajkar, PIO, Office of CCP, Panaji. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty Case No:15 /2018 | Manjunath K.Mudyar | PIO, Village Panchayat of Dramapur, Sirlim, Salcete | With these observations, the penalty proceedings in above case accordingly stand closed. |
Penalty Case No.11/2019 | Gajanan D. Phadte | PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa-Goa | With these observations, the penalty proceedings in above case accordingly stand closed |
Penalty 05/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | PIO directed to pay penalty amount of Rs 2,000/- |
Penalty 05/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO. |
Penalty 19/2019 | Santana Piedade Afonso, Salcete | Joao B. Fernandes, (PIO), Office of the Mamlatdar Salcete | Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO |
penalty 17/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO |
penalty 08/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Penalty imposed to PIO of Rs. 2,000/- |
Penalty 10/2019 | Alice Mathias, Bardez | PIO, Secretary V. P. Candolim | Penalty of Rs. 3,000/- imposed on PIO. Penalty proceeding closed. |
Penalty 23/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO. |
Penalty 20/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Penalty of Rs. 2,000/- imposed on PIO |
penalty 22/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Penalty of Rs. 2000 imposed on PIO. Proceeding closed. |
Penalty 4/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Penalty imposed on PIO of Rs. 2000/-. Proceeding closed. |
penalty 12/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | appeal disposed. penalty imposed on PIO |
Penalty No.35/2018 | Subhash Narvekar, HNo 164 V Ganesh , Alto Duler, Mapusa, Bardez. | PIO, Dasharath Gawas, Mamlatdar of Valpoi, Valpoi, Sattari Goa.. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty 18/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Showcause notice issued to then PIO stands withdrawn. Proceedings closed. |
Penalty No.32/2019/CIC | Nazareth Baretto, HNo 126, Borda, Margao, Salcete Goa. | PIO, Administrator of Communidades, South Zone, Margao, Salcete. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty 06/2018 | Kalpana Kamat, Vasco | PIO, Superintendent of Police (South),Margao | Proceedings stands closed. |
Penalty case No. 13/2019 | Mr. Gabriel Joseph Fernandes | PIO, Public Information Officer, Secretary, Village Panchayat Calangute, | With these observations, the penalty proceedings in above case accordingly stand closed |
Penalty 23/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | penalty of Rs. 2000 imposed on PIO. proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.24/2019 | Sushant P Nagvekar, H No C312, Fondvem Ribandar | PIO and Mamlatdar, Collectorate Building, Tiswadi, Panaji. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.32/2018/CIC | Gajendranath R Usgaonkar, Nr Central Bank of India, Housing Board, Porvorim | Ms Pooja Phadte, Then PIO, Law Dept Legal Affairs, Secretariat, Porvorim. | Proceeding stands withdrawn. Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.21/2019/CIC | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa. | PIO, MMC, Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty NO.36/2016 | Mr Premanand G Phadte, 46 E, Arlem Raia, Salcete Goa. | PIO, Secretary Village Panchayat Raia, Salcete. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.35/2016 | Mr Premanand G Phadte, 46 E, Arlem Raia, Salcete Goa. | PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Raia, Salcete. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty 34/2019 | Vijay Kumar A. Shrodkar, Tiswadi-goa | PIO, Union High School, Chimbel, Tiswadi-Goa | penalty proceeding stands closed |
Penalty 26/2019 | Siddesh Simepurushkar, Mapusa | PIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusa | Proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty No.05/2014 | Shri D H Kenaudekar, Village Panchayat of Marra Pilerne, Bardez. | Sanjeev G Dessai, then Admn of Communidades then PIO, North zone Mapusa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty NO.27/2018/CIC | Savio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem. | PIO,Fr Anthony Melvin Fernandes, Miracles High School, Sanguem. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.28/2018/CIC | Savio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem. | PIO Fr Anthony Melvin Fernandes, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.50/2018/CIC | Savio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem. | PIO,Fr Anthony Melvin Fernandes, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No. 25/2012 | Mr. K.P. Harmalkar | PIO, Chief Officer, Mormugao Municipal Council | exonerates the PIO from levy of any penalty and closes the penalty
