APPEALS - 2018

Case Nos.Applicant Name Respondent Name Remarks
Appeal 168/2016Xavier Sequeira, Sanguem-Goa1. The State Public Information Officer, The Chief Officer, Sanguem Municpio directed to furnish complete information
Appeal No.165/SCIC/2017Shri Praveen Shirodkar, Rosary Apartments, Miramar, Panaji Goa.PIO, Smt Gloria Abranches, Section Officer Personnel I, Secretariat, Porvostands closed.
appeal 160/2016Sandeep Heble, Taleigao-Goa1. Public Information Officer Sports Authority of Goa, Dr. Shyama Prasad MuPIO directed to provide information as sought by appellant
Appeal No. 257/SIC/2011Ganpat R. Sangodkar Agacaim, Goa1. The First Appellate Authority, The Registrar of Co-op. Societies,appeal proceedings disposed
Appeal No.89/SCIC/2017Fr Nonato Araujo, Near Canara Bank, Fatorda, Margao.Administrator of Communidade, Salcete, Margao Goa.Appeal disposed.
Appeal 198/sic/2012Kalpana V. KamatPublic Information Officer, Mormugao Muncipal Councilpenalty proceeding started
Appeal 182/2017Kashinath Tari, Mala Panaji1. PIO, Dy. Conservator of Forest, Panaji-Goaappeal is partly allowed. pio directed to furnish information. appeal disposed
Appeal 218/2017Fr. Nonato AraujoPIO, V.P. Loutolimappeal disposed proceedings stands closed
Appeal No. 216/2017Ali Makbal Shaikh1. Sudhir S. Kerekar, State Public Information Officer (PIO), Deputy CollecPIO directed to transfer RTI application to Mamlatdar Pernem. Appeal disposed.
Appeal 215/2017Shri Ali Makbul Shaikh, , CurchoremSudhir S. Kerkar, Deputy Collector and SDO, PernemPIO directed to transfer the RTI application. Appeal disposed.
Appeal No. 213/2017Shri Raghunath Shetkar, Tiswadi-GoaFAA, North Goa Planning and Development Authority, Panajiappeal disposed. proceeding stands
Mr. Datta G. D’Souza, ThroughDatta G. D Souza TiswadiPIO, Asst. Director of Transport (North) PanajiDirector shall conduct inquiry, carry out inventory of their record. Public authority may appoint Record Officer.
Appeal No. 187/2017Minaxi Sakate, KundaimThe Public Information Officer, Office of the Deputy Collector, Pondaproceeding closed
Appeal 178/2017Shri Jawaharlal T. Shetye Mapusa -Goa1) The Public Information Officer, Mapusa Muncipal Council Mapusapublic authority directed to implement provision of section 4(1)(a) and 4(1)(b) of RTI Act.
Appeal 163/2017Engineeer Rabindra A. L. Dias, TiswadiPIO, O/o. V. P. Sernabatimpenalty proceeding started.
Appeal 150/SCIC/2013Kalpana Kamat, VascoPIO, Superintendent of Police (South)appeal is disposed. showcause u/s 20 (1) issued to PIO
Appeal 94/SIC/2014Rajendra Haldankar, Panaji1. Deputy Secretary/ Public Information Officer, GPSCappeal partly allowed. PIO directed to provide information.
Appeal 231/2017Shri Shrikant S. Vengurlekar, Korgaon Pernem1. Public Information Officer, Directorate of Educationappeal disposed. proceeding stands closed
appeal 72/SIC/2015Bharat Kandolkar BardezPIO, Secretary V. P. Candolimappeal proceeding closed
appeal 72/SIC/2015Bharat Kandolkar, Bardez-GoaPIO, Secretary V. P. Candolimappeal proceeding closed
127/SIC/2013Kalpana Kamat, VascoPIO O/o. the Inspector of Survey & Land Recordsappeal disposed
Appeal 168/2016Xavier Sequeira, Sanguem-GoaPIO, Chief Officer, Sanguem Municipal CouncilPIO directed to furnish complete information. proceeding stands closed
Appeal 178/2017Jawaharlal T. ShetyePublic Information Officer, Mapusa Muncipal CouncilAppeal partly allowed
Appeal No. 180/2017Shri Jawaharlal T. Shetye Mapusa -GoaPublic Information Officer, Mapusa Muncipal Councilappeal partly allowed. showcause issued U/s 20(1) and 20 (2). Public authority directed to implement section 4(1)(a) and 4(1)(b).
Appeal 186/2017Sanjay Phatte, BardezPIO, O/o. Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Panajiappeal stands disposed as withdrawn
Appeal 186/2017Sanjay Phatte, BardezPIO, O/o. Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Panajiappeal stands disposed as withdrawn
Appeal 232/2017Vishranti VaigankarPIO, V. P. Santa CruzAppeal disposed
Appeal 55/2017Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO Hydrographic Surveyor, Panajiappeal proceeding closed
234/2017Kalpana Kamat, VascoDy. Superintendent of Police(Special Branch), Panajiappeal disposed proceeding stands closed
234/2017Kalpana Kamat, VascoDy. Superintendent of Police(Special Branch), Panajiappeal disposed proceeding stands closed
234/2017Kalpana Kamat, VascoDy. Superintendent of Police(Special Branch), Panajiappeal disposed proceeding stands closed
Appeal No.99/SCIC/2017Smt Urmila U Mainikar, PHQ, Alto Porvorim.FAA, Shri Shrikant B Pednekar, BDO, Bicholim.Appeal dismissed.
Appeal No. 133/SCIC/2017Antonia Michelle Abel, Bella Vista Aparts OCoqueiro Circle, Alto Porvorim.PIO, Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Altinho , Panajiproceeding closed.
Appeal No.88/SCIC/2017Fr Nonato Araujo, Nr Canara Bank, Fatorda, Margao.The Administrator of Communidade, Salcete, Margao.Appeal disposed. Penalty proceeding u/s 20(1) and 20(2) initiated on PIO Shri Keshav Naik.
Appeal No.89/SCIC/2017Fr Nonato Araujo, Nr Canara Bank, Fatorda, Margao.The Administrator of Communidade, Salcete, Margao.Appeal disposed. Penalty proceeding initiated u/s 20(1) and 20(2) to deemed Shri Keshav Naik PIO.
Appeal 150/SCIC/2013Kalpana Kamat, VascoPIO, Superintendent of Police (South)penalty proceeding started. appeal disposed
Appeal 94/SIC/2014Rajendra Haldankar, Panajideputy Secretary, GPSC, Panajiappeal is partly allowed. PIO directed to provide information.
Appeal 180/2017Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusadirected to implement section 4(1)(a) and 4(1)(b) of RTI Act.
163/2017Engineer Rabindra A. L. Dias, TiswadiPIO, V. P. Sernabatim Vanelim, Colva and GandaulimPenalty proceeding started
Appeal 190/2017Datta G. D Souza TiswadiPIO, Asst. Director of Transport (North) PanajiPenalty proceeding started
Penalty 47/2017Jawaharlal T ShetyePIO, Dy. Collector and SDO Mapusa Bardezpenalty proceeding closed. penalty not imposed
Penalty 49/2017Nitin Patekar, pernemPIO, Collector of North Goa District, Panajishowcause notice issued withdrawn. proceeding closed
Appeal 55/2017Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO Hydrographic Surveyor, Panajiappeal proceeding stands closed
Appeal 166/2017J. T. Shetye Mapusa-GoaPIO, Shri S. L. Ghate, Kadamba Transport Corporation LtdDirection given to comply section 4(1)(a) and 4(1)(b) of RTI act
Appeal 164/2017Engineer Rabindra A. L. Dias(PIO), O/o the Village Panchayat of St.Cruz,appeal partly allowed. Showcause issued u/s 20(1) and 20(2) issued
Appeal 185/2017Avelino Menino Furtado,Vishal Kundaikar, Mamlatdar of Salceteappeal disposed proceeding closed
appeal 217/2017Engineeer Rabindra A. L. Dias, TiswadiPIO,V. P. of Sernabatim, Colva, Gandaulim & Vanelim, Colva,appeal allowed, Showcause issued to PIO u/s 20 (1).
Appeal 234/2017Kalpana Kamat, VascoPIO, Dy. Superintendent of Police (Special Branch), Panajiappeal disposed. proceeding stands closed.
Appeal 184/2017Avelino Menino Furtado,Uday Prabhu Dessai, Dy. Collector and SDO, SalceteMatter remanded back to the FAA.
Appeal No.36/SCIC/2016Smt. Antonia Michelle Abel, Bella Vista Apts, Alto PorvorimFAA, Secretary, Goa Legislative Assembly, Secretariat, Porvorim.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.114/SCIC/2017Nelson Fernandes, Fernandes Bldg, Behind Cine Metropole, Margao.PIO, SGPDA, Margao.Partly allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.115/SCIC/2017Nelson Fernandes, Fernandes Bldg, Behind Cine Metropole, Margao.PIO, SGPDA, Margao.Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed.
appeal 238/2017Tukaram Appa PatilDy. Director of Accounts, Public Information Officer (PIO), Directorate oDirected to transfer the RTI application u/s 6(3) to Government Polytechnic.
appeal 238/2017Tukaram Appa PatilDy. Director of Accounts, Public Information Officer (PIO), Directorate oDirected to transfer the RTI application u/s 6(3) to Government Polytechnic.
