APPEALS - 2006

Case Nos.Applicant Name Respondent Name Remarks
Appeal13=Police Jc Periera Dy.S.P and othersRatio:DG Police directed to issue instructions to APIOs ;Apellate Authority to pass speaking orders after hearing appellant
Appeal14-2006-MamCS BarretoMamlatdar, margaoRatio:Non-payment of application fee is remedial defect;Merely because compilation of requested info is difficult, info cannot be denied.
Apl23_06_Mines SS NaikPIO of MINESOnly docs listed u/s 7(5) have to be given free of charge if PIO does not issue within one month. Info cannot be denied if citizen does not meet PIO.
Appl11&16_2006_Police Pranay KamatPIO PoliceAPIO cannot refuse information
Appeal 24-06-DOTUsgao as Seva Society Vs DOTCommission does not have jurisdiction to compell public authority to do its legal duties under the Acts other than RTI Act
Apl8-2006-Police Anumawa Natekar SP SouthInformation is given and appeal is dismissed
Apl15-2006-PWD Alexinho Monserrate Ex. Engineer Div II, PanajiSection 6 (3), (6),: 7 (1) : 19(6) explained. Held that the respondents deliberately denied information notice for penalty issued
Apl 20-2006-DCF(N) Shrihari Kugaji DCF (N)Appeal is dismissed as the information is already provided.
Apl 9 & 10-M-2006-Police Joao Pereira S.P. (South)Complaint is dismissed.
Apl 13-M-2006-Police Joao Pereira S.P. Headquarters.Complaint is dismissed.
Appeal 31-2006-MMC Guiri S. Pai Raikar Margao Municipal CouncilAppeal is dismissed.
Appeal 32-2006-PAN C. S. Barreto V.P.AnjunaSCN has been issued to the PIO regarding penalty.
Appeal 34-2006-PAN C. S. Barreto V. P. Assagao.Appeal is rejected as information is provided.
Appeal 15-2006-PWD-P Alexinho Monserrate Public Works DepartmentProceedings are dropped against PIO as PIO was not involved in the present case E.E. has dealth with matter.
Appl7-2006-Sect PIO Vs Mr.VB Prabhu Verlekar: Ratio: The SPIO has no right of appeal against the I Appellate Authority as he is not an aggreived party under RTI Act
Apl18 & 19-2006-Police Joao Pereira SP SouthScope of Section 8 (1) (g) & (h) of RTI Act & Section 125 of Evidence Act examined.
Appeal 27-2006-Police Joao Pereira Police Dept. (south), Margao.SCN has been issued to the PIO.
Appeal 40-2006-PER Dr. M. N. Pal U. S. (Personnel)Appeal is rejected.
Appeal 33-2006-MAM Amar Naik Mamlatdar of SanguemAppeal is dismissed as time barred.
Appeal 35-2006-Sports Savita P. VelipDirecotrate of Sports, Panaji.SCN has been issued to the PIO regarding penalty.
Appeal 36-2006-ELECT J. T. Shetye Electricity Dept., Sub Div. I(U), Mapusa.PIO is directed to furnish the information within 15 days.
Appeal 27-2006-Police-P Joao C. Pereira Supdt. of Police (South)As the Commission has satisfied with the explanation given by the PIO to the SCN, proceedings are dropped.
Appeal 25-2006-Goa-IDC S. K. Agnihotri Goa Industrial Development Corporation.PIO is directed to furnish the correct information.
Appl 55-2006-Edu. Premanand G. Phadte Directorate of Education, Panaji.Appeal is closed as withdrawn.
Appeal 3/2006/DFS
Appl/12/2006 Dr E. Rodrigues Vs Director Education---Dismissed as withdrawn
Apl17-2006-Police Kapil L Sheth SP CIDPolice directed to give information except on one point where third party has to be given opportunity of hearing before deciding the matter
Appeal 9 & 10-2006-Police Joao C. Pereira SP (South)Appeal is allowed. Police department to pay compensation of Rs.1000/-.
Appeal 42-2006-CCP Shital S. P. Nachinolkar Corporation of City of PanajiAppeal is dismissed as withdrawn.
Appeal 38-2006-PAN Cosme Romaldo Silveira Dy. Director of Panchayats, Margao.Appeal is dismissed.
Appeal 41-2006-GCZMA Ligirio Pereira Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority, Saligao.Interim Order has been issued to the then Secretary of Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority, Dr. Varde.
Appeal 48-2006-Goa-IDC Uday M. Rege Goa Industrial Development CorporationSCN has been issued to the PIO regarding penalty.
Appeal21-2006-CCF Shrihari Kugaji Chief Conservator of Forest, PanajiChief Conservator of Forest is directed to furnish the information
Apl 22-2006-DCF(S) Shrihari Kugaji DCF (S)Appeal is dismissed as the information is already provided.
Apl 29-2006-ZP(S) Sushant Naik Zilla Panchayat (S)Appeal is dismissed as the information is already provided.
Appeal 28-2006-PAN C. S. Barreto Director of PanchayatAppeal is dismissed.
Appeal 30-2006-DTE John Philip Pereira Director of Technical EducationAppeal is partly allowed. The Respondent is directed to furnish the information.
Appeal 37-2006-PAN Jhon P. Pereira V.P. Secretary, Nagoa, Salcete.Appeal is dismissed as information is provided.