proceedings in above case |
Penalty No. 33/2019 | Shri J. T. Shetye | PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa – Goa | PIO: RTI Application to be disposed in a time bound manner strictly in accordance
with the RTI Act, 2005. |
Penalty No.31/2018/CIC | Bharat L Candolkar, Vady, Candolim, Bardez. | PIO, Mr Dasharath Gawas, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa Bardez. | Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No.41/2018/CIC | Maria Regina Cardozo, 19 Revora Cotta, Chandor Salcete Goa. | PIO, Off of Mamlatdar, Mathany Saldanha Bldg, Margao. | Appeal disposed. |
Penalty No. 16/2014 | Mr. Milagres Coutinho | PIO, Then Chief Officer, Margao Municipal Council, Margao – Goa | With this observations both the Complaint case and penalty case stands closed |
Penalty No. 38/2019 | Shri Digambar P. Talkar | PIO, The Dy. Collector/Sub Divisional Magistrate, Bicholim – Goa | With these observations, the penalty proceedings in above case are ordered closed. |
Penalty No. 35/2019 | Mr. Joseph Sequeira | PIO, Village Panchayat of Calangute, Bardez-Goa | With these observations, all proceedings in above penalty case are ordered closed |
Penalty 39/2019 | Ramnath G.Shirodkar, Bardez-Goa | The Secretary, Village Panchayat of Calangute | Penalty imposed on PIO, Raghuvir Bagkar of Rs. 2000/- |
Penalty 41/2019 | Aslino Fernandez, Bardez | PIO, Secretary of Village Panchayat of Assagao,Bardez | Penalty proceedings stands closed |
Penalty 40/2019 | Santana Nazareth, Saligao, Bardez | PIO, Village Panchayat Saligao, Bardez | Proceeding stands closed |
Penalty 49/2019 | Suresh Gopal Vengurlekar,, Vasco da Gama | Ulka Bandekar, PIO, Asst. Registrar of Cooperative Society | proceeding stands closed |
Penalty 46/2019/SIC-I | Sadanand Narvekar, Bardez-Goa | PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Bardez,Mapusa | proceeding stands closed |
Penalty No.36/19 In Com 48/18 | Sarvesh Raghu Khandolkar, R/o hno 151, Carmi Bhat, Merces, Tiswadi Goa | PIO, Office Suptd, Admn Branch DGPs Office, PHQ, Panaji Goa | All proceedings in above penalty case are ordered closed |
Penalty no.15/19 In App 77/18 | Jawaharlal T Shteye, Hno 35A, ward No 11, Khorlim, Mapusa Goa 403507 | PIO, Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa Goa 403507 | The proceedings in the Penalty case are accordingly closed |
Penalty no.15/19 In App 77/18 | Jawaharlal T Shteye, Hno 35A, ward No 11, Khorlim, Mapusa Goa 403507 | PIO, Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa Goa 403507 | The proceedings in the Penalty case are accordingly closed |
Penalty No. 46/2019/SIC-I | Sadanand Narvekar, Bardez-Goa | PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Bardez,Mapusa | Proceedings stands closed |
Penalty 48 /2019 | Surendra S. Govekar, anjuna Bardez | The Secretary, Village Panchayat Anjuna-Caisua | Penalty of Rs. 2000/-imposed on PIO |
Penalty 48 /2019 | Surendra S. Govekar, anjuna Bardez | The Secretary, Village Panchayat Anjuna-Caisua | Penalty of Rs. 2000/-imposed on PIO |
penalty 50/2019 | Pradeep Gurudas Gaonkar, Ponda-Goa | Executive Engineer, Surendra Gaonkar, South Goa Zilla Panchayat Margao, | Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO |
Penalty No.45/19 Comp no.62&63 | Urmila Ulhas Mainikar, B-114-1, Police Quarters, Alto Porvorim Goa | PIO, The Secretaru, Village Panchayat Cudnem Bicholim Goa 403505 | Penalty case are ordered closed |
Penalty no.25/19 In App 73/13 | Rabindra A L Dias, Dr Pires Colony, Block B, Cujira St Cruz Tiswadi Goa | PIO, Village Panchayat Colva, Colva Salcete Goa | Penalty case are ordered closed |
Penalty No.09/20 Comp No 52/19 | Nitin Y Patekar, Oshal Bag Dhargal, P O Colvale Goa | PIO, O/o BDO, Pernem Goa | Penalty proceedings accordingly stand closed |
Penalty 31/2019 | Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Mapusa-Goa | PIO, Mapusa Municipal Council | Penalty imposed on PIO. |
Penalty No. 01/2020 | Suresh Naik, Mapusa | PIO, Mamlatdar of Pernem Taluka, Pernem | Penalty imposed on PIO. |
Penalty No. 4 /2020 | Ramakant V. Chimulkar, Bardez | PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat Anjuna-Caisua | penalty imposed on PIO Rs. 4000/- |