Appeal 184/2017Avelino Menino Furtado,Uday Prabhu Dessai, Dy. Collector and SDO, Salcetematter remanded back to fAA
Appeal No. 111/SCIC/2017Sunil S. Gad, Nr Bharat Gas Depo, Merces, Vaddem, Vasco da GamaFAA, MMC, Vasco da Gama.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.197/2017/SCICM K Dessai, Goa Housing Board Complex, Pundalik Nagar, Porvorim.Edwin Colaco, Dy Supdt of Police Anti Narcotic Cell, PIO, PHQ, Panaji.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.53/SIC/2014Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Secretary Mapusa Jana Jagruti Samiti, Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Mahesh Goankar, Sub-Div Police Officer Mapusa Police Station MapusaAppeal stands disposed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.03/2017/SCICJoao C Pereira, Acsona, utorda, Majorda, Salcete.PIO, Registrar of District & Sessions Court, South Goa, Margao.Proceeding closed.
Appeal 10/2018Gabriel Rebello salceteDeputy collector and SDO Margaoappeal is disposed
141/sic/2015C. M. FernandesFAA Goa University, Bambolimappeal partly allowed. PIO directed to provide information
Appeal 189/2017Sushant NagvekarT. S. Sawant, Director of Information and Publicity, Panajiappeal disposed
appeal 217/2017Engineer Rabindra A. L. DiasPIO V. P. of Sernabatimappeal allowed. Showcause notice issued to PIO u/s 20 (1) of RTI Act
Appeal 189/2017Sushant NagvekarT. S. Sawant, Director of Information and Publicity, FAAappeal disposed
Appeal 235/2017Savitri Anjaneya Kote, DonapaulaPIO, State Registrar cum Head of Notary Services, Panajiappeal proceeding closed
Appeal No.87/SCIC/2017Anil Vishnu Candolcar, Laxmi Sneha Bldg, Opp Pai Hospital, Vadem, Vasco daManoj B. Arsekar,Municipal Engineer I, PIO, MMC, Vasco.proceeding closed.
Appeal No.53/SIC/2014Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Secretary Mapusa Jana Jagruti Samiti, Korlim, Mapusa.PIO Mahesh Gaonkar Sub Div police Officer,Mapusa Police Station.Appeal stands disposed.
Appeal No.48/SIC/2015C A Jyotendra Balaji Kamat, Opp Chowgule Flats , Mangos hill, VascoMember Secretary PIO, Mormugao Planning and Devp Authority Commerce CentreAppeal stands dismissed.
Appeal No.220/2017/SCICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Appeal stands dismissed.
Appeal No.223/2017/SCICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Appeal stands dismissed.
Appeal No.222/2017/SCICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Appeal stands dismissed.
Appeal No.74/SCIC/2017Santana Piedade Afonso, Comba Central Cuncolim, Salcete Goa.PIO, Office of Mamlatdar of Salcete Taluka, Margao.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.90/SCIC/2017Ganapati S Desai, HHF 45, 72 HIG Complex Nr Goa Housing Board Officer, AltoRamesh S Raikar, SPIO, Goa Housing Board, Alto Porvorim.Appeal partly allowed. Proceeding closed.
185/2017Avelino Menino FurtadoMamlatdar of Salcete,appeal disposed
Appeal 141/SIC/2015C M FernandesFAA Goa University, Taleigaoproceeding closed
Appeal 10/2018Gabriel Rebelo, SalceteDeputy Collector and SDO, Margaoppeal proceeding closed. Directed inquiry, inventory of record, and to appoint Record Officer.
appeal 140/2015Anil Govind NaikPIO Peoples Higher Secondary School, Panajiappeal partly allowed. Penalty proceeding u/s 20 (1) and 20 (2) started.
appeal 64/2017Narayan R. GawasPIO, Medical Superintendent cum Dy. Director,appeal is dismissed
Appeal 236/2017Ivan Francis FernandesFAA Chairman North Goa Planning and Development Authorityappeal proceedings stands closed
Appeal 09/2018/SIC-INazareth BarettoPIO, V.P. Rumdamol Davorlimappeal proceeding closed. Penalty proceeding started u/s 20(1) and 20(2).
Appeal No. 19/SIC/2014Premanand KauthankarPIO, Superintendent of Police panajiappeal partly allowed, PIO directed to provide information to appellant.
Appeal 214/2017Vishnu A. PriolkarPIO, Principal Sanjay School, Porvorimproceeding closed as information is furnished
appeal No. 167/2017/SIC-IMahesh KamatSanjay Ghate, PIO, KTC, Porvorimappeal disposed proceeding closed
Appeal 237/2017/SIC-IDr. Ashutosh Prabhu Dessai, PanajiPIO, Deputy Director IPHB, Bambolimappeal disposed. directed to conduct inquiry, carry out inventory of their record, and to appoint Record officer.
appeal 168/2017Engineeer Rabindra A. L. Dias, TiswadiPIO, Deputy Collector and SDO, Margaoappeal partly allowed
Appeal No. 35/2018/SIC-IShrikant Naik SimepurushkarPIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez-Goaappeal disposed proceeding stands closed
appeal 34/2018/SIC-IShrikant Naik SimepurushkarPIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez-Goaappeal disposed. proceeding stands closed.
Appeal 07/2018Siddesh SimepurushkarPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusaappeal partly allowed. penalty proceeding started
appeal 07/2018Siddesh SimepurushkarPIO, Administrator of Communidade, (North Zone) Mapusa
Appeal 31/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Dy. Director of Accounts, Panajiappeal disposed accordingly
appeal 129/2015Ms. Lida Joao, SalcetePIO, District and sessions court Margaoappeal proceeding closed. Penalty proceeding u/s 20 (1) initiated.
appeal 33/2018/SIC-IMahesh KamatSanjay Ghate, PIO, KTC, Porvorimappeal disposed proceeding closed
appeal No. 131/2015/SIC-ILida JoaoPIO District and Session Court Margaoappeal partly allowed. Directed to provide information.
appeal 57/2018/SIC-IShri Bapu Yeso alias Yeshwant VirnodkarPIO, Secretary Village Panchayat of Arambolproceeding closed. appeal disposed.
appeal 18/2018/SIC-ISavio Suraj Victoria, SanguemPIO Our lady of Fatima High School, Rivonaappeal Partly allowed. penalty proceeding started
Appeal 12/2018/SIC-IJesus VictoriaPIO, Our Lady of Fatima High School, Rivona Goaappeal partly allowed. Penalty proceeding started
Appeal No.25/2018/SCICUday A Chari, Mala, Panaji Goa.PIO, Dy Director ADM, IPHB, Bambolim.Appeal partly allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.110/SCIC/2017Narayan Anand Kharade, 104 A, Valley View, Plot B1, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.PIO, Department of Art and Culture, Patto, Panaji Goa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
appeal 13/2018/SIC-IJesus Victoria, Sanguem GoaPIO, Our Lady of Fatima High School, Rivona GoaAppeal partly allowed. Penalty proceeding started.