Penalty No. 02 /2020 | Surendra S. Govekar, anjuna Bardez | PIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat Anjuna-Caisua | Penalty of Rs. 4000/- imposed on PIO. |
Penalty No. 10 /2020 | Surendra S. Govekar, anjuna Bardez | Secretary, Village Panchayat Anjuna-Caisua, | Penalty imposed on PIO of Rs.3000/-.penalty proceedings closed. |
Penalty No.07/2020/SIC-I | Nevil Furtado, Hno 51, Copelwado, Sernabatim, Salcete-Goa | PIO, O/o Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-Goa | Penalty imposed on PIO Rs 3000/-Penalty Proceedings closed. |
Penalty no.08/2020/SIC-I | Nevil Furtado, Hno 51, Copelwado, Sernabatim, Salcete-Goa | PIO, O/o Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-Goa | Penalty proceedings closed. |
Penalty no.11/2020/SIC-I | Nixon Furtado, Salcete | PIO, O/o Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-Goa | Penalty proceedings closed |
Penalty no.06/2020/SIC-I | Shri Vijaykumar Verlekar, Hno 1028B, Candolim Bardez Goa | PIO, Village Panchayat Candolim, Bardez Goa | Penalty proceedings closed |
Penalty no.13/2020/SIC-I | Celestinho A Noronha, hno 136, Margao Goa | PIO, O/o Administrator of Communidade, South Margao Goa | Penalty proceedings closed |
Pelanty no.12/20208/SIC-I | Nazareth Barretto, hno 126, Borda, Margao Salcete Goa | PIO, Administrator Communidade, South, Margao Goa | Penalty proceeding stands closed |
Penalty no.12/2020/SIC-I | Nazareth Barretto, hno 126, Borda, Margao Salcete Goa | PIO, Administrator Communidade, South, Margao Goa | Penalty proceeding stands closed |
penalty 3/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | Penalty proceedings dispose off accordingly |
penalty 14/2020/SIC-I | Nazareth Baretto, Salcete-Goa | PIO, Administrator of Communidades, South Zone, Margao-Goa | Penalty proceedings dropped disposed and closed accordingly |
Penalty 44/2019/SCIC | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | PIO Shri. Diniz C. T. De Melo directed to pay penalty of Rs. 3,000/- for delay in furnishing information. |
Penalty No. 14 /2020/SIC-I | Nazareth Barretto, hno 126, Borda, Margao Salcete Goa | PIO, Administrator of Communidades, South Zone, Margao-Goa | penalty proceeding dropped disposed |
Penalty No. 14 /2020/SIC-I | Nazareth Barretto, hno 126, Borda, Margao Salcete Goa | PIO, Administrator of Communidades, South Zone, Margao-Goa | Penalty proceeding dropped disposed and closed |
Penalty No. 42 /2019 | Mr. Heraclio Fernandes | PIO, O/o Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-Goa | penalty imposed on PIO, Sandhya Shet Shirodkar and Paresh Rane. |
Penalty No. 42 /2019 | Mr. Heraclio Fernandes | PIO, O/o Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete-Goa | penalty imposed on PIO, Sandhya Shet Shirodkar and Paresh Rane. |
Penalty 41/2019 | Aslino Fernandez, Bardez | 1. PIO, Secretary of Village Panchayat Assagao, Bardez | levy of penalty is not warranted in facts of present case.Proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty 30/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | penalty of Rs. 3000/- imposed on then PIO for delay in furnishing information |
Penalty 29/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusa | Proceeding closed levy of penalty is not warranted in the facts of present case |
Penalty No. 28 /2019/SIC-I | Yeshwant J. Mahale, Mapusa | PIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusa | proceeding closed levy of penalty is not warranted in the facts of the present case. |
Penalty 27/2019 | Clotildes Braganza and others | PIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusa | proceedings stands closed |
Penalty 3/2019 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | penalty proceeding disposed off. Resha Raut Desai is hereby admonished and directed to be vigilant henceforth |
Penalty No. 46/2017 | Octaviano Pires, | Public Information Officer (PIO), North Goa Planning Development Authority, | Showcause withdrawn and admonition given |
Penalty No. 25/2017 | | Administrator of Communidade, north zone | proceeding closed, Showcause notice withdrawn |
Penalty No. 26/2017 | Amarnath Palni | PIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusa | Penalty proceeding closed |
Penalty Case No. 14/2019 | Nicladina A. Fernandes e Mello | (PIO), Office of the Mamlatdar of Salcete | Showcause notice issued to then PIO Joao B. Fernandes stands withdrawn |
Penalty Case No.06/2016 | Vijaykumar Verlekar | The Public Information Officer, Village Panchayat Candolim | Penalty of Rs. 10,000/- imposed on PIO and Compensation of Rs. 5000/-imposed. Penalty proceedings dispose off accordingly |