Appeal 38/2018/SIC-ISiddesh N. GawasSanjay Parab, PIO, Village Panchayat Secretary Navelim, Sankhalimappeal disposed proceeding closed
Vithal K. GaonkarPIO, Govt. High School ShigaoDy. Director of Education, Central Education Zoneappeal disposed proceeding closed
appeal 57/2018/SIC-IBapu Yeso alias Yeshwant Virnodkar pernemVillage Panchayat of Arambol, Pernemappeal disposed proceeding closed
appeal 131/2015/SIC-ILida Joao, Salcete-GoaPIO, District and session court, Margaoappeal partly allowed. PIO directed to provide information
Appeal No.220/2017/SCICDigambar P. Talkar, H.No.321, Chinch Bhatwadi, Mayem, Bicholim.The State Information Officer, Goa Tourism Dept Corporation,Paryatan BhavanAppeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.74/SCIC/2017Santana Piedade Afonso, Comba Central Cuncolim, Salcete Goa.PIO, Office of Mamlatdar of Salcete Taluka, Margao.Appeal dismissed Proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 210/SIC/2016Jawaharlal T. Shetye H No 35A, Ward No11 Khorlim, MapusaHead Clerk Mapusa Municipal Council ,MapusaAppeal case stands disposed
Appeal No.135/2017Mr Manjunath K. Mudyar Drarmapur Sirlim Salcete Goa.PIO V P Drarmapur Sirlim, SalceteDismissed as Withdrawn
Appeal No. 112/SIC/2013Ms Sonia Satardekar Socur PorvorimSPIO Executive Engineer, (TRG), Electricity Department PanajiDismissed as Withdrawn
Appeal No.104/SIC/2013Shri. J.T. Shetye Mapusa Jana Jagruti Samiti Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Under Secretary GA-1 General Administration Dept Secretaruat PorvorimThe Appeal is devoid of any merits and stands dismissed
Appeal No. 111/SIC/2013Ms. Sonia SatardekarSPIO Executive Engineer TRG Electricity Department Panaji GoaThe Appeal case accordingly stands Dismissed as Withdrawn
Appeal No.39/SCIC/2013Dr.Aureliano Fernandes Rosary Aparments Miramar GoaPIO Asstt. Registrar Teaching Goa University Taleigao Plateau Panajihe Appeal case accordinlgy stands Dismissed as withdrawn
Appeal No.131/SIC/2013Mr Edwin Marshal Alex Pereira Dandim Agassaim Tiswadi Goa.PIO Mamlatdar of Tiswadi Panaji-Goahe Appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No.08/SIC/2013Shri Dhananjay Anant Navelkar Mala Marutigad Panaji GoaPIO office of the Directorate of Archives PanajiThe Appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No. 29/SCIC/2013Mrs Joan Mascarenhas E D Souza Sodiem Siolim Bardez GoaPIO Dy Collector & SDM Mapusa Bardez GoaThe Appeal case stands dismissed as withdrawn
Appeal No.48/SIC/2013Shri J. T. Shetye Mapusa Jana Jagruti Samiti Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Chief Officer Mapusa Municipal Council Mapusa GoaThe Appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No.53/SIC/ 2013Engr Rabindra A.L. Dias Cujira St. Cruz Tiswadi GoaPIO Mamlatdar of Salcete Taluka Margao Salcete GoaThe Appeal is deovod of any meerits and stands dismissed
Appeal No.92/SIC/ 2012Harihar Chodankar Pedem Mapusa BardezPIO Secretary Village Panchayat Socorro Porvorim – GoaThe Appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No.108/SCIC/2013Subhash B. S. Jetha Junta House Mapusa Bardez GoaPIO The Secretary Village Panchayat Anjuna Caisua Bardez GoaThe Appeal case stands dismissed as withdrawn
Appeal No.109/ SIC/2013Sushant S Naik Virlosa Penha de Franca Bardez GoaPIO Joint Director Dt of Planning Statistics & Evaluation PanajiThe Appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No. 117/SCIC/2013Mr Kashinath Shetye Patto Ribandar Tiswadi GoaSPIO Executive Engineer TRG Electricity Department PanajiThe Appeal case stands dismissed as withdrawn
ApAppeal No. 117/SCIC/2013Mr Kashinath Shetye Patto Ribandar Tiswadi GoaSPIO Executive Engineer TRG Electricity Department PanajiThe Appeal case stands dismissed as withdrawn
Appeal No.128/SIC/ 2013Rabindra Dias Cujira St. Cruz Tiswadi GoaPIO Office of the Engineering College Farmagudi Ponda GoaThe Appeal is devoid of any merits and stands dimissed. Appeal proceeding closed.
Apeal No.136/2017Mr Manjunath K Mudyar Dandvaddo Drarmapur Salcete GoaPIO Village Panchayat of Drarmapur Sirlim Salcete GoaThe Appeal case stands dismissed as Withdrawn. Proceeding in Appeal case closed.
Appeal 289/SIC/2016Narayn D. Naik Savorfond Sancoale GoaPIO Village Panchayat Sancoale, Sancoale Goa.Appeal disposed. Appeal procedding closed.
Appeal 288/SIC/2016Narayn D. Naik Savorfond Sancoale GoaPIO Village Panchayat Sancoale Sancoale Goa.Appeal disposed. Appeal proceedings closed.
Appeal No.290/SIC/2016Narayn D. Naik Savorfond Sancoale GoaPIO Village Panchayat Sancoale Sancoale Goa.Appeal disposed. Appeal proceedings closed.
Appeal No.291/SIC/2016Narayn D. Naik Savorfond Sancoale GoaPIO Village Panchayat Sancoale Sancoale Goa.Appeal disposed. Appeal proceedings closed.
Apeal No.292/SIC/2016Narayn D. Naik Savorfond Sancoale GoaPIO Village Panchayat Sancoale, Sancoale Goa.Appeal disposed. Appeal proceedings clsoed.
Appeal No.293/SIC/2016Narayn D. Naik Savorfond Sancoale GoaPIO Village Panchayat Sancoale, Sancoale Goa.Appeal disposed. Appeal proceedings closed.
Appeal 294/SIC/2016Narayn D. Naik Savorfond Sancoale GoaPIO Village Panchayat Sancoale, Sancoale Goa.Appeal disposed. Appeal proceedings closed.
Appeal No.143/2017Mrs Siddhi Saidatta Shet Mashelkar Ghanemorod Xeldem QuepemPIO Goa Public Service Commission EDC House PanajiThe Appeal case stands dismisses as withdrawn. Appeal proceedings closed
AAppeal No.82/SIC/ 2012Shri Mahendra G. Pednekar Ruzai wado Duler, Mapusa-GoaPIO North Goa Communidades Bardez Mapusa GoaThe Appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No.96/SCIC/2017Kunda Kerkar, Goa Legislative Assembly, Porvorim.PIO, Smt Ligia Godinho, Under Secretary, Goa Legislative Assembly,PorvorimAppeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.201/SCIC/2017Rabindra A L Dias, Dr Pires Colony, Block B, Cujira, St.Cruz, TiswadiPIO, Office the Margoa Municipal Council, Margao Salcete Goa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.173/SCIC/2017Krishna N. Mayenkar, HNO 125, Karraswada, Mapusa, Bardez.The Secretary SPIO, VP of Penha De Franca, Britona, Bardez.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.174/2017/SCICShrikant Naik Simepurushkar, Flat No.F2, Ananta Apartment, Angod Waddo,MapPIO , Dy Collector and SDO, Mapusa Bardez.Dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.204/2017/SCICSushant Ramesh Shirwaiker, Nr Rosary Church, Aquem Baixo, Navelim SouthGoa.Chairman PIO, Kalpatar Co op. Housing Society, Aquem Baixo Navelim, Margao.Dismissed. Proceeding Closed.
Appeal No.05/2018/SCICSudesh P. Tivrekar, HNo. 198, Kasarwado, Kholim, Mapusa Goa.PIO, Sub Divisional Police Officer, Panaji -Goa.Appeal is partly allowed.
Appeal No.04/2018/SCICJawaharlal T. Shetye, Secretary Mapusa Jana Jagruti Samiti, Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Sub Divisional Police Officer, Panaji -Goa.Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.04/2018/SCiCJawaharlal T. Shetye, Secretary Mapusa Jana Jagruti Samiti, Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Sub Divisional Police Officer, Panaji -Goa.Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.172/SCIC/2017Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Secretary Mapusa Jana Jagruti Samiti, Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.102/SCIC/2017Shrikant Navelkar, Khalap Vaddo, Canca Bandh, Mapusa, Bardez.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.106/SCIC/2017Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Secretary Mapusa Jana Jagruti Samiti, Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMCDismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.171/SCIC/2017Jawaharlal T. Shetye, Secretary Mapusa Jana Jagruti Samiti, Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 90/ SIC/2013Shri Vijay Kumar Toppo Tropa Vaddo Sodiem Siolim BardezPIO Superintendent of Police North Porvorim Goa.The Appeal case stands dismissed as Withdrawn
Appeal No.51/SIC/2012Domnic DSouza Tropa Vaddo Sodiem Siolim-GoaPIO Superintendent of Police North Porvorim Goa.The Appeal case accordingly standsDismissed as Withdrawn
Appeal No:99/SCIC/ 2012Shri Francisco da Gama Ex Municipal Eng. Mazilwaddo Nagoa SalcettePIO Office of Chief Officer Cuncolim Municipal Council Cuncolim SapcetProceedings abate on death of the Appellant ans as such the appeal case stands closed
Appeal No. 147/2017Shri Jawarlal T.Shetye Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO Directorate of Social Welfare Panaji GoaAll proceedings in Appeal case stands closed.
Appeal 80/SCIC/2014Advocate Lourdes CoutinhoFirst Appellate Authority (FAA), Joint secretary (Law) LAppeal disposed . proceeding closed
Appeal No. 150/2017Joseph A. George Lourdes Colony Orlem Malad MumbaiPIO1 Dy. Collector & SDO South Goa Margao Salcete GoaThe Appeal case accordingly stands dismissed as Withdrawn
Appeal No. 49/2018/SIC-iSantosh Y. MandrekarPIO, Secretary Village Panchayat of MayemShowcause notice issued
Appeal No. 156/2017Shri Ligorio Pereira POA Joao e Pereira Utorda Margao SalcetePIO The Superintendent of Survey & Land Records Panaji Goa.The Appeal case stand disposed
Appeal No. 61/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, V. P. Secretarym V. P. Latambarcem, Bicholimappeal disposed. Proceeding closed
Appeal No. 40/2018/SIC-INarsinha Rathwad alias Kakankar,PIO, Deputy collector of Bardez, MapusaMatter disposed. Proceeding closed
appeal 191/2017/SIC-IMahesh Kamat, Fatorda-GoaPIO, Goa State Agriculture Marketing Board,
Appeal No.166/SIC/2012Shri. Bandhagit Nadaf Paes Avenue Building F L Gomes Road Vasco GoaPIO Dy. Collector Land Acquisition Office of Collector of North PanajiThe Appeal case stand disposed.
appeal 221/2017Jesus Victoria, Sanguem GoaPIO, Our Lady of Fatima High School, Rivona Goaappeal partly allowed. PIO directed to provide information.
Appeal 50/2018/SIC-IKum. Piedade F. D Souza, CandolimPIO, O/o. the Village Panchayat, Candolimappeal is partly allowed. Penalty proceeding started
appeal 95/2018Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Assistant Director (SC/OBC), Panajiproceeding closed. public authority directed to comply section 4(1)(a) and (b)
Appeal No.201/SIC/ 2016Mr. Diniz C. T. De Melo Nr Power House Carvalho Park Ascona, Benaulim Sal,PIO Addl. Director of Municipal Administration DMA PanajiThe said Appeal case accordingly is dismissed as withdrawn
Appeal No.160/SIC/2013Shri Yuvraj J. Shinde Nagargao Road, Near Bridge, Velus Valpoi SattariPIO Secretary Village Panchayat of Sancoale Mormugao GoaProceedings in Appeal case stands closed.
Appeal 230/2017/SIC-IKunda Kerkar, Porvorim-GoaPIO, Under Secretary , Goa Legislative Assembly, Porvorimappeal partly allowed. PIO directed to furnish information.
Appeal 83/2018/SIC-INevil Furtado, Salcete-GoaPIO, O/o the Additional Collector-II (Rev), SalcetePIO directed to furnish information. proceeding closed
02/2018Shivdas Harichandra Borkar, SalceteTome Carvalho, Cortalim-Goaappeal dismissed
appeal 11/2018/SIC-ITome Carvalho, CortalimPIO, Administrator of Communidade, Margaoappeal stands dismissed
Appeal No.229/2017/SCICDr N V Markande, E 69, Ganeshpuri Mapusa, Bardez Goa.PIO, Goa Housing Board, Alto Betim, Porvorim Goa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.24/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Sub Divisional Police Officer, Bicholim Police Station, Bicholi -Goa.Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.03/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Secretary Village Panachayat Calangute, Bardez.Penalty proceeding u/s 20(1)and 20(2) initiated.
Appeal No.212/SCIC/2017Dr Ms Kalpana V Kamat, Caldeira Arcade, 1st floor, Bhute Bhat, Vasco Goa.PIO Sucheta Desai,Vigilance, Office of the Sub Div PoliceOfficer, Panaji.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.198/SCIC/2017Minguel Fernandes, H No 1524, Vassvaddo, Benaulim, Salcete.Smt Jyoti J Sardesai, PIO, Dte of Food and Drugs Admn Bambolim.Appeal partly Allowed.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.112/SCIC/2017Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Smt Nazeera Sayad, MMC, Mapusa Goa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.211/2017/CICElvina Barreto, H No 553, Colsor, Galgibaga, Canacona.Sudesh K N Bhaireli, PIO Inspector of Survey and Land Records, Canacona.Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.51/2018/CICElvina Barreto, H No 553, Colsor, Galgibaga, Canacona.PIO, Superintendent of Survey and Land Records, Panaji.Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.224/2017/SCICSiddesh S Simepurushkar, Ananta Apartment, Angod Waddo, Bardez.PIO, Administrator of Communidades North Zone, Mapusa, Bardez.Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.225/2017/SCICSiddesh S Simepurushkar, Ananta Apartment, Angod Waddo, Bardez.PIO,Administrator of Communidades North Zone,Bardez.Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.226/2017/SCICSiddesh S Simepurushkar, Ananta Apartment, Angod Waddo, Bardez.PIO, Administrator of Communides North Zone, Mapusa.Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.54/2018/CICSiddesh S Simepurushkar, Ananta Apartment, Angod Waddo, Bardez.PIO, Administrator of Communides North Zone, Mapusa.Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.299/SCIC/2017Dr N V Markande, E 69, Ganeshpuri Mapusa, Bardez Goa.PIO, Goa Housing Board, Alto Betim, Porvorim Goa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding close.
Appeal No.28/2018/CICAgnelo J Dias , Torda, Salvador do Mundo, Bardez.PIO, Office of Chief Eng, WRD, Sinchai Bhavan, Porvorim.Appeal disposed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal NO.03/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Secretary Village Panachayat Calangute, Bardez.Appeal allowed. Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.24/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Sub Divisional Police Officer, Bicholim Police Station, Bicholi -Goa.Appeal partly allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.73/SCIC/2017Miss Elvina Barreto, H. NO.553, Colsor Galgibaga,Canacona.PIO, Dy Collector and SDO, Quepem Sub Div, Quepem.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.181/SCIC/2017Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, The Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal NO.202/SCIC/2017Shri Julio F Heredia, Cass Heredia, 353, Feitorim Piedade, DiwarPIO, GIDC, Panaji.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal 66/2018/SIC-ISuresh Bhonsle, Mala Panaji-GoaDy. Commissioner, PIO, Corporation of the City of Panaji, Panajito comply section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 .
Appeal No.72/2018/CICBharat L Candolkar, Vady, Candolim, BardezPIO, Dasharath Gawas, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa, Bardez.Appeal is partly allowed. Penalty proceeding initiated u/s 20(1) and 20(2).
Appeal No.39/2018Namdev G Shetgaonkar, Nr Cozy Hotel, Headland Sada, Vasco da Gama.The Mamlatdar, PIO, Pernem Taluka, Pernem.Appeal disposed accordingly.
Appeal No.96/SCIC/2017Kunda Kerkar, Goa Legislative Assembly, Porvorim.PIO, Smt Ligia Godinho, Under Secretary, Goa Legislative Assembly,PorvorimAppeal partly allowed. proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 66/2018/SIC-IShri Suresh A. BhonsleDy. Commissioner/ (PIO), Corporation of the City, Panajiappeal partly allowed
Appeal 6/2018/SIC-IUday R PoklePIO, Excise Department,appeal proceeding closed.
Appeal 88/SIC/2015Uday A. Chari Priolkar PanajiV. M. Salgaonkar Law College, PIOPIO directed to furnish information. Appeal is disposed.
Appeal 44/2018/SIC-IMr. Bharat L. Candolkar,PIO Secretary V. P. CandolimAppeal proceeding closed
appeal 45/2018/SIC-IMr. Bharat L. Candolkar, Vady, Candolim.PIO, The Secretary, Village Panchayat Candolimappeal proceedings stands closed
Appeal No. 71/2018/SIC-IRavindra A. L. Dias, TiswadiPIO, the South Goa Planning and Development Authority,appeal filed by appellant stands dismissed
Appeal No: 76/2018/SIC-IShri Shrikant S. Vengurlekar, H.No. 92, Deulwada, Korgaon, Pernem, Goa 40The Public Information Officer, Directorate of Education, Porvorim – GoaAppeal proceedings stands closed
Appeal No. 79/2018/SIC-IMr. Jesus Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem, Goa, Pin Code 403704PIO, Our Lady of Fatima High School, Rivona, Goa, Pin Code:- 403705Proceedings stands closed
Appeal No. 90/2018/SIC-ILigorio Barrato, H.2 Souza Enclave, Opp Osia Complex, Margao, 403 602PIO, South Goa Planning & Devlp. Authority,D-wing, Osia Arcade, Margao GoaAppeal stands dismissed
Appeal No. 98/2018/SIC-IShri Jawaharlal T. Shetye H.N. 35 A, Nr. Sateri Temple, Khorlim Mapusa GoaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa-Goa – 403507Appeal proceedings stands closed
Appeal No. 104/2018/SIC-IMr. Gautam Mandrekar, H. No. 257, Kattewada, Morjim, Pernem, Goa 403512PIO,The Secretary, Village Panchayat Verla Canca, Bardez-Goa-403510Appeal proceedings stands closed
Appeal No. 111/2018Shri Jawaharlal T. Shetye H.N. 35 A,Nr. Sateri Temple, Khorlim Mapusa Goa.PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa-Goa – 403507The Registry of this Commission is directed to open new penalty proceedings
Appeal No. 111/2018Shri Jawaharlal T. Shetye H.N. 35 A,Nr. Sateri Temple, Khorlim Mapusa Goa.PIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusa-Goa – 403507The Registry of this Commission is directed to open new penalty proceedings
Appeal No: 105/2018/SIC-IRaghu Gomes, GPA 6.3, A Type, Alto Porvorim, Goa 403 521.PIO, Mamlatdar, Tiswadi Taluka, Panaji – Goa.Appeal partly allowed
Penalty 57/2017Kum. Dr. Kalpana V. Kamat, VascoPIO, Mormugao Muncipal Council, Vasco-GoaPublic authority directed to pay compensation of Rs. 2000/-
Appeal 57/2017Lida Joao, Salcete-GoaPIO Controller of Examination, Goa University, TaleigaoAppeal dismissed. proceeding closed
appeal 121/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal proceedings stands closed
Appeal No. : 117/2018/SIC-IKishor P. Prabhudessai, Advocate and Notary, S.Goa, Cusman Appts,Quepem GoaPublic Information Officer, Office of Mamlatdar, Ponda, Goa – 403 401Appeal stands dismissed
Appeal No. 74/2018Dr. K. K. Nadkarni, 84, Bendwada, Sanguem-Goa 403704The Public Information Officer, Directorate of Accounts, Panaji-Goa 403001Appeal stands disposed as dismissed
appeal 129/2018/SIC-IGoona Shankar NaikPIO, Goa Education Development Corporation, Porvorimappeal stands disposed. proceedings stands closed
Appeal 129/2018/SIC-IGoona Shankar NaikPIO Goa Education Development Corporationl, Bardez-GoaAppeal stands disposed. Proceedings stands closed.