Penalty 07/2016 | Mr. Santosh R. Divkar, | The Secretary, Village Panchayat of Calangute | Penalty of Rs. 2000/- imposed on PIO |
Penalty Case No.28/2016 | Pramod Poly D Silva, | Secretary, Village Panchayat of Chinchinim | Proceeding closed. PIO to be vigilant henceforth. |
Penalty 47/2019 | Bharat Candolkar Candolim Bardez Goa | PIO Dashrath Gawas Mamlatdar of Bardez Mapusa | Penalty of Rs. 5000/- imposed on PIO |
Penalty No. 47/2019 | Bharat Candolkar Candolim Bardez Goa | PIO Mamlatdar of Bardez Mapusa Goa | Penalty of Rs. 5000/- |
Penalty No. 47/2019 | Bharat Candolkar Candolim Bardez Goa | PIO Mamlatdar of Bardez Mapusa Goa | Penalty of Rs. 5000/- imposed on PIO |
Penalty No. 43/2019/SCIC | Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusa | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | penalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped |
Penalty No. 01/2021 | Nixon L. Furtado, Salcete | PIO, Office of the Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete | Penalty is imposed on PIO, Amol Tilve |
Penalty No. 02/2021 | Nixon L. Furtado, Salcete | PIO, Office of the Village Panchayat of Colva | Penalty imposed on PIO, Amol Tilve |
Penalty No. 03/2021 | Nixon L. Furtado, Salcete | PIO, Office of the Village Panchayat of Colva, | Penalty imposed on PIO, Amol Tilve |
Penalty No. 04/2021 | Nixon L. Furtado, Salcete | PIO, Office of the Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete | Penalty imposed on PIO Amol Tilve |
Penalty No. 13/2021 | Zacarias Borges, Salcete-Goa | Town and Country Planning Department, PIO | Proceeding stand closed |
Penalty 12/2021 | Ramchandra Anil Raikar, Bardez | PIO, Village Panchayat of Calangute, | penalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped. matter is disposed proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty 17/2021 | Reshma Bhatkar, Vasco | PIO, The Mamlatdar, Mormugao, Vasco | the matter is disposed and proceeding stands closed |
Penalty 10/2021 in Ap 154/2020 | Alex Arthur Cujira Santa Cruz Tiswadi Goa | PIO Rohidas Pereira VP Santa Cruz Tiswadi Goa | Show cause notice dated 15/09/2021 stands withdrawn |
Penalty 16/2021 in Ap 83/2021 | Rosalia Bella Fernandes Cortalim Goa | PIO Narayan Azgaonkar VP Quelossim Mormugao Goa | Show cause notice dated 26/11/2021 stands withdrawn. |
Penalty 01/2022 in Ap 111/2021 | Colin Araujo Fatorda Margao Goa | PIO Village Panchayat Colva Goa | penalty proceeding is dropped. |
Penalty 15/2021 in Ap 13/2021 | Jairam Kerkar Aldona Bardez Goa | PIO Dnyanprakash Mandal of Bicholim HS School Assonora Goa | the penalty proceeding is dropped |
Penalty No. 09/2021 | Shrikant V. Gaonker | PIO, Corporation of the City of Panaji | Smt. Roshell Fernandes, the then PIO stands withdrawn and the Penalty proceeding is dropped |
Penalty 06/2021 App 345/2019 | Nixon Furtado Senabatim Salcete Goa | PIO V P Colva Salcete Goa | penalty proceeding is dropped |
Penalty 17/2022 App 17/2021 | Jawaharlal Shetye Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO Administrator of Commuindades North Zone Mapusa Goa | penalty proceeding is dropped |
Penalty No. 05/2021 | Oswald Fernandes, Salcete | PIO, Village Panchayat of Cavelossim | Penalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped |
Penalty No. 05/2021 | Oswald Fernandes, Salcete | PIO, Village Panchayat of Cavelossim | Penalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped |
Penalty No. 11/2021 | Tanya Kim Margaret Fraser, | FAA, Additional Secretary Home Department, Porvorim | penalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped. The Matter is disposed and proceeding stand closed |
Penalty No. 11/2021 | Tanya Kim Margaret Fraser, | FAA, Additional Secretary Home Department, Porvorim | penalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped. The Matter is disposed and proceeding stand closed |
Penalty No. 07/2022 | Stephan Coutinho | PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa | showcause notice issued against Shri. Vyankatesh Sawant, the then PIO stands withdrawn and the penalty proceeding is dropped |
Penalty 02/2022 App 118/2021 | Prakash Pandurang Dhoke Campal D B Marg Panaji Goa | FAA Greater Panaji Planning and Development Authority Panaji Goa | penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed |
Penalty 11/2022 App 167/2020 | Shri Kashinath Shetye Patto Ribandar Tiswadi Goa | PIO Directorate of Education Porvorim Goa | the present penalty proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty 14/2021 App 122/2021 | Shri Deepak Gracias Aquem Margao Goa | PIO The Director of Municipal Administration Patto Panaji Goa | the present penalty proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty 10/2022 Compl 19/2021 | Shri Ramesh S Kerkar Saligao Bardez Goa | PIO Secretary Village Panchayat of Saligao Bardez-Goa | The matter is disposed and the proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty 24/2022 App 70/2022 | Umesh S Mangeshkar Dhakte Bhat Mandur Tiswadi Goa | PIO Office of the Mamlatdar Panaji Tiswadi Goa | the penalty proceeding is dropped |
Penalty 12/2022 App 28/2022 | Smt. Agnes D Silva Ro Madda Wadda Calangute Bardez Goa | PIO Secretary of Village Panchayat of Calangute Bardez Goa | Penalty of Rs. 8000/- imposed on PIO |
Penalty 29/2022 in Apl148/2021 | Shri Nazareth Baretto Borda Margao Salcete Goa | PIO The Administrator of Communidades South Zone Margao Salcete Goa | show cause notice issued against PIO stands withdrawn and the penalty proceeding is dropped. |
Penalty 30/2022 in Apl144/2021 | Nazareth Baretto Margao Salcete Goa | PIO The Administrator of Communidades South Zone Margao Salcete Goa | show cause notice issued against PIO stands withdrawn and the penalty proceeding is dropped. |
Pen 08/2022 in Comp 06/2021/SC | Monica Cardozo Candolim Bardez Goa | PIO Village Panchayat Candolim Goa | Mr. Lourenco Ribeiro, Secretary of village Panchayat Verla-Canca, Bardez Goa to pay sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) as penalty |
Pen 05/2022 in App 220/2020 | Santana Afonso Cuncolim Salcete Goa | PIO Village Panchayat of Cana Benaulim Salcete Goa | Shri. Prabhakar Kamati, Secretary of Village Panchayat Raia, Salcete, Goa to pay sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) as penalty |
Pen 08/2021 in App 158/2020 | Vishwanath Solienkar Margao Goa | PIO Village Panchayat Raia Salcete Goa | the show cause notice dated 09/08/2021 issued in the penalty proceeding is dropped. |
Pen 06/2022 in Comp 20/2021/SC | Ramesh Kerkar Saligao Bardez Goa | PIO Village Panchayat Saligao | Show cause notice dated 25/03/2022 issued in the penalty proceeding is dropped. |
Penalty 21/2022 APP 75/2022 | Dean D Cruz Porvorim Goa | PIO VP Saligao | Show cause notice dated 28/07/2022 issued in the penalty proceeding is dropped |
Penalty 20/2022 Ap 307/2021 | Minguel Fernandes Navelim Salcete Goa | PIO Maya Amonkar Suptd of Survey and Land Records Margao | Show cause notice dated 15/07/2022 issued in the penalty proceeding is dropped. |
Penalty 23/2022 Comp 01/2022 | Chandrashekar Vast Vasco Goa | Sachin desia Dy Collector SDO PIO Mormugao Goa | show cause notice dated 28/07/2022 issued in the present complaint proceeding against the PIO, Shri. Sachin Desai is dropped. |
Penalty 22/2022 App 15/2022 | Chandrashekar Vast Vasco Goa | Sachin desia Dy Collector SDO PIO Mormugao Goa | 1. the show cause notice dated 28/07/2022 issued in the present penalty proceeding against the PIO, Shri. Sachin Desai is dropped. |
Penalty 33/2022 Comp 10/2022 | Querobino P Gomes H.No. 324 Praca de Rachol Salcete Goa | PIO Mamlatdar of Salcete Margao Salcete Goa | Penalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on PIO. |
Penalty 25/2022 App 50/2022 | Vishwanath B Solienkar Don Bosco Engg College Fatorda Margao Goa | PIO Town and Country Planning Dept Margao Goa | Penalty of Rs. 4000/- imposed on PIO. |
Penalty 27/2022 App 122/2022 | Shri. Jawaharlal T Shetye Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO Administrator of Communidades of North Zone Mapusa Goa | The penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |
Penalty 35/2022 in Ap 309/2021 | Kalpana Kamat Vasco-da Gama Goa | PIO Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco | the show cause notice dated 27/09/2022 issued in the Appeal proceeding against the PIO is dropped |
Penalty No. 03/2022 | Juliet Lobo D Souza, Bardez-Goa | PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa | Penalty of Rs. 10,000/- imposed on former PIO, Rahul Desai. |
Penalty 18/2022 in Ap 183/2021 | Victor Pereira Calangute Bardez Goa | Raghuvir Bagkar PIO VP Calangute | Rs. 10,000/- penalty on PIO |
Penalty 19/2022 in Ap 185/2021 | Victor Pereira Calangute Bardez Goa | Raghuvir Bagkar PIO VP Calangute | Rs. 10,000/- penalty on PIO |
Penalty 28/2022 in Ap 265/2021 | Jawaharlal Shetye Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO VP Verla Canca Bardez Goa | Penalty proceeding dropped |