Appeal 123/2018/SIC-ITukaram Appa PatilPIO, Govt. Polytechnic Panajiappeal disposed. Proceedings closed.
Appeal 92/2018/SIC-IMinguel Fernandes, Salcete-GoaPIO, Mamlatdar of Salcete Taluka, Margaoappeal is disposed. Penalty proceedings started.
Appeal No. 140/2018/SIC-IAllan F. C. Andrade, Colva Salcete-GoaPIO, O/o. Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margaoappeal is disposed of. Ordered inquiry regarding missing of mutation case
Appeal 42/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal disposed. proceedings closed
Appeal No.41/2018/CICPrakash Dina Naik, Opp Malim Bar, Malim Betim North Goa.PIO, V P Se Old Goa Taluka Tiswadi, North Goa.withdrawal of appeal.
Appeal No.95/SIC/2014Gajendranath R Usgaonkar, Nr Central Bank of India, Housing Board, PorvorimPIO, Law Dept Legal Affairs, Secretariat, Alto Porvorim, Bardez.Appeal allowed. Penalty proceeding initiated under section 20(1) and (2) to Ms Pooja Phadte.
Appeal No.108/2018/CICNamdev G Shetgaonkar, Nr Cozy Hotel, Headland Sada, Vasco da Gama.Dy Collector & SDO, PIO, Pernem Sub Div, Pernem.Disposed.
Appeal No.62/2018/CICSubhash Narvekar, HNo 164 V Ganesh , Alto Duler, Mapusa, Bardez.PIO, Administrator of Devalaya of Bardez, Mapusa, Bardez.Appeal allowed. Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.47/2018/CICAdv Maria G Fernandes, Saldanha Business Towers, Mapusa Court Junction,PIO, The Secretary, V P Sangolda, Sangolda,Mapusa Bardez Goa.Appeal dismissed Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.48/2018/CICAdv Maria G Fernandes, Saldanha Business Towers, Mapusa Court Junction,PIO, The Secretary, V P Sangolda, Sangolda,Mapusa Bardez Goa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.94/2018/CICPapiha Dessai, HNo 75, Maloli, Nagargao Sattari Goa.PIO, V P Secretary, Village Panchayat Nagargao, Sattari.Appeal stands disposed.
Appeal No.122/2018/CICBapu Yeso allias Yeshwant Virnodkar, Girkawada Kepe, Arambol, Pernem.Amalia O F Pinto, SPIO, Jt Mamlatdar 1 of Pernem Taluka, Pernem.Appeal stands disposed.
Appeal No.152/2017/CICJoe Tauro, Bonny Fernandes, HNo 1288, Nr Blue lagoona Baman Vaddo,Siolim.Rajesh Naik, Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Department, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 164/2017Engineer Rabindra A. L. Dias, TiswadiPIO, O/o the Village Panchayat of St. Cruz, TiswadiAppeal partly allowed. Showcause u/s 20 (1) and 20 (2) of RTI Act, 2005 issued.
Appeal No.01/2018/CICInacio C Dias, Cavorim, Chandor, Salcete Goa.PIO, Mrs Ulka Bandekar, Asst Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Panaji.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.103/2017Anthony J DSouza, HNo 1193, Anna Vaddo, Ximer, Candolim, Bardez.PIO, Office of V P Candolim, Bardez.Appeal dismissed.
Appeal No.37/2018/CICSuryakant B Naik, HNo 25W1, Cuchelim, Mapusa, Bardez.PIO,Dy Director of Panchayats North, Junta House, Panaji.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.60/2018/CICPandurang Porob, H No 61, Shapora, Anjuna, Bardez Goa.Pradeep S Naik, Chief Officer FAA, Municipality Bicholim Goa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.117/SCIC/2017Sudesh P Tivrekar, HNo 198, Nr Govekar Bakery, Khorlim, Mapusa.PIO, GHRC, Old Education Dept Buldg, 1st flr, 18th June Road, Panaji.Appeal is dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.199/SCIC/2017Rabindra A L Dias, Dr Pires Colony, Block B, Cujira, St.Cruz, TiswadiPIO, Office of Mamlatdar of Salcete Taluka, Panaji.Appeal is partly allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal NO. 188/2017Engineeer Rabindra A. L. Dias, TiswadiPIO, The Deputy collector-I and SDO , Margaoappeal partly allowed, Penalty proceeding started.
Appeal No.16/2018/CICJesus Victoria, Hno28, Khairkatem, Sanguem GoaThe State Information Officer, Asst PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem GoaAppeal stands disposed
Appeal No.15/2018/CICJesus Victoria, Hno28, Khairkatem, Sanguem GoaThe State Information Officer, Asst PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem GoaAppeal stands disposed
Appeal No.14/2018/CICJesus Victoria, Hno28, Khairkatem, Sanguem GoaPIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Appeal is Partly Allowed. Proceedings Closed
Appeal No. 88/2018/SIC-IMathew CardozDeputy Collector and SDO, Margao-Goathe appeal partly allowed. directed to conduct inquiry.
appeal 132/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mr. Narayan Karekar , Shantivan Smashan Bhumi, Mapusaappeal proceedings stands closed
Appeal 63/2018/SIC-IPrajakta D. Goltekar, Block Development Officer, BardezVijay Kinalkar Village Panchayat Secretary, SaligaoAppeal disposed, proceeding closed
Appeal No. 132/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Shantivan Smashan Bhumi, Khorlim, Mapusaappeal proceeding closed
Appeal 159/2018/SIC-IJalesh J. Kamat, MapusaPIO, North Goa Planning and Development authority, Malaappeal disposed. proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 153/2018/SIC-IAntonio Gomes, Salcete-GoaPIO, Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao-GoaPIO directed to furnish information. proceeding closed.
appeal No. 157/2018/SIC-IAntonia Gomes, SalcetePIO, Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao-GoaInquiry of missing file directed. Public authority O/o. the Mamlatdar Salcete directed to do inventory of record.
Appeal No. 59/2017Pradeep Mono Naik DesaiPIO, Administrator of Comminidade, South Zone Margaoappeal proceeding closed
Appeal No.68/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Dy Director of Accounts, Directorate of Accounts,Panaji GoaAppeal Dismissed, Proceeding closed
Appeal No.70/SCIC/2016Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Dy Collector & SDO, Mapusa, Bardez GoaProceeding closed
Appeal No.68/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Dy Director of Accounts, Directorate of Accounts,Panaji GoaAppeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.17/2018/CICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.97/2018/CICMaria Regina Cardozao, 19 Ravrora Cotta Chandor, Salcete.PIO, Ofice of Mamlatdar, Mathany Saldanha Bldg, Margao.Penalty proceeding initiated to the then PIO u/s 20(1) and 20(2).
Appeal No.19/2018/CICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Appeal allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.58/2018/CICUday Ramnath Pokle, Flat No8, Commercial Complex, Valpoi Goa.Gloria Abranches, PIO, Personnel Dept, Secretariat, Porvorim.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.70/SCIC/2016Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Dy Collector & SDO, Mapusa, Bardez GoaProceeding closed.
Appeal No. 151/2018/SIC-IShrikant S. Vengurlekar, Pernem-GoaPIO, Vikas High School, Pernem-GoaAppeal disposed. Proceedings closed.
Appeal 165/2018/SIC-IShri Sadanand NarvekarPIO, BDO-I, Bardez, MapusaAppeal disposed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 114/2018/SIC-IAnirband Tarafder, West BengalPIO, Additional District Magistrate, MargaoAppeal partly allowed. PIO is directed to furnish information .