Penalty 39/2022 in Ap 181/2021 | Monica Cardozo Candolim Bardez Goa | PIO VP Candolim Goa | Penalty proceeding dropped |
Penalty 34/2022 in Ap 63/2022 | Jawaharlal Shetye Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO VP Verla Canca Bardez Goa | Penalty proceeding dropped |
Penalty 38/2022 in Com 01/2021 | Ramrao Surya Naik Wagh Dongari Mandur Goa | PIO VP Azossim Mandur | Penalty proceeding dropped |
Penalty No. 13/2022 | Jawaharlal Shetye, | PIO, Mapusa Municipal Council | Showcause notice issued against PIOs stands withdrawn |
Penalty No. 14/2022 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, | PIO, Mapusa Municipal Council | Showcause notice issued against PIOs stands withdrawn and the penalty proceeding is dropped. |
Penalty No. 16/2022 | Jawaharlal T Shetye, | PIO, Mapusa Municipal Council | Showcause notice issued to Shri. Sarvottam Satardekar and Shri. Subraj Kanekar stands withdrawn. |
Penalty 36/2022 in Ap 254/2021 | Mr Bharat L Candolkar Ro Vaddy Candolim Bardez Goa | PIO Secretary VP Candolim Candolim Bardez Goa | Penalty of Rs. 10,000/- imposed on PIO. |
Penalty 45/2022 App167/2022 | Kenneth Fernandes Socorro Bardez Goa | PIO Secretary VP Calangute Bardez Goa | penalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped. |
Penalty 07/2021 App 177/2020 | Nazario D Souza Santa Cruz Goa | PIO V P Calangute Bardez Goa | showcause notice issued against then PIO is dropped |
Penalty 37/2022 App 43/2021 | Jawaharlal Shetye Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO VP Verla Canca Bardez Goa | showcause notice issued against PIO is dropped |
Penalty No. 43/2022 | John Francis D Silva | PIO, Mamlatdar of Salcete, | showcause notice issued against Shri. Laxmikant R. Dessai, PIO stands withdrawn |
Penalty 12/2023 in Ap 62/2022 | Jawaharlal T Shetye H No 35 A Ward No11 Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa Goa. | Penalty of Rs. 10,000/- imposed on the then PIO. |
Penalty 13/2023 in Ap 214/2022 | Mr Leslie Steven De Souza Opposite the Court Altinho Mapusa Bardez | PIO Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa Goa | The penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |
Penalty 50/2022 in Ap 148/2022 | Jawaharlal T Shetye H No 35 A Ward No11 Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO Administrator of Communidades of North Zone Mapusa Bardez Goa | Penalty of Rs.8,000/- imposed on the then PIO. |
Penalty 09/2023 in Ap 240/2022 | Santana Piedade Afonso Comba Central P O Cuncolim Salcete Goa | Laxmikant Dessai PIO Mamlatdar of Salcete Margao Salcete Goa | Penalty of Rs. 12,000/- imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty 40/2022 in App 14/2022 | M Lakshmikantha Karma Residential Enclave Vaddem Vasco Da Gama Goa | PIO Municipal Engineer Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco Da Gama Goa | enalty of Rs. 4000/- imposed on the then PIO and Rs. 6770/- shall pay towards compensation to the appellant. |
Penalty 35/2022 in Ap 309/2021 | Kalpana Kamat Vasco-da Gama Goa | PIO Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco Goa | show cause notice dated 27/09/2022 issued in the Appeal proceeding is dropped |
Penalty 40/2022 in App 14/2022 | M Lakshmikantha Near Pai Hospital Vaddem Vasco Da Gama Goa | PIO Municipal Engineer Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco Da Gama Goa | Penalty of Rs. 4000/- imposed on the then PIO. |
Penalty 31/2022 in Ap 88/2022 | Anil V Sawant Dessai Xeldem Quepem Goa | PIO Off of Secretary VP Xeldem Xeldem Quepem Goa | Penalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on the PIO |
Penalty 32/2022 in Ap 90/2022 | Anil V Sawant Dessai Xeldem Quepem Goa | PIO Off of Secretary VP Xeldem Xeldem Quepem Goa | Penalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on the PIO |
Penalty 41/2022 in Ap 100/2022 | M Lakshmikantha Near Pai Hospital Vaddem Vasco Da Gama Goa | PIO Municipal Engineer Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco Da Gama Goa | Penalty proceeding stands closed and Rs. 6770/- shall pay towards compensation to the appellant |
Penalty 42/2022 in Ap159/2021 | Nazareth Baretto 126 Borda Margao Salcete Goa | PIO BDO Salcete Block Through VP Rumdamol Davorlim Salcete Goa | Penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |
Penalty 42/2022 in Ap159/2021 | Nazareth Baretto 126 Borda Margao Salcete Goa | PIO BDO Salcete Block Through VP Rumdamol Davorlim Salcete Goa | Penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |
Penalty 26/2022 in Ap 278/2021 | Satish K Naik 569 Thorlem Bhat Dongrim Tiswadi Goa | PIO Office of the Mamlatdar of Tiswadi Panaji Goa | Penalty of Rs. 4,000/- imposed on the PIO |
Penalty 01/2023 in Ap 132/2022 | Dr K K Nadkarni 84 Bendwada Sanguem Goa | PIO Goa Tourism Development Corporation Ltd Patto Panaji Goa | The penalty proceeding against PIO is dropped. The matter is disposed |
Penalty 07/2023 in Ap 192/2022 | Nixon L Furtado H No 51 Copelwaddo Sernabatim Salcete Goa | PIO Office of the Village Panchayat Colva Colva Salcete Goa | show cause notice issued to PIO stands stands withdrawn and Penalty proceeding dropped. |
Penalty 49/2022 in Ap 12/2022 | Nilesh Raghuvir Dabholkar 275 2 New Dabholwada Chapora Anjuna Bardez Goa | PIO Awal Karkun Oo Mamlatdar of Bardez Taluka Mapusa Bardez Goa | Penalty of Rs. 5000/- imposed on the then PIO and the present PIO each. |
Pen 11/2023 in Com 35/2022 | Mahadev Naik Dabolim Post Chicalim Goa | SPIO Off of Mormugao Municipal Council Vasco Goa | penalty proceeding against the PIO is dropped |
Pen 04/2022 in App 207/2021 | Arjun Harmalkar Tivim Bardez Goa | PIO V P Tivim Bardez Goa | penalty proceeding against the PIO, Shri. Dhiraj Govekar is dropped. |
Penalty 06/2023 in Com 31/2022 | Deepak Gracias Karishma Aparts Near Cine Vishant Aquem Margao Goa | PIO Directorate of Municipal Administration Dempo Towers Panaji Goa | The matter is disposed and the proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty No 46/2022 | Mr Leo Alvares Anus Nuvem Salcete Goa | PIO Office of the Mamlatdar of Salcete Mathany Saldanha Complex Salcete | The matter is disposed and the proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty No. 19/2023 | Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale Goa | Shri Raghuvir D Bagkar PIO Village Panchayat Sancoale | Penalty amount of Rs. 5,000/- imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty No. 18/2023 | Narayan D Naik HNo 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale Goa | Shri Raghuvir D Bagkar PIO Village Panchayat Sancoale | Penalty of Rs. 5,000/-imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty No. 17/2023 | Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale Goa | Shri Raghuvir D Bagkar PIO Village Panchayat Sancoale | Penalty of Rs. 5000/- imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty No. 20/2023 | Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale Goa | Shri Raghuvir D Bagkar PIO Village Panchayat Sancoale | Penalty of Rs. 12,000/- imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty No. 31/2023 | Jawaharlal T Shetye H No 35 A Ward No11 Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO Rajendra Bagkar Head Clerk Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa Bardez Goa | Penalty of Rs. 4000/- imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty No. 42/2023 | Amresh Vasudev Naik H No 528 Belwada Poriem Sattari Goa | PIO office of Deputy Collector and SDM of Sattari Valpoi Goa | The matter is disposed and the proceeding is closed. |
Penalty No. 24/2023 | Evelyn Mascarenhas Salvador do Mundo Betim Bardez Goa | PIO Office of the Town and Country Planning Mapusa Bardez Goa | The matter is disposed and the proceeding is closed |
Penalty No. 36/2023 | Anil V Sawant Dessai Sanfator Xeldem Housing Board Xeldem Quepem Goa | PIO Oo Administrator of Devalaya cum Oo Mamlatdar Sanguem Goa | Matter disposed. |
Penalty No. 37/2023 | Anil V Sawant Dessai Sanfator Xeldem Housing Board Xeldem Quepem Goa | PIO OoAdministrator of Devalaya cum Oo Mamlatdar Sanguem Goa | Matter is disposed. |
Penalty No. 46/2023 | Anish S Bacal 2BS3 Models Millenium Vistas Caranzalem Goa | PIO Recruitment Cell Goa Medical College Bambolim Goa | Penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |
Penalty 29/2023 | Michael Mascarenhas Lily Villa Sonar Bhat Saligao Bardez Goa | The Block Development Officer I and II Mapusa Bardez Goa | Penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |
Penalty 14/2023 Ap 201/2021 | Purshottam Shirodkar Sangolda Bardez Goa | PIO Administrator of Commuindades North Zone Mapusa Goa | Show cause notice dropped |
Penalty 15/2023 App 89/2021 | Purshottam Shirodkar Sangolda Bardez Goa | PIO Administrator of Commuindades North Zone Mapusa Goa | show cause notice dropped |
Pen 08/2023 App 213/2022/SCIC | Bharat Candolkar Candolim Bardez Goa | PIO VP Candolim | Show cause notice dropped |
Pen 04/2023 App 205/2022/SCIC | Deepak Gracias Margao Goa | FAA Member Secretary SGPDA Margao | the show cause notice against the PIO is dropped |