Appeal No. 136/2018/SIC-IBharat Candolkar, BardezPIO, Sanjeev Joglekar, GCZMA, Porvorim, GoaShow cause notice to Public Authority issued.
Appeal No. 143/2018/SIC-IShrikant S. VengurlekarPIO, Vikas High School, Pernemappeal disposed. proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 144/2018/SIC-IShrikant S. Vengurlekar, Pernem-GoaPIO, Vikas High School, Pernemright of appellant to file appeal or complaint is kept open.
Appeal 147/2018/SIC-ITukaram Appa PatilPIO, Administrator of Communidades, North Zone, Mapusa-GoaAppeal is disposed off.
appeal No. 163/2018/SIC-INarsinha Rathwad alias Kakankar,FAA, Superintendent Engineer II, PanajiAppeal disposed. proceeding stand closed.
Appeal No. 78/2018/CICJawaharlal T Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Appeal Disposed
Appeal No. 110/2018/CICJawaharlal T Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Appeal stands disposed, proceeding closed
Appeal No 113/2018/CICJawaharlal T Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Appeal stands disposed, proceeding closed
Appeal No.58/2018/CICUday Ramnath Pokle, Flat No.8, Commercial Complex, Valpoi Goa.Gloria Abranches, PIO, Personnel Dept, Secretariat, Porvorim.Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.19/2018/CICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Appeal allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal NO.17/2018/CICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.97/2018/CICMaria Regina Cardozao, 19 Ravrora Cotta Chandor, Salcete.PIO, Office of the Mamlatdar, Mathany Saldanha Building, Margao.Appeal allowed. Penalty proceeding u/s 20(1) and 20(2) initiated to the then PIO. Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.210/2017/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.FAA, The Chief Officer, MMC, Mapusa.Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.209/2017/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Appeal stands dismissed. Proceedings closed.
Appeal No.135/2018/CICSudan Fati Naik Gaonkar,Paradise on Earth, Near PDA Colony, Alto Porvorim GPIO, Uday C Gaunker,Damodar Higher Secondary School, Gudi Paroda,Quepem GoaAppeal Stands Disposed. PEnalty proceeding initiated U/s 20(1) & 20(2) proceeding closed.
Appeal No.46/2018/CICJawaharlal T Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed
Appeal NO.75/2018/CICShashikant P NarvekarThe Dy Town Planner,office of Sr TP, TCP,North Goa District,Mapusa GoaAppeal disposed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 36/2018/CICGanapat V Sidhaye, Add Hno 45, Matvwado, Britona Bardez GoaPIO, Town and Country Planning Dept, Mapusa GoaProceeding closed
Appeal 180/2018/SIC-IMr. Egidio Branganza, MapusaPIO, Secretary of V. P. Calangute, GoaAppeal allowed. Penalty proceeding u/s 20(1) and 20(2) are started
Appeal No. 170/2018/SIC-INitin Patekar, pernemPIO, O/o. Directorate of Panchayat, Panajiappeal partly allowed. PIO directed to furnish information to appellant.
appeal 182/2018/SIC-INarsinha Rathwad alias Kakankar,PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez-Goaappeal partly allowed. PIO directed to furnish information to appellant.
appeal 187/2018/SIC-IMrs. Lucy D Mello, Bardez-GoaPIO, Village Panchayat of Calangute, Bardez-Goaappeal allowed. Penalty proceeding started.
Appeal No.171/2018/SIC-IIShri Rajeev GomesPIO, V.V.M’s Govind Ramnath Kare College of Law, Margao.Proceedings in present second Appeal stand closed.
Appeal No.149/2017 (CH-2)Shri Suryakant B. NaikPIO, Government Polytechnic Panaji, Altinho, Panaji, GoaThe Appeal case accordingly stands ‘Dismissed as Withdrawn’
Appeal No. 154/2018/SIC-IIShri Jawaharlal T. Shetye,PIO, Under Secretary to Hon’ble Minister for Urban Devpt.,SecretariaThe Appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No: 148/2018/Shri Kenneth Ian Stewart Silveira,PIO, Office of the Addl. Secretary (GAD), Secretariat, Porvorim GoaThe appeal case stands disposed.
Appeal No. 145/2017Shri Sushant P. NagvenkarPIO, Under Secretary (Estt.), Law Department, Secretariat, Porvorimthe Appeal case accordingly stand disposed.
Appeal No.158/SIC/2013Shri Sainath GaonkarPIO, Superintendent of Police (North), Porvorim,the Appeal being devoid of any merit accordingly stands dismissed.
Appeal No. 295/SIC/2016Narayan D. Naik,PIO, Administrator of Communidades, Communidade Building, South Zone,MargaoAs information as available has been furnished, Nothing survives in the Appeal which stands disposed.
Appeal No. 216/SIC/2016Adv. Vaman S. GaitondePIO, Secretary, V.P Calangute, Bardez - GoaThe Appeal case stands disposed.
Appeal No. 126/2017Shri Jawaharlal T. Shetye,PIO, Dy. Collector & SDO, Bardez, O/o. the Dy. Collector & SDO, MapusaAll proceedings in the Appeal case stand closed
Appeal No.125/SIC/ 2013Mr.Caridade FernandesPIO, Village Panchayat of St. Cruz, Tiswadi Goa.The Appeal case is devoid of any merits and is dismissed.
appeal 189/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, MapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal partly allowed. FAA directed to be vigilant henceforth.
appeal 189/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, MapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal partly allowed. FAA directed to be vigilant henceforth.
appeal 189/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, MapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal partly allowed. FAA directed to be vigilant henceforth.
appeal No. 183/2018/SIC-IVithal Kusta Gaonkar, Curchorem-GoaAlpa Dessai, PIO, then Headmistress Govt. High School, Shigaoappeal stands dismissed.
appeal No. 126/2018/SIC-IPeter Paul D Souza, BardezPIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Arpora-Nagova, Bardezdirected to conduct inquiry, and appropriate proceedings against the per responsible . appeal proceeding closed
appeal 173/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal is partly allowed. FAA directed to be vigilant.
appeal 174/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal partly allowed, FAA directed to be vigilant.
Appeal No. 263/SIC/2016Mr. P. Vincent DiasPIO, Administrator of Communidades, Communidade Building South Zone MargaoNothing survives in the appeal case which accordingly stands disposed
appeal 127/2018Peter Paul D Souza, BardezPIO, Village Panchayat Arpora Nagova, Bardezappeal partly allowed. Penalty proceeding started.
appeal 125/2018/SIC-IPeter Paul DSouza, BardezPIO, Secretary, Village Panchayat of Arpora Nagova, Bardezappeal partly allowed. Penalty proceeding started.
appeal 152/2018/SIC-IShrikant S. Vengurlekar, Pernem-GoaPIO, Vikas High School, Pernemappeal disposed.
complaint 46/2018/SIC-IKapil Phadte, Comba MargaoPIO Asst. Director of Transport (North), O/o. Directorate of transport,Complaint is not maintainable. complaint is dismissed
appeal No. 195/2018/SIC-ISiddesh SimepurushkarPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusaappeal allowed. Penalty proceeding started.
Appeal 211/2018/SIC-IMr. Alysius Azaredo, MumbaiPIO, O/o. Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority, Porvorimappeal proceeding stands closed.
Appeal No. 123/SIC/2013Engr. Rabindra Dias,PIO, /o Directorate of Technical Education, Porvorim GoaNothing further survives in the appeal case which accordingly stands disposed.
Appeal No. 102/ 2018/SICSiddesh SimepurushkarPIO, Administrator of Communidade, (North Zone), Mapusa, BardezThe Appeal case accordingly stands Dismissed as Withdrawn
Appeal No.63/SIC/ 2013Shri J. T. Shetye,PIO,Chief Officer, Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa GoaAll proceedings in Appeal case also stand closed
Appeal No.143/SIC/2013Shri J. T. Shetye,PIO, The Chief Officer Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa GoaAll proceedings in Appeal case also stand closed
Appeal No.144/SIC/ 2013Shri J. T. Shetye,PIO, The Chief Officer Mapusa Municipal Council, Mapusa Goa.As information has been furnished, Nothing further survives in the Appeal case which accordingly stands disposed.
Appeal No. 239/SIC/2016Franky Monteiro,PIO, Directorate of Vigilance, Altinho, PanajiAll proceedings in Appeal case also stand closed
Appeal No.172/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Appeal disposed. Penalty Proceeding initiated u/s 20(1) and 20(2) on the then PIO.
Appeal No.170/2017/SCICDasharath S Naik, H No556, Thorlem Bhat, Dongri Tiswadi Goa.PIO, Office of the Mamlatdar, Tiswadi , Panaji.Appeal dismissed.
Appeal No.169/2017/SCICDasharath S Naik, H No556, Thorlem Bhat, Dongri Tiswadi Goa.PIO, Office of the Mamlatdar, Tiswadi , Panaji.Appeal dismissed.