Pen 03/2023 App 201/2022/SCIC | Deepak Gracias Margao Goa | FAA Member Secretary SGPDA Margao | Show cause notice dropped |
Pen 05/2023 App 207/2022/SCIC | Deepak Gracias Margao Goa | FAA Member Secretary SGPDA Margao | Show cause notice dropped |
Pen 02/2023 App 199/2022/SCIC | Deepak Gracias Margao Goa | FAA Member Secretary SGPDA Margao | Show cause notice dropped |
Pen 44/2022 App 163/2022/SCIC | Kenneth Fernandes Socorro Bardez Goa | APIO VP Calangute Bardez Goa | show cause notice dropped |
Pen 16/2023 App 293/2021 | Ramchandra Mandrekar Bicholim Goa | PIO Administrator of Commuindades North Zone Mapusa Goa | the show cause notice dated 21/03/2022 issued in the present appeal against the PIO is dropped. |
Pen 21/2023 APP 173/2022 | Narayan Naik, Sancoale Goa | Raghuvir Bagkar PIO VP Sancoale | Rs. 50000/- Penalty on PIO |
Pen 38/2023 App 269/2022 | Jawaharlal Shetye Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO Off of Goa Board of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Margao | the show cause notice dated 02/08/2023 issued in the present proceeding against the PIO is dropped |
Pen 39/2023 in App 257/2022 | Narayan Naik Sancoale Goa | PIO Raghuvir Bagkar VP Sancoale Mormugao | show cause notice dated 14/08/2023 issued in the present appeal against the then PIO is dropped. |
Penalty No. 45/2023 | Nelson FJacques H No114A Dias Ward Cavelossim Salcete Goa | The Secretary Village Panchayat Cavelossim Cavelossim Salcete Goa | The penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. Proceeding closed. |
Penalty No. 32/2023 | Nihar Milind Barve Tonca Caranzalem Tiswadi Goa | FAA Corporation of the City of Panaji Panaji-Goa | Penalty proceeding is dropped. Matter is disposed and the proceeding closed. |
Penalty No. 41/2023 | Joaquim Nicolau Geromico Fernandes Sinaibaga Curtorim Salcete Goa | PIO 7 Dy Town Planner Town and Country Planning Dept Dempo Towers Panaji | Penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed and proceeding |
Penalty No. 41/2023 | Joaquim Nicolau Geromico Fernandes Sinaibaga Curtorim Salcete Goa | PIO 7 Dy Town Planner Town and Country Planning Dept Dempo Towers Panaji | The matter is disposed and the proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty 41/2023 in Ap 90/2023 | Joaquim Nicolau Geromico Fernandes Sinaibaga Curtorim Salcete Goa | PIO 7 Dy Town Planner Town and Country Planning Dept Dempo Towers Panaji | The matter is disposed and the proceeding stands closed. |
Penalty No. 30/2023 | Luel Fernandes 136 Cotta Chandor Salcete Goa | PIO Mamlatdar Mathany Saldanha Building Fatorda Margao Goa | Penalty of Rs. 12,000/- imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty 47/2023 in Ap 184/2023 | Nazareth Baretto 126 Borda Margao Salcete Goa | PIO Oo the Administrator of Communidades South Zone Margao Salcete Goa | Penalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty 48/2023 in Ap 182/2023 | Nazareth Baretto 126 Borda Margao Salcete Goa | PIO Oo the Administrator of Communidades South Zone Margao Salcete Goa | Penalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on the PIO. |
Penalty No. 60/2023 | Vincent Mascarenhas H No 55 Khalachawada Arambol Pernem Goa | PIO Goa Tourism Department Panaji Goa | Penalty proceeding is dropped. the matter is disposed. |
Penalty No. 53/2023 | Jawaharlal T Shetye H No 35 A Ward No11 Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO Head Clerk Rajendra Bagkar Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa Bardez Goa | Penalty of Rs. 6000/- imposed on the then PIO Shri. Rajendra Bagkar. |
Penalty No. 52/2023 | Narayan Datta Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale | Mr Orville C Vales PIO Village Panchayat Sancoale | Penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |
Penalty No. 51/2023 | Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale Goa | Mr Orville C Vales PIO Village Panchayat Sancoale | Penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |
Penalty No. 50/2023 | Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale Goa | Mr Orville C Vales PIO Village Panchayat Sancoale | The penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |
Penalty No. 49/2023 | Narayan D Naik H No 278 1 3 Savorfond Sancoale Goa | Mr Orville C Vales PIO Village Panchayat Sancoale | The penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |
Penalty No. 40/2023 | Jawaharlal T Shetye H No 35 A Ward No11 Khorlim Mapusa Goa | PIO Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa Bardez Goa | The penalty proceeding is dropped. The matter is disposed. |