Appeal No.87/SCIC/2017Anil Vishnu Candolcar, Laxmi Sneha Bldg, Opp Pai Hospital, Vadem, Vasco daPIO, Manoj B Arsekar, Municipal Engineer I, Margao Municipal Council.Proceeding closed. Momugao Municipal Council to pay the appellant a sum of Rs 3000/- as compensation
Appeal No.84/SCIC/2017Suraj Borkar, H No 705, SBI colony, Alto Torda, Porvorim, Bardez.PIO, Dy Supdt of Police, HQ, North, Porvorim.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.27/2018/SCIC/Julio F Heredia, 353, Casa Heredia, Piedade DiwarPIO, GIDC, Panaji.Proceeding Closed.
appeal 199/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal is disposed off. directed to conduct inquiry, inventory and directed to appoint Record Officer.
Appeal No. 200/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) Mapusaappeal proceeding closed. Penalty proceeding u/s 20(1) and/or 20(2) started.
Appeal No. 199/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaAppeal is disposed. Directed to conduct inquiry, inventory of record, and appoint Record Officer.
Appeal No. 206/2018/SIC-IGrenville Dias, Salcete-GoaPIO, Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration, Bambolimappeal proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 225/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, MapusaAppeal is partly allowed. PIO directed to provide correct and complete information.
Appeal No. 137/2018/SIC-IBharat Candolkar, BardezPIO, GCZMA, Porvorimappeal proceedings stands closed.
Appeal No. 212/2018/SIC-ISubash G. NarvekarPIO, Administrator of Devalaya of Bardez, MapusaAppeal proceedings disposed and closed accordingly.
Appeal 188/2018/SIC-IJawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal proceeding stands closed
Appeal No.36/SCIC/2012Nevil Furtado, H No 51, Copelwaddo, Sernabatim, Salcete Goa.PIO, Office of the GCZMA, Saligao Goa.Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.227/2017/CICDesmond Noronha, H No937, Nr Rachol Seminary, Bacbhat, Raia, Salcete.PIO, Secretary V P of Curtorim, Salcete.Appeal dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.179/2017/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, MMC, Mapusa.Appeal disposed. Penalty proceeding initiated u/s 20(1) and 20(2).
Appeal NO.202/SCIC/2017Julio F Heredia, 353, Casa Heredia, Piedade DiwarPIO, GIDC, Panaji.Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.36/2018/CICGanapat V Sidhaye, Add Hno 45, Matvwado, Britona Bardez GoaPIO, Town and Country Planning Dept, Mapusa GoaAppeal partly allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.87/2018/CICDeu Hiru Naik, hno 9, Matyem, Sancoale, Cortalim Goa 403710Dy Director of Panchayat, South Goa Margao-Goa, 403601Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.43/2018/CICNevil Furtado, H No 51, Copelwaddo, Sernabatim, Salcete Goa.PIO, Office of Village Panchayat of Colva, Salcete GoaProceeding closed.
Appeal 135/2015/SIC-IUday A. Chari Priolkar1) Dy.Registrar (Tech)/PIO. RCSAppeal is dismissed.
Appeal No. 220/2018/SIC-I Shobha Sawant Dessai, QuepemDirector, FAA, Directorate of Health Services, Panajiappeal partly allowed
Appeal 201/2018/SIC-IJoao C. Pereira, GoaDr. Edwin Gomes, Goa Medical College & Hospital, Bambolimappeal proceeding closed.
appeal 213/2018/SIC-INigel Gonsalves, MumbaiPIO, Asst. Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Mapusa-Goaappeal allowed. Showcause notice u/s 20(1) and /or 20(2) issued.
Appeal No. 226/2018/SIC-IDr. K. K. Nadkarni, Sanguem-GoaPIO, Directorate of Accounts, Panajiappeal disposed proceedings closed.
appeal No. 219/2018/SIC-INilesh DabholkarPIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez and administrator of Devalayas,appeal disposed
appeal No. 247/2018/SIC-INevil Furtado, Salcete-GoaPIO, O/o. Sub Divisional Police Officer, Margaoappeal disposed as withdrawn
appeal 123/SIC/2015Bharat Candolkar, BardezPIO Mr. K. Ashok Kumar, TCP Department, Mapusa,appeal dispose off
appeal No. 241/2018/SIC-IMr. Ramesh Pandurang Naik, Old goaPIO, Tiswadi Zonal Agricultural Office, GoaProceeding closed
Appeal No.80/2018/CICJesus Victoria, Hno28, Khairkatem, Sanguem GoaPIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.56/2018/CICRamesh S Kerkar, H No 355, Muddawaddi, Saligao, BardezVikas S N Gaunekar, Addl Collector I, FAA, North Goa District, Panaji.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.21/2018/CICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.21/2018/CICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.20/2018/CICSavio Suraj Victoria, 28, Khairikatem, Sanguem.PIO, Miracles High School, Sanguem Goa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.193/2018/CICRahul Basu, 204 Nagalli Hills, Streets 3 Lane 1, Dona Paula Goa.PIO, Dte of Mines and Geology, Panaji Goa.Appeal allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.142/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Mamlatdar of Bardez, Mapusa.Appeal stands dismissed.
Appeal No.209/2017/CICRahul Basu, 204 Nagalli Hills, Streets 3 Lane 1, Dona Paula Goa.PIO, Dte of Mines and Geology, Panaji Goa.Appeal allowed.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.161/2018/CICVinesh V Arlenkar, Shraddha Niwas, H No B50, Vidya Enclaves, Porvorim.SPIO, Dy Director of Vigilance, Dte of Vigilance, Altinho, Panaji.Appeal allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.162/2018/CICVinesh V Arlenkar, Shraddha Niwas, H No B50, Vidya Enclaves, Porvorim.SPIO, Dy Director of Vigilance, Dte of Vigilance, Altinho, Panaji.Appeal allowed. Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.32/2018/CICJawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Head Clerk Mr Uday Salkar, MMC, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.197/CIC/2018Yogesh P Raythatha, Shop No 3, Seagull Appts, B G. Road Near Market, PanajiPIO, Coop Tribunal Goa, Dr Vaidya Hospital Bldg, 3rd flr, Market, Panaji.Appeal stands dismissed. Proceeding closed.
Complaint No.13/SCIC/2017Vishal V Bandekar, CA 1 11, Sapana Gardens, Porvorim, Bardez.Chetan Shirodkar, PIO and Secretary, V P Soccorro, Bardez.Proceeding closed.
appeal No. 230/2018/SIC-INitin Patekar, pernemPIO, Office of directorate of Panchayat, Panjimappeal partly allowed
Compliant No. 26/SIC/2014Vaikunth V. Parab GaonkarUnder Secretary/PIO, C.S. Secretarit, Porvorimproceeding closed
appeal No. 194/2018/SIC-ISiddesh SimepurushkarPIO, Administrator of communidade, (North Zone) MapusaAppeal allowed. Penalty proceeding started.
Appeal No. 53/2018/SIC-IVithal K. Gaonkar, GoaNamrata Gaonkar, PIO Govt. High School Shigao, Goaappeal disposed.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 53/2018/SIC-IVithal K. Gaonkar, GoaNamrata Gaonkar, PIO Govt. High School Shigao, Goaappeal disposed.Proceeding closed.
Appeal 233/20117Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal partly allowed. Penalty proceeding started.
Appeal 233/20117Jawaharlal T Shetye, mapusaPIO, Mapusa Muncipal Council, Mapusaappeal partly allowed. Penalty proceeding started.
Appeal 233/20117
Appeal No.133 2018 SIC-IIShri Pratap A. MardolkarPIO Office of the Block Development Officer Mormugao Vasco da GamaThe Appeal case accordingly stands dismissed as Withdrawn
Appeal 235/2017Savitri Anjaneya Kote, DonapaulaPIO, State Registrar cum Head of Notary Services, Panajiappeal partly allowed. Public authority directed to carry out inventory of their records.
Appeal No. 93/2018/SIC-IIJulio Filipe de HerediaPIO EDC House Panaji Goathe appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No.82/2018/SIC-IIPeter Paul D SouzaPIO The Secretary Village Panchayat of Arpora-Nagoa Bardez Goathe Appeal case accordingly stands disposed.
Appeal No.123/2017Mrs Doreta SilveiraPIO Mr. Devdasan A. Executive Engineer Div. IV Electricity Department AquemAppeal is devoid of any merit and stands Dismissed
Appeal No.184/2018/SIC-IIMiss Elvina BarretoPIO Gloria Abranches Section Officer Personnel Department Secretariat PorvoProceedings in the Appeal case stand disposed
Appeal No: 120/2018/SIC-IIBavikara Abdulla MohammedPIO Goa Tourism Development Corporation Limited Paryavaran Bhavan PanajiAll proceedings in Appeal case stands closed
Appeal No.23/2018Shri Francis D MelloPIO (1) Administrator of Communidade, Near Mapusa Court, Bardez-Goaall proceedings in Appeal case stands closed
Appeal No.141/2018/SIC-IIShri Mahesh KamatPIO Shri Sanjay Ghate Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd. Atlo Porvorim GoaThe Appeal case stands Dismissed as Withdrawn
Appeal No. 63/ SIC/2012Smt Betty AlvaresPIO Commissioner of Corporation of the City of Panaji Panaji-Goaall proceedings in Complaint case stands closed
Appeal No.171/2018/SIC-IIShri Rajeev GomesPIO Shri C.J. Prasannakumar V.V.M’s Govind Ramnath Kare College MargaoSecond Appeal case stands dismissed as having been rendered infructuous
Appeal No.149/2017 CH-2Shri Suryakant B NaikPIO Government Polytechnic Panaji Altinho Panaji GoaThe Appeal case accordingly stands Dismissed as Withdrawn
Appeal No. 154/2018/SIC-IIShri Jawaharlal T ShetyePIO Under Secretary to Hon’ble Minister for Urban Development PorvorimWith the directions the appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No 148/2018Shri Kenneth Ian Stewart SilveiraPIO Office of the Addl. Secretary GAD Secretariat Porvorim GoaWith the directions the appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No: 08/2018Shri Estifano D MelloShri Francis D Mello Pilerne Moica Vaddo Bardez GoaSecond Appeal is not maintainable and accordingly stands dismissed.
Appeal No. 145/2017Shri Sushant P NagvenkarPIO Shri Mukund G Khandeparkar Under Secretary Estt. Law DepartmentWith the directions the Appeal case accordingly stand disposed
Appeal No.73 2018 SIC-IIMr. Uday R. NaikPIO, Chief Engineer, W.R.D.Sinchai Bhavan, Nr Police Station Alto PorvoriAccordingly the order of the FAA is hereby quashed and set aside and the matter is remanded back to the present FAA.
Appeal No.164/2018/SIC-IVinod Palkar alias Martins, H No 172A, IDC Bldg, Nauxim, Bambolim.PIO, V P Secretary, V P Bambolim Talaulim, Tiswadi.Appeal dismissed, Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.69/SCIC/2016Jawaharlal T. Shetye, H No 35A, Ward No 11, , Korlim, Mapusa.PIO, Administrator of Communides North Zone, Mapusa.Appeal disposed. Penalty preceeding initiated u/s 20(1) and 20(2) on the Clerk.
Appeal No.118/SCIC/2017Hilaro Lobo H No 190, Volvaddo, Pilerne, Bardez Goa.PIO, Administrator of Communides North Zone, Mapusa.Proceeding Closed.
Appeal No.49/SIC/2012Nevil Furtado, H No 51, Copelwaddo, Sernabatim, Salcete Goa.PIO,V P Colva, Colva, Salcete Goa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 256/2018/SIC-IShambhu Madhukar ParabPrincipal, PIO, Xaviers Higher Secondary School & College,Appeal stands disposed
Appeal No.129/2019/CICRabindra A L Dias, Dr Pires Colony, Block B, Cujira, St.Cruz, TiswadiPIO, Supdt of Survey and Land Records, Mathany Saldanha Admn Margao.Dismissed.
Appeal No.22/2018/CICSarvesh R Khandolkar, Carmi Bhat, Merces, Tiswadi.PIO, Dy Suptd of Police, HQ North, Porvorim.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.166/2018/CICRabindra A L Dias, Dr Pires Colony, Block B, Cujira, St.Cruz, TiswadiPIO, Secretary, Panchyat of Colva, Serbatim, Gaundalim and Vanelim, Colva.Appeal stands dismissed.
Appeal No.167/2018/CICRabindra A L Dias, Dr Pires Colony, Block B, Cujira, St.Cruz, TiswadiPIO, Secretary, Panchyat of Colva, Serbatim, Gaundalim and Vanelim, Colva.Proceeding dismissed.
Appeal NO.89/2018/CICBernardo Fernandes, HNO 5 118A, Cobravaddo, Calangute, Bardez.PIO, V P of Calangute, Bardez Goa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.119/2018/CICAnjani Gopta Tilnaik, Vazarwada Podocem, Poriem, Sattari.FAA, Shri Pradeep Naik, Dy Collector and SDM, Bicholim.Appeal Dismissed.
Appeal No.192/2017/SCICFrank G Rodrigues, H No1903, Soncrem, Shiroda, Ponda Goa.PIO, Dy Collector and SDO, South Goa Margao.Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.108/SCIC/2017Jose Maria de J G Godinho, Model Millenium Vistas, Caranzalem.PIO and Headmaster, Our lady of Health High School, Cuncolim.Proceeding closed.
AppealNo.116/2018/CICYeshwant J Mahale,H No 29 B 3,Jamkhal , Karaswada, Mapusa.PIO, Administrator of Communides North Zone, Mapusa.Appeal stands dismissed as withdrawn.
appeal No. 182/2017Kashinath Tari, Taleigao GoaiPIO, North Goa Planning and Development authority, Panajiappeal is disposed off. directed to issue Showcause notice to PIO and Public Authority.
appeal no. 59/2018/SIC-INixon Furtado, SalcetePIO, sub Divisional Police Officer, Margaoappeal proceeding closed.
appeal No. 158/2018/SIC-IShri Perpetuo A.R.Fernandes,PIO, Village Panchayat Candoim, Bardez-GoaAppellant directed to file first appeal before FAA.
Appeal No. 248/2018/SIC-ISousa Leonardo CaetanoPIO, O/o. the Mamlatdar of Tiswadi, PanajiAppeal disposed proceeding closed.
Appeal No.103/2018/CICMr Siddesh S Simepurushkar, Flat No F2, Ananta Apt, Angod Waddo, Mapusa.PIO, Administrator of Communides North Zone, Mapusa.Appeal disposed.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.149/2018/CICSebastian Cardoso, Red Room Apt, 2nd flr, HNo429, Hotel Silver Sands ColvaThe Secretary, PIO, Panchayat of Colva, Sernabatim, GandaulimVanelim Colva.Dismissed.
Appeal No.150/2018/CICSebastian Cardoso, Redroom Apts HNo429 Hotel Silver Sands, Colva.The Secretary, PIO, Panchayat of Colva, Sernabatim, GandaulimVanelim Colva.Dismissed.
Appeal No.91/2018/CICSuraj J Behere, HNo41GL149, Nr Govt High School, Headland Sada, Mormugao.PIO, Saklu Velip, Head Clerk APIO, Dte of Mines and Geology, PanajiProceeding closed.
Appeal No.52/2018/CICMr F Lesseps Fonseca,3,ChrisEd Coop Housing Society Ltd, Borivili W, MumbaiPIO, BDO I and II, Bardez, Mapusa.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.64/2018/CICRamchandra Manjrekar, 452, Tisca, Usgao, Ponda Goa.PIO, Dte of Transport, Panaji.Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.65/2018/CICRamchandra Manjrekar, 452, Tisca, Usgao, Ponda Goa.PIO, Dte of Transport, Panaji.Disposed.
Appeal No.128/2018/CICRabindra A L Dias, Dr Pires Colony, Block B, Cujira, St.Cruz, TiswadiPIO, off of Supdt of Survey and Land Record, MSA Complex, Margao.Appeal stands dismissed.
Appeal No.186/2018/CICJoao C Pereira, HNo 40, Acsona, Utorda, Majorda, Salcete.PIO, Sub Div Police Officer,Margao.FAA, Suptd of Police South, Margao.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.185/2018/CICJoao C Pereira, HNo 40, Acsona, Utorda, Majorda, Salcete.PIO, Sub Division Police Officer, Vasco da Gama.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No.158/2017/SCICMr Siddesh S Simepurushkar, Flat No F2, Ananta Apt, Angod Waddo, Mapusa.PIO, The Collector of North.Appeal disposed.
Appeal No.22/2018/CICSarvesh R Khandolkar, Carmi Bhat, Merces, Tiswadi.PIO, Dy Supdt of Police, HQ, North, Porvorim.Proceeding closed.
Appeal No. 240 SIC 2016Vinod Kumar Agarwal Mansarovar Park Shahdra Delhi 110 032PIO Dy. Resident Commissioner Goa Sadan 18 Amrita Shergil Marg New DelhiAll proceedings in the Appeal case stands disposed
Appeal No. 184/2017Avelino Menino FurtadoUday Prabhu Dessai, Dy Collector and SDO, Salcete-GoaMatter remanded back to FAA, Both respondent directed to be vigilant.
Appeal No. 244 2018 SIC IIShri Vassudev GaudePIO Institution of Goa Lokayukta RibandarFAA has not any Order of First Appeal accordingly remands the matter back to FAA
244 2018Vasudev S. Gaude,Usgaon,Ponda GoaPIO,Institution of Goa Lokayukta, Ribandar GoaNo intervention with Order of FAA. Appeal accordingly dismissed
244 2018Vasudev S. Gaude,Usgaon,Ponda GoaPIO,Institution of Goa Lokayukta, Ribandar GoaAppeal accordingly dismissed.